Goat breed La Mancha

Amazing goats of La Mancha became famous due to their unusual appearance, and affectionate and complaisant character gained popularity among farmers around the world.

  1. Exterior Features
  2. Productivity figures
  3. Benefits and features of breeding lamanches
  4. Feed ration
  5. Breeding of offspring

Козы Ламанча

Goats of La Mancha

Exterior Features

The appearance of short-eared goats of the La Mancha breed is often associated with Spanish agriculture in the province of La Mancha. less American farmers are not ready to give the palm and insists They say that the breed, in its modern guise, saw the light of day thanks to their efforts.

The name and official recognition of the La Mancha goat were obtained in America in 1958.

The breed of these animals has established itself as a friendly and affectionate, characterized by a balanced character.

Characteristics of the description of appearance defines these pets as representatives with a large constitution of physique and strong limbs. They have a straight face. The body is covered with short, soft-touch hair.

The main breed character, which is included in the description of the standard breed of goats Lamancha, are their small ears, which can be:

  • dwarfish, called “elf ears” up to 5 centimeters in length rather thin, pointed or slightly lowered at the tips, with a small cartilage, in the photo and video these ears resemble the ears of fairy elves,
  • corrugated – no more than 2.5 centimeters in size, they have no cartilages or bends , and the ears themselves are close to the head.

The color of the coat of goats of the La Mancha breed can rirovatsya from dark shades of brown to white pitch. In some cases, spots are released on the cover of goats, which is not a pedigree defect.

In the size of goats, the La Mancha breed reaches up to 0.75 meters and gain weight up to 60 kilograms. Goat goats grow at the withers to 0.8-0.85 meters and increase body weight to 65, in rare cases, up to 80 kilograms.

Another distinguishing feature of the general characteristic of the appearance of goat goats is the large size of the udder.

Productivity Figures

Goats of the La Mancha breed are similar in age to other goat representatives, capable of breeding from eight to nine months of age. The farmers usually plan the first mating of goats when they reach 1.5 years and try to choose the autumn period for this.

1.5 months before the offspring are born, the goat is recommended to stop milking so that the animal’s body accumulates as many substances as are necessary for future healthy offspring. Do this gradually, reducing milk yield by the number of approaches and volume.

The duration of gestation of offspring by lacquers is five months. The very first lamb of goats brings one at most two cubs. Subsequently, females can annually bring from 3 to 5 kids.

Goats lamancha – a highly milk-producing breed. The average milk production of its representatives is fixed in the range of 4-5 liters daily. There is a record holder that gives up to 8 liters of milk per day. Goat milk is on average 4 percent fat.

Advantages and features of breeding lamanches

The breed of goats Lamancha, according to reviews of Russian farmers, became interesting to many thanks to its advantages:

  • representatives are not distinguished by selectivity in the feed ration,
  • goats easily adapt to new places of detention,
  • animals do not have a sharp smell specific to many breeds,
  • the compliant disposition of lavenches allows them to be friendly side by side with other animals,
  • products from lavenders are in demand on the agricultural market, and high prices goat productivity makes the breeding process cost-effective,
  • high fertility rates ensure a steady increase in the number of livestock.

To increase milk production rates when breeding the Lamancha goat breed, farmers recommend creating comfortable keeping conditions for animals :

  • organize an individual stall for each individual,
  • equip wooden deck chairs in the stalls,
  • maintain cleanliness in the stable and provide the goats with dry litter,
  • adhere to room temperature I’m animals no lower than 5 degrees.

With a properly balanced diet and basic requirements for keeping the La Mancha goats, health problems in this breed are extremely rare.Among the main difficulties that the farmer may encounter during the breeding process:

  • mastitis,
  • intestinal disorders,
  • hoof diseases.

Breeding and selling lambs are carried out all over Russia, mature individuals are on sale, young animals can also be bought.

Who are you, LAMANCHA? / Features of the breed / 3 part
Goat lamanca
Unique goat’s lavender

Fodder ration

Active and quite active by their nature goats of La Mancha do not refuse to walk in the pasture. They go to natural fattening at the onset of spring, ending grazing after the grass dries in the fall.

The first goat walking in the pasture should be planned on a well-warmed hill.

In the main feed ration should include:

  • fresh herbs,
  • vegetables that are cut raw or boiled up to three kilograms per head per day,
  • hay as the main energy source in winter, which contains dried chamomile or alfalfa, while chamomile b favorably affects milk productivity indicators,
  • barley straw and oatmeal as additional additives to the main diet, but not more than two kilograms per head per day,
  • bean and cake are given to animals no more 0.3-0.5 kilograms per day.

Animal access to water should be provided constantly, especially in the hot season.


Goat Lamancha independently cope with lambing, not having difficulties during childbirth. When keeping young animals, the air temperature is maintained at least 12 degrees. For newborns, the kids are equipped with a separate stall.

Initially, during ten days, the kids are drunk from the bottle, gradually transferring to drinking from a bowl.

Born kids of the La Mancha breed with ears longer than five centimeters do not go for further breeding.

After ten days from the moment of birth, the goats of the La Mancha breed are introduced into the feed porridge diet, a little later – hay and dry foliage. It is recommended that the feed ration be changed to a new type of food gradually, since when the kids go over to coarse feed, digestive system disorders of young animals are often observed.

Farmers in a hurry to bring very active and playful kids to the open air.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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