Rules for processing cucumbers from diseases

Cucumbers are a vegetable crop that is very demanding on temperature conditions, watering, it is easily affected by fungal and viral diseases. They, in turn, shorten the growing season, affect the quantity and quality of the crop. Preventive treatment of cucumbers from diseases, timely diagnosis and treatment will help to avoid losses.

  1. Powdery mildew
  2. Signs <
  3. Prevention and treatment
  4. Powdery mildew
  5. Signs <
  6. Prevention and treatment
  7. Gray rot
  8. Signs
  10. Fusarium
  11. Signs of <
  12. Prevention and treatment
  13. Pests and control of cucumbers
  14. Alternative methods
  15. Home fungicides
  16. Conclusion

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Processing rules about Urts from diseases

You need to start by identifying the symptoms that correspond to a specific disease, then choose the most effective drug and treat it. In addition to the toxic compounds produced by the chemical industry, to a greater or lesser extent, there are many remedies for cucumbers. We will get acquainted with the main diseases of culture and methods of dealing with them.

Powdery mildew


The disease most often develops in cloudy cool weather. The first signs are white spots on the leaves, resembling flour. Over time, their number increases, they merge, affecting the entire sheet.Ultimately, the leaves dry out, the lashes cease to grow and bear fruit.

Powdery mildew affects plants that receive nitrogen in excess, are deficient in moisture. You can prevent the development of the disease by eliminating the favorable conditions. Helps prevent mildew from being damaged by proper crop rotation, destruction of plant debris.

Prevention and treatment

The treatment of cucumber shoots with Topaz is effective at the initial stage of the disease. This systemic fungicide is also used for prevention at the beginning of the growing season. It has the following advantages:

  • is rapidly absorbed by plants, so there is no risk of rinsing;
  • has a high speed and duration of action: it infects the pathogen for 2-3 hours and retains a therapeutic effect 2 -2.5 weeks;
  • well tolerated by most garden crops;
  • low consumption rates.

Topaz is used in the treatment of other diseases: fruit and gray rot, rust, purple spots, etc.

To prepare the working solution, the contents of the ampoule (2 ml) are dissolved in 10 l of water. How much to spend depends on the phase of development of the plant and the degree of disease damage. One ampoule is enough on average to process 1 hundred parts.

False powdery mildew


The appearance of a plant with peronosporosis (downy mildew) is indicated by the appearance of a large number of light yellow spots that have an oily surface. A plaque forms on the back of the sheet plate. Then the leaves turn yellow, acquire a brown tint and dry. Buds and flowers turn black and fall.

Like other fungal diseases, peronosporosis is more likely to occur after rain. It can be provoked by watering cucumber beds with cold water. A disease can destroy a bush in a week. The disease spreads very quickly in the greenhouse.

Prevention and treatment

Heat the seedling trays. Seeds of cucumbers must be etched (you can Epin), planting is carried out in disinfected soil. If you do not allow:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • waterlogging of air and moisture on the leaves;
  • thickening of plants
  • and water cucumbers with warm water, then the risk of developing downy mildew will be minimized.

Fungicides, for example, Ridomil, have a good preventive and therapeutic effect. The cucumbers and soil are treated with a soap-soda solution. For treatment, the procedure is repeated several times with an interval of 7 days. Before spraying, it is necessary to remove and burn damaged leaves, shoots, otherwise the effect of the use of drugs will be reduced to zero.

Gray rot


If you follow the rules for decay, you can avoid

Infection affects all parts of the plant: roots, leaves, stems, flowers, fruits are covered with brown spots with gray spore-containing plaque. By the wind they are transferred to neighboring bushes, beds. The danger of gray rot is that it quickly spreads among vegetables, berries, garden plants.


In addition to observing crop rotation and basic rules for caring for cucumbers, to avoid lesions with gray rot should be sprayed with fungicides (Fitosporin, 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid), a solution prepared from 1 glass of ash, 1 glass of chalk, 1 tsp. vitriol and 10 liters of water.



The disease is caused by fungi that affect the entire plant. Leaves begin to fade. The bush may die if measures are not taken. The danger of fusarium is that it can not be diagnosed immediately. Seeds or seedlings may be infected. The disease manifests itself during the flowering and fruiting period. The sooner they find it, the less harm it can do. If the vessels of the leaf, stem are affected, they acquire a brown color.As soon as the first signs of wilting are manifested, such a diagnosis is carried out. After that, they immediately begin treatment.

Prevention and treatment

Start with seed preparation. Gardeners speak well of Fundazole, Previkura. Two days before transplanting, the soil is treated with biological products. After you need to spray the seedlings:

  • suitable biological products Trichodermin, Bactofit, Trichophytum;
  • to increase immunity, seeds and seedlings are treated with Humisol;
  • at the initial stage of the disease use drugs Quadris, Gymnast, Acrobat.

A solution of whey with the addition of copper sulfate (per 10 liters of water 4 liters of serum and 1.5 tsp vitriol) also helps.

Pests of cucumbers and their control

Often the reason that the leaves of the cucumbers turn yellow, become stained and dry out is the pests. Most often, the culture is affected by aphids, spider mites, whiteflies. Pests can become carriers of dangerous diseases of vegetable crops.

Aphids and ticks settle on the back of the leaf. They pierce the plant tissue and feed on its juices, as a result of which the described symptoms appear. The defeat of cucumber bushes with a tick is evidenced by a barely noticeable cobweb. The size of the insects is very small: aphids up to 2 mm, tick – 0.5 mm. The appearance of whiteflies can be recognized by dark spots on the leaves: it secretes sugary substances on which sooty mushrooms settle.

It is possible to prevent the occurrence of pests if weeds are destroyed in a timely manner, the soil is decontaminated in the spring, before sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings. Pest larvae hibernate in plant debris.

For the prevention and control of insects, cucumbers need to be treated several times with insecticides: Fufanon, Intavir (Inta-Vir), Aktara, Bi-58. It has been established that pests can become addicted to the active substance, therefore it is advisable to change the preparations for repeated treatments.

Alternative methods

Home fungicides

Folk remedies for processing are safe for humans

Industrial fungicides can be dangerous to plants, insects, animals and humans. The use of pharmacy drugs, “home” remedies is becoming increasingly popular.

Folk remedies

How to treat cucumbers from diseases:

  • mullein infusion (1 kg per 3 l water, stand 3 days, drain, add another 3 liters of water);
  • sour milk (mixed with water 1: 1);
  • baking soda with laundry soap (diluted 50 g in 10 liters of warm water).

The treatment is carried out at least 2-3 times with an interval of 1 week.


Gardeners share the experience of preventive and therapeutic spraying with furacilin.An inexpensive drug that is used to use for gargling, treating wounds, will help cope with powdery mildew. To do this, cucumbers need to be treated with a solution prepared from 10 tablets and 2 liters of hot water (tablets do not dissolve well in cold). For prevention, you can take 10 liters of water for such a number of tablets.


In the fight against various types of bacterial and fungal diseases of cucumbers, spraying with Metronidazole (an analog of Trichopolum) will help. Preventive treatments are carried out with a preparation prepared from 1 g of Trichopolum (4 tablets) and 10 l of warm water (some gardeners add a bottle of greenery). For treatment, the concentration is tripled: 3 g (12 tablets). Handle so that the liquid penetrates into the affected area. A less concentrated solution is also suitable for root watering.


Many hosts use alternative pest control agents instead of insecticides. Cucumbers are treated with garlic. The tincture is prepared as follows:

  • chop the cloves;
  • pour water in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • I insist in a dark place for 7-10 days.

To spray the cucumbers, take 50 ml of tincture in a bucket of water. For better adhesion add laundry soap or detergent. Processing cucumber beds with garlic will also help against fungal diseases.

Connoisseurs recommend spraying with tar soap, which in itself has deterrent properties.


One of the most common questions that gardeners have is how to efficiently process cucumbers if the leaves turn yellow? You need to start by establishing the cause: which disease or pest caused the symptom. Only then apply the appropriate measures

The trading network offers many drugs for the treatment of cucumbers. You can choose fungicides and insecticides of industrial production or use alternative methods. You need to take care of the health of the vegetable beds long before planting, paying due attention to preventive measures.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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