Characteristics of the variety of cucumbers Grasshopper

The Grasshopper variety of cucumbers is of interest to many site owners.

  1. Feature
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care
  5. Watering
  6. Loosening
  7. Feeding <
  8. Garter <
  9. Pests and diseases
  10. Conclusion

Характеристика огурцов сорта Кузнечик

Characteristics of grasshopper cucumbers


Grasshopper – early ripening variety of cucumbers, bred by Mytishchi breeders.

The first fruits of the hybrid are harvested on 38-39 days after the appearance of sun od.

The bush is parthenocarpic – it does not require pollination by bees. The planted plant in May-June in greenhouses and in open areas of the soil (depending on climate).

The variety has a high yield: up to 14 kg of cucumbers are harvested from 1 sq. m. The bush bears fruit until autumn frosts.

Description of the bush

The plant is of an identinant type, has only female flowers, forms a strong creeping stalk, reaching 1.5-2 m in length. Lateral branches are few. The leaves are dark green, divided into 5 segments, with a small fluff. In nodes, 2 to 6 ovaries form. Pouring cucumbers in a bunch sequential.

Description of the fruit

Vegetables of a cylindrical shape, bright green in color, with white stripes, have a ribbed surface. The tubercles are small, dense, and the thorns are also white. Pubescence is frequent. The fruit is long – up to 15 cm, diameter – up to 3.5 cm. The mass of cucumbers is 90-110 g.

Harvested at intervals of 1-2 days, when the cucumbers reach a size of 7 cm. When untimely harvesting inside vegetables cavities form, the contents dry out.

Cucumbers are separated from the stem by scissors.

There is no bitterness in the fruits – Grasshopper F1 is suitable for salads, pickling and pickling.

According to the description, this variety cucumbers have a good effect on the excretory system and kidneys, and have a therapeutic effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. It contains a small amount of sugar, therefore it is recommended for people with diabetes. It is used as a dietary product.


With proper care, the crop bears fruit well. To increase productivity, you need to:

  • water it in time;
  • loosen the soil;
  • feed it;
  • create vertical trellises.


Watering the plant is necessary under the root

Watering is done regularly with warm water. It is carried out in the evening, when the topsoil dries up. It is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not erode the roots.Also, it should not fall on the leaves of the bushes.


Loosening the soil is carried out while there are open areas of land. It should not be too deep. After the stems grow, this procedure is not necessary. Weeds are also removed during crop growth.

Top dressing

The soil for the cucumber variety Grasshopper must be saturated with nutrients. For this, compost is introduced into the soil before planting. The plant prefers loose, drained soil. The pH level for it should be from 5.5 to 6.8.


In order for the culture to develop and grow properly, it is worth equipping it with trellises, then the fruits will not to lie on the ground. They will also be provided with good illumination, since cucumbers like a sunny or slightly shaded place.

Pests and Diseases

The Grasshopper Hybrid is resistant to common diseases. Among them:

  • powdery mildew;
  • olive spot;
  • cucumber mosaic virus.

From peronosporosis culture possesses average security. This fungal disease occurs due to cool weather and insufficient lighting. Also, waterlogging or watering with cold water leads to its occurrence. Infections are most susceptible to plants in greenhouses. For prevention, Ridomil Gold, Profit.

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When the bushes are affected by peronosporosis, the damaged areas are primarily removed. They are burnt or buried.

To control the pest use spraying with fungicides. Soap solution with soda is environmentally friendly. To prepare it, 25 g of soda and 5 g of liquid soap are diluted in 5 l of hot water. After cooling, the funds are treated with the upper layer of soil and plants. The procedure is repeated after a week.


The cucumber variety Grasshopper has established itself on the positive side and has already won many fans. Gardeners liked it because of its high yield and disease resistance.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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