Fairy Gift Tomato Characteristics

Every gardener wants to grow not only tasty, but also healthy tomatoes. This housewife is used by all housewives for cooking different dishes. You can get a fruit full of vitamins by planting a tomato Fairy Gift. It contains a large amount of beta-carotene, which affects immunity, skin color and allows to remove toxins from the body.

  1. Tomato description Fairy present
  2. Planting varieties
  3. We care for the Fairy Gift correctly
  4. Pests and diseases of the tomato
  5. Conclusion

Характеристика томата сорта Подарок Феи

Characteristics of the tomato variety Fairy Gift

Tomatoes Fairy gift are easy to grow and care, and they are almost not damaged by pests and diseases. Characteristics of the variety indicate its advantages.

Description of the tomato Fairy Gift

Tomato Gift fairies belong to the early ripening varieties. It takes less than three months from sowing seeds to obtaining fruits.

Tomatoes of this variety are intended for growing both in open ground and in greenhouses. that it can be grown in any climatic zone.

If the Fairy Gift tomato is grown in open ground, then its size will be 1 m. In greenhouse conditions, the growth of the bush increases by 10 cm. Tomatoes of this variety have medium-sized leaves sizes. They have a beautiful emerald color.

Fairy Gift Tomatoes have the following description:

  • look like a small heart;
  • the skin is dense;
  • the fruits can be from light orange to red;
  • has good taste;
  • the bush has several brushes on which a large number of fruits are tied;
  • the fruit can be stored for a long time .

The final ripening of the fruit falls 100 days after planting the seeds. The weight of one tomato reaches 110 g. Each of the fruits has 4 chambers and a minimum of water. The variety was bred by a Russian breeder. It is in these regions that it is best to grow the Fairy Gift tomato.

Planting a variety

In order to grow the Fairy Gift tomato, you need to plant the seeds immediately. Before this, you should prepare a container in which to fill the soil. As soil, you can use special land sold in garden shops or make it yourself. To do this, simply mix the chernozem with sea sand in a ratio of 23. After which you can safely sow the seeds.

After sowing, you need to cover the container with a plastic bag. When sprouts appear, it should be removed. Next, you need to wait until two full leaves are formed on the seedling. After this, a pick of tomatoes is carried out. Seedlings should be planted in different capacities.

When the street becomes sufficiently warm, the seedlings can be transferred to open ground.To do this, prepare the place and soil in advance. It is better to plant tomatoes of this variety where there is no draft and there is enough lighting. Then you should make holes, the depth of which should be 10-15 cm. The tomato should be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

The distance between the beds should be approximately the same. After planting the seedlings, it is necessary to water them well several times. Next, the plant needs to be provided with proper care.

We care for the Fairy Gift correctly

The plant needs to be stepsoned

Tomato Fairy gift needs proper care just like the other varieties. Despite the fact that this species is picky to water and fertilize it still have to. Care of the variety should consist of:

  • watering;
  • fertilizers;
  • removal of stepsons;
  • removal of weeds.

Watering a variety is not necessary very often. It is optimal to add water to the soil once a week, and on hot days, twice every seven days. Fertilizers should be applied immediately after watering.

Organic or inorganic products can be used as top dressing. Organic fertilizers should be prepared in the fall, but inorganic fertilizers are best applied in the spring. The first feeding is carried out exactly one week after planting seedlings, and the second at the time of ripening.

Weeds should also be removed, because they clog the ground and do not allow the variety to develop normally. Removing stepsons is an integral part of care. After all, they take power from the fruit ovaries and do not give them the opportunity to ripen and collect juices.

Pests and diseases of the tomato

Fairy’s gift is resistant to various diseases and pests, but it does not mean that they cannot hit him. This variety never suffers from diseases such as late blight and black rot. After all, tomatoes are early ripe and these ailments do not have time to attack him. Experienced gardeners note that the variety is resistant to melon diseases such as:

  • tobacco mosaic;
  • wilting;
  • fungal ailments.

Despite the fact that tomatoes of this species are resistant to various ailments, they should still be prevented. To do this, provide him with proper care, watering and top dressing at least 3 times per season. Also, as a prophylaxis, you need to treat tomatoes with special preparations.

To prevent the attack of insects, prophylaxis is also necessary. For this, drugs that are sold in specialized stores or folk remedies can also be used.


Tomato Fairy gift is an excellent early ripe variety suitable for cultivation in any climatic zones.It is especially popular in the cold regions of Russia, because not all varieties are able to adapt to severe frost. The fruits of this vegetable have an incredible taste that both adults and children like.

2016 Tomatoes Orange Varieties
THE MOST VARIETY AND TASTY TOMATO VARIETIES by opinions Collector Lyudmila Kodzasova
Tomato Orange leader of orange tomatoes .

It is not difficult to grow a variety, the methods are the same as with other tomatoes .Diseases do not affect him, but this is only if he is provided with proper care. Fairy gifts are often used by entrepreneurs to transport abroad.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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