Characteristics of tomato varieties Cream Moscow

Tomato Moscow Cream has good taste and has an attractive appearance. Presented tomatoes are in demand among gardeners and gardeners. Before planting, it is important to familiarize yourself with the description of growing seedlings and planting them on beds.

  1. Characteristic
  2. Growing seedlings
  3. Fertilizing <
  4. Watering <
  5. Diseases and prevention
  6. Conclusion

Характеристика томатов сорта Сливка Московская

Characteristics of tomato varieties Cream Moscow

This is the best variety that breeders have invented. Tomatoes are elastic and hardy. Mistresses appreciate due to their good taste, judging by the reviews, they are suitable for making fresh salads and canned food The skin does not crack, the tomatoes hold their shape well.


Before growing these tomatoes, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics. Tomatoes are scarlet, pink, orange , red.

The most rare and sought-after fruit colors are yellow and chocolate. The weight of a ripe tomato depends on the subspecies and can reach 100-130 gr. Tomatoes are quite elastic, because they contain a little moisture.

They have not only excellent taste, but also useful for every person. The pulp contains glucose, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and central nervous system. Due to the minimum number of seeds, many housewives freeze them or dry them.

Tomatoes do not let juice in the salad, have a pleasant sweet taste. They make thick ketchup and sauce. Tomatoes Cream Moscow are early and late. They give a very good harvest, are simple and unpretentious in care. Due to the good characteristics of this variety, they can be planted in open ground or in closed greenhouses.

Growing seedlings

The productivity of this garden crop, as well as the quality of the fruit, depends on the proper growing of seedlings. When choosing seeds, you must adhere to several important rules:

  • the seller must specify the maturity of the crop, the height of the bush and the purity of selection;
  • the seeds should not be empty or deformed;
  • to select more fully-fledged seeds, they are immersed in a solution of salt water for 2-3 minutes (all emerging seeds are removed);
  • to disinfect their seeds, they are immersed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes (to prepare the solution, take a glass of warm water and dilute in non the first half of a teaspoon of potassium permanganate);
  • to accelerate the germination of seeds, you need to put a damp cloth on the surface of the soil.

You need to plant the seeds in the soil, which is previously disinfected and fertilized. In the tank, you need to make a drainage hole for the outflow of excess moisture. Seeds are planted 2 months before planting seedlings on beds.


You can use different types of fertilizers

You can feed the variety Cream Moscow in different ways. Below are the best fertilizer options:

  1. Take 500 l on a bucket of water. mullein, two micronutrient tablets (sold in stores), 1 tbsp. l nitrofoski and 3 gr. boric acid. Feeding is carried out in early summer. Under each bush, pour 800 g. mixtures.
  2. Fertilizer is carried out in early July. On a bucket of water take 500 gr. mullein, 2 micronutrient tablets, 1 tbsp. l potassium sulfate. 800 g are also poured under each bush. mixtures.
  3. You can prevent diseases by weekly watering the bushes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. 10 liters water take 5 gr. potassium permanganate.
  4. The best organic fertilizers – manure or compost. They are brought in the autumn when digging the earth. For every 1 square. m. make 2 kg. fertilizers.

Only in autumn can fertilizer be applied to the ground. This is due to the fact that tomatoes can become less responsive from the direct application of organic fertilizer. To ensure a good harvest, you need to take care of fertilizing the land in advance.


When watering seedlings of water are directed to the soil so that moisture does not get on the stem and leaves. It should be at room temperature.The tomato variety Moscow Cream suffers from insufficient watering, but excessive moisture can harm the root system.

In cool weather or in rainy weather, watering the beds is minimized. On hot days, the plant is watered once every two days in the evening. If the leaves and ovary fall, you can spray in the evening.

Diseases and prevention

Tomatoes are most susceptible to viruses, pathogenic bacteria, and fungi. Late blight is the most common disease in which the stems and leaves are affected by fungi. This disease is dangerous during the ripening period.

To destroy bacteria and fungal infections, plants need to be treated with fungicidal preparations. The most effective are – Fundazole, Ridomil, Fitosporin-M. They process tomatoes every 7-9 days in the evening or in cloudy weather.

The most effective measures to prevent late blight and other fungal infections:

  • tomatoes are not planted next to potatoes;
  • before planting seedlings, the soil must be digged well;
  • during irrigation, water should not fall on the stem and leaves;
  • affected and sluggish leaves must be removed.

Variety Moscow Cream is subject to Fusarium wilting of leaves, stems and root. For the treatment of the disease, the drug Funlazol is used, which is sprayed with the plant. Mass lesion with Fusarium infection cannot be cured.

These are mid-early plants that ripen in the second half of summer.But there are late varieties that will please the harvest in mid-August. From the fruits you can prepare a fresh salad, ketchup, sauces and close the preservation.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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