Popular Potato Varieties That the Colorado Beetle Does Not Eat

Every farmer at least once I wondered: are there potato varieties that the Colorado potato beetle does not eat? From a harmful insect, a significant part of the crop is lost every year.This is because the beetle can develop immunity to insecticides, as well as tolerates cold, burrowing deep underground. In the course of long research, experienced breeders still managed to produce a small number of potato varieties that are completely resistant to the Colorado potato beetle.

  1. Creation history
  2. Features of the sustainable species
  3. Sustainable vegetable crops
  4. Bryansk reliable
  5. Glow
  6. Kamensky
  7. Lassoon
  8. Nekulinsky <
  9. Tempo
  10. Morning earlier
  11. Actions to deter parasites

Популярные сорта картофеля, которые не ест колорадский жук

Popular potato varieties that the Colorado potato beetle does not eat

History of creation

Every farmer knows firsthand how dangerous the Colorado potato beetle is. It is easy to recognize by its bright color – black and orange stripes on the wings of adults. Larvae of pink color, laying of eggs of an orange shade. The parasite is able to destroy and spoil half of the fruit collection. In the fight against beetles, various methods are used: they grow resistant species, use poison, and collect pests by hand.

Back in the 1950s and 1960s, Russian farmers began to think about developing new types of potatoes that would not attract the Colorado potato beetles. At first, scientists adhered to the version that, if you cross wild potato tubers with cultivated fruits, then immediately a culture emerges that the beetle will avoid. But in practice, the theory failed: by growing a crossed vegetable, everyone was convinced that such fruits were not suitable for use in food.

Soon, attempts to develop a resistant variety against insect infestations were resumed. Only now should more work be done on the nutritional qualities of tubers. Therefore, they began to develop a species that has the ability to regenerate after insects eat it. Also, the variety should have become unsuitable for the growth of larvae.

Features of a stable species

So, you need to figure out what qualities a culture should have in order for beetles to bypass it. A huge number of potato species that endure weather conditions are immune to diseases. But very rarely, all these qualities are combined with resistance against pests such as the Colorado parasite. Insects with pleasure eat both fruits and foliage of the culture. What repels the insect?

  1. Structure and structure of the bush. If a varietal potato bush has thick stems and leaves with a dense structure, then the parasite will bypass it – they will not eat a dense bush.
  2. Also, the insect and the leaves of the shrub bent inside are not attracted, they are uncomfortable to lay their offspring.
  3. In varieties resistant to insects, there are a high content of glycoalkaloids – substances that reduce the activity and growth of insects, and subsequently reduce their fertility.

Sustainable vegetable crops

Among the varieties resistant to diseases and weather conditions, it is possible to distinguish only a very small number of species resistant parasites, especially for Colorado beetles.

If you are going to grow potatoes, which has immunity to parasites, should be familiar with its properties and structure. There are only seven such cultures: Bryanskiy Nadezhny, Glow, Kamensky, Lasunok, Nekulinsky, Temp, Early Morning. Insects do not eat these varieties.

Bryansk reliable

This type of vegetable crop is very fruitful. It has excellent taste and quality indicators. The ripening speed is mid-season, resistant and hardy to Colorado and other parasites.

Fruits are oval in shape, the skin is thin, easy to peel. The pulp is a dense structure. The minus of the culture is that it is not resistant to nematode and late blight.


The species tolerates all weather conditions well, therefore it grows in all regions of the country.It is well transported over long distances, has a high degree of keeping quality.

Fruits of pink color of a round shape. The pulp is perfectly cooked during cooking. The only negative is the tendency to crack tubers, in order to avoid this, potassium should be added to the soil.


Due to the large and rough leaves of the bush, this species is not attractive to Colorado. Speeds very quickly, drought-resistant.

The peel of the fruit is slightly rough, which avoids damage to tubers. It has a strong immunity to cancer and late blight.


The shape of the fruit is round, brown. Suitable for cooking any dishes. Often used on an industrial scale in the manufacture of chips and starch.

The culture is mid-season, unpretentious when grown. It is resistant to late blight and nematodes.


The variety has taken root in all markets of the country for 20 years, it is chosen by experienced farmers for sowing vast areas. Ripening fruits is late, but this does not prevent the culture from year to year to conquer more and more sowing areas.

The species is chosen for its high starch content up to 20% and resistant to diseases and pests.


If you need a variety for long-term storage and long-distance transport, then Temp is what you need. Resistant to mold and other infections, it easily tolerates drought and heat.

The peel is beige, the size is large, the shape of the fruit is oblong. Great for making alcohol and chips.

Morning earlier

The fruits are not large, beige in color. The pulp is boiling, the starch content is 15%.

Morning previously resistant to fungal infections, has good keeping quality, is perfectly transportable. Suitable for preparing many dishes containing potatoes in the recipe.

Actions to scare away parasites

As it became known, Colorado chooses shrubs that are weakened and not fertilized for food. If you provide proper care and attention to your future harvest, then the insects are not afraid of you. Parasites do not eat healthy shrubs.

You should not rely only on properties vegetable crop. You should also make every effort to properly grow and fertilize potatoes. In order for the bush to be healthy and not so attractive among parasites, follow the rules of professionals.

  1. Culture requires constant feeding with organic matter. Calcium fertilizer is perfect, healthy and strong stems and the root system will not give the insect any chance to spoil the collection.
  2. To grow a more stable vegetable crop, you need to prepare for growth even during planting. As you know, pre-sprouted tubers are more resistant and hardy.
  3. Also, soil should be fertilized before planting, for this purpose manure or liquid fertilizers are applied to the soil.
  4. In order to get rid of the offspring of beetles, in the fall they dig it up, then the wintering insects die of frost.
  5. It is also possible to treat the tubers with insecticides immediately before planting.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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