Description of the scarlet Mustang tomato

Every year, gardeners are faced with the question of which variety to choose for this year for planting, because it must be with good yield indicators, and the fruits are large, and most importantly – juicy. Tomato Scarlet Mustang is the kind of tomato that fits all characteristics.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages
  5. Growing rules
  6. Conclusion <

Описание томата Алый Мустанг

Description of the tomato Scarlet Mustang

Variety characterization

Reproduction takes place by sowing seeds or seedlings.Moreover, many experienced gardeners recommend propagating such a variety only with seedlings, so there is more chance of getting maximum yield.

It is difficult to say that the tomato Aly Mustang has a large percentage of yield. If you properly care for the bushes and maintain the optimum temperature, you can get a large percentage of yield, but there are periods that even with excellent care, the bushes are nothing do not produce 1-2 fruits. The variety was bred in the Russian Federation, in Siberia, and entered the official register for planting in open ground and in greenhouses in 2014.

Description of the plant

Description of the bush deserves attention. This type of bushes is powerful and will grow by 1, 9 m. There are not many leaves on the bush, tomato Scarlet Mustang can sometimes look much less often than other representatives of tomatoes.

The description says that the brushes of the variety are not very developed, in on average, they have 5-8 fruits.The inflorescence is not complicated, begins after 6-9 leaves, and then occurs after 2. Leaves of a dark green shade with a slightly pronounced edge. Strong rhizome with central horizontal development.

The bush needs to be tied up, as there can be more than 10 pieces on one branch. The branch doesn’t stand this, so it needs to be constantly supported.

Description of the fruit

Tomato Aly Mustang is popular among gardeners, it has an interesting shape and excellent taste, which I was able to surprise and conquer many experts. The fruits have a bright saturated red color. The structure is dense and large, one fruit weighs from 150 to 250 g. Inside, a juicy tomato with delicate pulp. This type is suitable both for fresh use and for conservation. Experts say that the pulp is not suitable for juice.

All fruits are oblong and long, in shape strongly resemble a sausage with a slight ribbing. Fruits can reach 23 cm, the skin is smooth, and in no case does it crack.

Three-chamber fruits, a large percentage of solids, experts say. Fruits can be stored for a long time and during long-term transportation do not lose their presentation.


The fruits of this the varieties are well transported and stored for a long time

Highlight the following positive characteristics of the scarlet Mustang tomato:

  • for a long time;
  • easily tolerates transportation;
  • matures quickly;
  • tasty and fragrant;
  • unique shape.

The disadvantages include the fact that the variety produces the maximum yield , only under warm nailing conditions. It’s practically not suitable for open soil, and if the summer was cold, then 65% of Mustang’s yield will be small, and many fruits simply will not ripen to the end and will wither.

Growing rules

Tomato Scarlet Mustang can be planted for seedlings in early March and early April. It is also necessary to prepare seeds for planting. You need to soak it in a special solution for about 30 minutes, and then transplant it into any damp cloth to take root.

Planting takes place in one large bowl or container no deeper than 1 cm, and stick between plants see. A container with soil and seeds must be covered with a film so that the first sprouts appear. Do not forget that it is necessary to cover the container with a film so that it is constantly wet inside. As soon as the first two leaves appear, the film must be removed immediately. One week before direct planting, you need to prepare a plant for this.

At the time of planting, all seedlings should be larger than 20-30 cm. Plant a plant at a distance of 55 cm on open ground. Constantly water and fertilize every week.


The plant has an immune system that can resist all diseases, but nevertheless it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis before planting. Use any preparation convenient for you and lower for 20 minutes. Only after that make a transplant.

Mustang is a plant that is suitable for any territory and can withstand any temperature changes, most importantly – do not forget to water it every week.Description and characteristics say that tomatoes have a strong aroma, so they will a great choice for every gardener.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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