Growing zucchini Aral F1

Zucchini Aral F1 is one of the few early-ripening varieties that is unpretentious in the care and planting. The vegetable has a number of positive properties, which Do not make it popular among gardeners.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the fruit
  3. Yield <
  4. Area of ​​application of the fruit
  5. Resistance to diseases and pests
  6. Advantages and disadvantages varieties
  7. Growing
  8. Planting <
  9. Care <
  10. Errors in growing
  11. Harvesting

Выращивание кабачков Арал F1

Growing zucchini Aral F1

Characteristics of the variety

Zucchini grow on medium-sized bushes, from one you can collect 4-5 fruits. The plant is almost not woven, has medium internodes, and, which is convenient for harvesting, it is half open.

Description of the fruit

The fruits are similar to each other – they have approximately the same length and weight. The shape of the vegetable is cylindrical. The mass of one fruit is 500-800 g, the length is 16-18 cm, and the diameter is at least 6 cm.

The peel is of medium thickness, has a pleasant light green color. There are many small white blotches on it. The grade of zucchini Aral has a tender, tasty and dense pulp. There are large seeds inside the vegetable that are easy to get rid of.

If the fruits are picked on time, they can be stored for more than 4 months. The skin and pulp contain many vitamins and minerals. At 95%, zucchini is made up of water. They contain 0.6% protein, 2.55% sugar and 0.13% fat.

The pulp contains B vitamins, as well as vitamins C, E, K, and PP. It is useful for hair growth. Of the trace elements in the composition of the culture are magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, silicon, copper and iron. Their total content is 5%.


The characteristics of the variety indicate that Aral f1 is a high-yielding species. Ovaries quickly form on the bush.Even if the first crop was harvested, after a while it will be possible to take the next one.

With proper planting and proper care, the crop yield per 1 sq. Km. m can be up to 10 kg, and from 1 ha you can collect 500 kg of fruits. If we compare this species with others, we can conclude that it is the most fruitful of all early ripening varieties of zucchini.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Zucchini Aral f1 have a large scope . Vegetables contribute to good digestion, restore water-salt metabolism, due to fiber they can absorb toxins, salt, bad cholesterol. They are eaten for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases and disorders of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, gall bladder.

The description of the pulp of these fruits suggests that it has a moisturizing effect and heals wounds, so zucchini are used even in medicine and cosmetology.

Vegetables have a slight diuretic effect, therefore they are recommended for swelling.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The plant has immunity volume to diseases

A huge plus of the Aral F1 variety is that the bushes and fruits are resistant to both diseases and pests.The plant has immunity to root rot and mold, watermelon mosaic virus and yellow zucchini mosaic, and this is a guarantee of long-term productivity and long storage of vegetables.

The plant is resistant to pests, but can still be attacked by insects. To avoid this, select careful care in advance for the crop.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

If the plant has a short growing season, it is unpretentious for planting and care, and its fruits have a good taste and are stored for a long time. Gardeners will definitely pay attention to it.

The advantages of the variety are:

  • zucchini varieties Aral early on. Just a month after planting, mature fruits that can be harvested appear on the bushes;
  • the plant is highly resistant to various viral and bacterial diseases, which is why it has regular fruiting;
  • many fruits are tied on one bush, so the variety is characterized by high productivity;
  • the bushes bear fruit well in different areas and under different weather conditions;
  • the crop after harvest can be stored for more than 4 months.

There are several drawbacks to the variety. The fruits are susceptible to attacks by different insects, so they need to be processed periodically. They have large seeds that must be removed before cooking. If the fruits are picked a little ahead of schedule, they will quickly deteriorate.


When a person has decided on the choice of crop and variety that he wants to plant, you need to figure out how to do it so that the plant develops well.


For the culture, you should choose the right place. The south side is suitable for her, so that enough light and heat gets on the plant. For planting, the ground must warm up well. It is advisable to carry out the work in late spring or early summer.

You can plant Aral zucchini in two ways.

The first involves the direct planting of seeds in heated soil. In this case, there is no guarantee of the appearance of early fruits, but with seeds less trouble. Pre-prepared and pickled seeds are sown in soil with a temperature of 12-14 ° C in late May – early June. Seedlings will be noticeable in a few days, and the crop itself can be harvested in July.

Seeds are planted before planting in a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. The soil does not require special preparation, except for abundant watering. Seeds are lowered shallow, 3-4 cm.

The second method is seedlings. Here you need to calculate the time, because seedlings will sprout a month. Seeds are spread on a damp cloth, where they are left for 3 days. The fabric needs to be periodically soaked. Then the contents must be put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, because this is how the plant appears immune to frost.

Seeds must be hardened before planting

After these procedures, the seeds are transplanted into small pots or other containers. Peat pots are ideal.

Seedlings are abundantly watered and covered with foil for 30 days. After a month, you will notice that sprouts have sprouted, which can be safely moved to the open ground and abundantly watered. After 2 weeks, they will begin to bloom, and the first fruits will appear in mid-June.


Be sure to water the Aral varieties. When shoots appear, in addition to watering, the earth needs to be loosened a little and weed. Moisturizing should be done carefully: young plants are moistened not at the root, but indented from it, and about 1 bucket of warm water per week is spent on it.

When the fifth leaf appears in the bushes, the fruits grow up, because this forms an additional root system. During flowering, it is better for plants to add mineral fertilizing. During the fruiting period, use those fertilizers that contain potassium and phosphorus, but without chlorine.

If the bush has many leaves, half of them are removed. To protect the plant from pests, its leaves can be sprayed with boric acid and sugar.

Growing errors

It happens that the fruits may not set or start to turn yellow. This happens if they do not have enough light and heat or the pollination of flowers has not occurred.To avoid such incidents, it is enough to cover the plants with a film or only at night with lutrasil. You can water them with warm water to warm the roots.

Often gardeners do not fertilize the crop. When the zucchini lacks potassium, they begin to change their shape and become twisted. If the tip of the vegetable is inflated, you need to fertilize the bush with fertilizing with potassium, and if narrow – with nitrogen.

Watering the crop is in moderation. If you go too far with this, especially during a period of high humidity, the roots begin to rot in the bushes. It happens that the zucchini outgrows. It’s okay, because there is even more vitamins in such a vegetable, so you can just eat it.

If you water the plants incorrectly, do not give them mineral fertilizers and keep them in cold and humid conditions, vegetables can grow with a bitter aftertaste.


The crop yields a high crop, so the collection of zucchini occurs several times. From one bush you can get up to 5-6 fruits, the average weight of each is about 500 g. They pick vegetables in the summer, in the middle or end of July.

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If you grow Aral zucchini in greenhouses, you can remove vegetables every 3-4 days, and if in the open ground every 2 weeks before the onset of frost.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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