Choosing a pot for orchids

An orchid pot is a decorative pot for indoor plants that does not have openings for draining excess water. Choosing such a container for growing orchids is a responsible approach.

  1. Cache-pot requirements
  2. Planting an orchid in a flowerpot without draining
  3. DIY flower pot for a plant
  4. Using a glass planter
  5. Useful tips
  6. Conclusion <

Выбор кашпо для орхидей

Choosing a cache-pot for orchids

Cache-pot requirements

When choosing a flowerpot for an orchid, it is important to consider the following points:

  • the width of the flowerpot should be larger than the pot so that air circulation is not disturbed, and the soil could gasp;
  • in order to drain excess moisture in one place at the bottom there should be a recess;
  • the container should be suitable for the design of the room for greater effect.

The size of the pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the size of the root system, and the planter should be at the same distance so that there is a layer of air.

There are floor and suspension planters. The only question is which ones are suitable. Of great importance is the material of the pot, which is placed in a pot, as this significantly affects the vital activity of the flower.

Orchid pots are usually made of several materials: glass, transparent or opaque plastic, clay, etc. Using transparent plastic pots for phalaenopsis is practical, becauseyou can monitor the condition of the soil and the root system in order to carry out timely irrigation and monitor for the presence of parasites, the roots do not grow to such material, helps to avoid hypothermia, and maintains good humidity. However, there are drawbacks: plastic does not allow air to pass through at all, phalaenopsis is not stable, when immersed, the flower may pop out along with the root system.

Clay vessels are used less often than plastic, but they prevent stagnation of water, which is important for maintaining health roots, distribute it perfectly, the pot itself is stable. But it is important to consider that at elevated air temperatures clay pots are not suitable, because the level of evaporation increases, and the roots themselves grow firmly into this material. Ceramics well replace the previous view, and the roots do not grow to it. The main disadvantage is that ceramics are a cold vessel that will destroy the sensitive underground parts of the flower.

Planting an orchid in a flower pot without draining

To plant an orchid in a container without draining , certain rules must be observed.

  1. The plant must be healthy and strong.
  2. The substrate must meet the optimal requirements of orchids, including small pieces of coniferous bark, charcoal, expanded clay, etc.
  3. The cache-pots choose such that it matches the size of the root system of the phalaenopsis, a little bit NJ her.
  4. Transplant desirably performed after flowering period.If it is carried out with a decorative purpose, then the contents of the old vessel are carefully transferred to a new one.
  5. On the upper layer of the substrate there should be sphagnum moss protecting the integument from leaching.

DIY flower pot

The pot can be purchased , and homemade

Beautiful and practical vessel for indoor plants, anyone can create with their own hands. If you make it from plywood or bars, you should make several parts of the same size and fasten with a hot gun or glue, and then align the edges with sandpaper to make them smooth. It is necessary to cover the plywood with oil or acrylic paint.

The capacity is created with your own hands from the remaining ceramic tiles and concrete, using the popular mosaic technique, so that it does not look boring. Pipes and burlap are also used, and of the natural materials large shells, stumps, wicker vines, coconut shells are popular. If this does not seem to be original enough, then you should think about using old unnecessary things. To do this, a suitcase, cans, used floppy disks and records, hats, plastic bottles, car tires and even furniture items are suitable.

Using a glass planter

Using a glass planter remains a big question, becausedrainage holes cannot be made in this material to allow excess moisture to escape. However, this problem is completely solvable. For this, double containers are created; a glass pot is placed in a pot.

Since the glass is transparent, the grower has the ability to observe the state of the substrate and roots and prevent excessive watering. In the case of orchids, it is better to dry the soil of the plant a little than pour it.

Useful tips

  1. You can not plant the orchids directly in a heavy ceramic vessel, this is harmful for the plant’s support apparatus.
  2. There must be a large number of drainage holes in the pot inside.
  3. There should be a layer of air between the inner pot and the flowerpot to promote active aeration.
  4. On the walls of plastic vessels during the life of the flower much less is deposited more salts than in clay pots.
  5. Beginner-gardeners are advised to use transparent flower pots for orchids made of plastic, so that it is convenient to monitor the condition of the soil and roots of the phalaenopsis.
  6. The use of abundant water is justified for any capacity amount of drainage material.
  7. Glass vessels are recommended for use by experienced gardeners.
  8. In order not to risk the state of the plant’s health, you need to choose containers with a recess for excess water.
  9. Choose light or, conversely, heavy containers so as not to impede growth and flower development.
  10. The pot with the plant should be placed in a well-lit place, but at the same time provide protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


To grow phalaenopsis, you need to choose or prepare a container with your own hands that will satisfy all the needs of the flower and allow it to bloom and delight for many years host.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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