Rules for growing cucumbers under spanbond

Recently some summer residents have adapted to grow cucumbers under a spanbond, preferring this method to the usual one. In particular, this method of cultivating vegetables is suitable for those who live in areas with cold climatic conditions.Growing cucumbers on a spunbond with the correct application of this method of cultivating vegetables gives high yields and provides optimal conditions for the growth and development of cucumber bushes throughout the calendar year.

  1. Description of the method
  2. Varieties of spunbond
  3. Pros and cons of the method
  4. White polypropylene
  5. For photophilous varieties
  6. For shade-tolerant varieties
  7. For thermophilic varieties Comrade
  8. Black Polypropylene

Правила выращивания огурцов под спанбондом

Rules for growing cucumbers under the spanbond

Description of the method

Agrofibre, or spunbond, is an alternative to the well-known polyethylene, which gardeners have been using when cultivating vegetables for many years. This material is made from an environmentally friendly polypropylene component having a thin fibrous structure.

The essence of the method of growing cucumbers on spunbond is to create a favorable climate for plants at cold air temperatures and insufficient sunlight in the northern regions with short summers and at the same time at elevated temperatures in areas with soaring sun.

Varieties of spunbond

Spanbond for agricultural needs can be used in several forms:

  • white material that is used in open soil soil, its density is 17-30g r per 1 sq.m,
  • white polypropylene with a density of 30 to 60 g per 1 sq m, used for greenhouse and greenhouse structures,
  • the black density of which is from 50 to 60 g per 1 sq. m, used when mulching soil,
  • black and white spanbond with a density of 50g per 1 sq. m, intended for mulching directly vegetable crops and for the purpose of growing berry bushes on beds, it has black the layer has a protective property against weeds, and white serves as a reflector of sunlight and preserves the root system of plants from egreva,
  • white-red, yellow-red material that serve the protection of vegetable crops from bad weather.

Pros and cons of the method

Among the main advantages of using spunbond in the cultivation of cucumbers and other vegetable crops:

  • softness and the lightness of the material, which when covering the bushes does not damage them and does not injure,
  • the light transmission of polypropylene, which makes it possible to provide plants with enough light, while preventing from overheating,
  • air and moisture permeability , which provides ventilation under the covering material and allows water to enter the soil,
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation,
  • the ability to accumulate and retain heat,
  • ease of use, wear resistance and relatively cheap price.

Spanbond in the process of use can be washed, glued and stitched, which gives additional advantages when used on a personal plot. At the same time, it is possible to cover cucumber bushes with polypropylene material even without creating frame structures.

You can water the plants without removing the covering material, directly on top of the spunbond. Under the fabric, all the weed grass without the resulting sunlight begins to whine and rot into a natural fertilizer useful for cucumbers. This eliminates the weeding process.

The only drawback when growing cucumber varieties without self-pollination is the need to remove material in the morning and cover them with cucumber bushes in the evening during the formation of the ovaries.

White polypropylene

White spanbond lets more light in

White spanbond colors most often gardeners use instead of the usual polyethylene film shelter. They can cover cucumber bushes planted with seeds or seedlings in a greenhouse or on the open ground. With the help of a white spunbond, some people build fabric greenhouses.

To create a building in the form of a greenhouse, a high density white spanbond is required, which can stand against the wind.

White spanbond with a low density in 17gr passes 80% of the light. White covering material with a maximum density of 60g can transmit 65% of the light.

For photophilous varieties

Plantings are covered with seeds of photophilous varieties of white cucumber. In this case, a material with a density of 17.19.23 g per 1 sq. M is used. It can be used both for crops and seedlings already grown.

When using such a thin white material, one should not forget that it has low frost protection:

  • a tissue density of 17g can protect plants to -3 ° C,
  • 19g spanbond keeps plants from frost not lower than -4 ° С,
  • material with a density of 23gr can withstand temperature drops to -5 ° С.

For shade-tolerant varieties

To lay on a bed and to create a greenhouse effect, white spunbond is used, the density of which begins with 30 g and reaches 42 g per 1 sq.m. At the same time, the first density is applicable for sheltering on arcs up to 30-35 cm high, and the last is used for greenhouse tunnels of a higher height.

Agrofibre with increased density is able to create protection for plants at lower temperatures to -6 ° C, while maintaining integrity with wind and precipitation in the form of snow and hail. However, they let in less light, therefore they are applicable for those cucumber varieties that are classified as shade-tolerant.

For heat-loving varieties

In summer climatic regions, summer residents use white spanbond with maximum density reaching 50-60gr per 1 sq.m. Such agrofibre is able to protect plantings from strong winds and frosts to -10 ° C. It is intended for heat-loving varieties of cucumber culture.

Black polypropylene

Black spanbond when planting cucumbers with seeds or seedlings is primarily used to mulch soil and is not used to create a greenhouse effect. Its density is 50-60g per 1 sq.m.

Tips for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in the garden
Plant cucumbers in the soil. Growing cucumbers on trellises, under cover material
Cucumbers under the film without watering and weeding.

The main purpose of black agrofibre is to rid the earth of weeds, turn them into organic fertilizer for vegetable crops, and create a suitable microclimate in the soil.

Unlike white agrofibre, cucumbers on black spanbond will not grow.

Black spanbond cover the soil in the process of planting cucumbers, cutting into holes and planting cucumber seedlings through them into the ground.As a result, plants grow only in cut-out places, and rot and mold do not develop without moisture and sunshine. Black spunbond protects ripened vegetables from contact with the ground, therefore, when harvesting, cucumbers always remain clean.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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