Rules for watering a tomato after planting

When growing tomatoes, it is important to follow the care recommendations, because the yield indicators depend on it. We will explain how to properly irrigate tomatoes after planting in the article.

  1. Watering features
  2. Watering in open field
  3. Watering time
  4. Frequency of work
  5. Watering in the greenhouse
  6. Conclusion

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Watering rules tomato after planting

Watering features

If you properly water the tomatoes after planting, this leads to the following results:

  • the risk of diseases in the plant is reduced;
  • the bushes start right develop and form;
  • there is a positive acclimatization to the environment;
  • the care of the bushes is simplified.

For young seedlings to feel comfortable, it is important observe the temperature regime Tomatoes can die from the slightest temperature changes. Soil temperature should not be lower than 12 ° С. But the ambient temperature should be in the range of 18-25 ° C.

Watering in open ground

Planted seedlings should be watered according to certain factors. It is important to pay attention to the weather and soil composition.

Watering should be carried out at a time when the air temperature is not lower than 15 ° C. The soil for the tomato must have a neutral reaction of the medium, becauseboth acidic and alkaline soil negatively affect it.

Tatyana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

If it is good to mulch the planting of tomato seedlings with peat-rape dry humus or just loosening the top layer of the soil, then the need for watering for the next 6-7 days disappears. You should not often water the planted seedlings of tomato so that the root system does not pamper and begins to grow inland.

Simultaneously with planting, the seedlings are irrigated.

Tatyana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

If you transplanted using the hole method, it is recommended to pour 2-3 liters of water into each of them. If the method of trenches was used, then the volume of water should be regulated, depending on the number of bushes.

Watering time

After planting, it is better to water the tomatoes in the morning. During this period of time, the sun does not fry so much. If the soil dries strongly from the sun during the day, then you can water it again in the evening.

Water the tomatoes with warm water

At least 1 liter of water should be poured under each bush. It is better to use warm water, because cold water can lead to the development of root rot.

Watering in the morning allows the soil to get the right amount of moisture and remain loose. Young plants need not only moisture, but also oxygen. Dense soil will cause the plant to not be able to get the right amount of air and begin to wither.

Frequency of work

Let us determine the frequency of irrigation work. As soon as the tomatoes take root, loosening the earth around the bush should be carried out. Subsequent irrigation is carried out 1-2 times a week depending on weather conditions. While the seedlings are still small in size, the plants have not closed in a row after each watering, they cultivate.

Cultivation should be carried out superficially, not deeper than 3 cm. This method is called dry watering. It is necessary that soil evaporation disappears, and oxygen gets better into the root system.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

In the soil there are small air ducts of the capillaries. The drier the soil becomes, the thinner the capillaries.Through these thin capillaries, moisture from the lower layers of the soil rises to the surface and evaporates. Loosening the topsoil destroys these capillaries and the moisture stops evaporating.

Watering in the greenhouse

Growing tomatoes in the greenhouse implies slightly different rules.

Planting material should be planted in the evening when there is no scorching sun. The soil must be moistened in advance so that the seedlings take root more quickly.

10 days after planting, watering can be carried out. For these purposes, only warm water is used. Its amount is calculated so that about 5 liters of water fall on 1 m2.

How often and how much to water tomatoes? All about watering a tomato!
How to water tomatoes. Watering a tomato. Tomatoes
Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse . (13.05.16)

The ideal time for root feeding is morning. If such work is carried out in the evening, this is fraught with the occurrence of condensation, which remains on the leaves of the plant, thereby causing them great harm. Wait a few hours until the water is completely absorbed into the soil. After that, you need to open the windows in the greenhouse.

Airing will not harm the tomatoes. Only need to monitor the humidity and temperature. The daytime temperature in the greenhouse should be about 25 ° C, but in the evening it can drop to 15 ° C.


Proper planting and proper watering are very important for any culture. Especially for young seedlings, because their immunity, development and ripening of fruits depend on this. Every gardener should know the rules for care so that then there are no unpleasant surprises.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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