Colorful pillows of indoor chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums have long become a symbol of autumn. Luxurious bush-like shrubs of these unique garden plants in pots fill the counters in droves in anticipation of the most fiery time of the end of the garden season. But luxurious blooming chrysanthemums, whose inflorescences sit so tightly that they turn each bush into a pillow, can decorate not only personal plots and terraces. After all, chrysanthemums are also indoor. More compact and hardy, they delight with the same stunning abundance, turning plants into fabulous bouquets in pots. And although it will take a lot of effort to maintain plants for a very long flowering period, no other indoor culture can compete with chrysanthemums in the effect of a blooming miracle. Yes, and caring for indoor chrysanthemums will need to be thorough, but not so difficult.

Indoor chrysanthemum. Farmer Lauren Snowden

Autumn flowering pillows room format

Indoor chrysanthemums are just representatives of the very Chrysanthemums from the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family, bred by breeders, adapted to home conditions. The color and atmospheric influence of indoor chrysanthemums in any room can hardly be overestimated. They really transform the space, not only attracting admiring attention to themselves, but also setting the mood for the whole day.

These are perhaps the most powerful color accents available and the most pronounced indoor optimists. And absolutely definitely – these are the best autumn accents for any room. Indoor chrysanthemums, like their garden cousins, bloom in the most colorful and fiery of all seasons. They bring autumn mood into the interior and compensate for the gradual decrease in daylight hours, the traditional oppressed seasonal mood.

But luxurious indoor chrysanthemums, reminiscent of small copies of garden beauties, are in many ways insidious plants. A homemade “flower of the sun” requires a very careful approach to the choice of plants when purchasing. The thing is that it is very difficult to cure an indoor chrysanthemum when it is infected with pests or diseases, and in order not to have any problems and not bring into the house a real nursery that can infect other indoor plants in the blink of an eye, it is necessary to carefully examine the foliage and buds, do not be too lazy to look inside the bush and make sure that you are buying healthy plants. But after a thorough examination and a small quarantine, you can decorate your interior with colored pillows.

Indoor chrysanthemums are compact varieties of chrysanthemums whose bushes are usually limited to 25-40 cm in height. It makes sense to talk about the usual species diversity of chrysanthemums only in connection with garden plants. In room culture, chrysanthemums undergo long-term selection and are most often represented by the best hybrids and hybrid varieties, which were bred specifically not only to increase compactness, but also to maintain abundance of flowers while reducing the size of flowers.

Miniature and lush, these chrysanthemums allow you to choose between simple and terry varieties, different colors and decorative details. Also, like garden chrysanthemums, indoor chrysanthemums are divided into large-flowered (inflorescences from 8 cm), medium-flowered and small-flowered chrysanthemums, the inflorescences of which are limited to a maximum of 2-3 cm in room culture. Terry flowers can be spherical, radial, pompom, hemispherical, flat …

That is, in fact, like garden plants, the range of indoor chrysanthemums allows everyone to find plants to their liking. The representation does not diminish in the least in terms of the color palette. The color range of even indoor chrysanthemums includes a wide variety of shades of white, yellow, pink, red, purple, and more recently even the once unimaginable blue and blue chrysanthemums.

Indoor chrysanthemumIndoor chrysanthemum. Farmer Elena J. Williams

Popular varieties of indoor chrysanthemums

The most popular varieties that are found everywhere on sale today and have already become legendary include such indoor chrysanthemums as:

  • yellow abundant “Golden Gloria”, reminiscent of dense bushes covered with small suns;
  • a unique variety “Old Gold”, a favorite of many flower growers with a bronze color;
  • Gustav Greenwald variety;
  • chamomile chrysanthemum with flowers with a diameter of 8 cm and a unique combination of white yellow and pink colors ‘Frutescens’;
  • daisy chrysanthemums ‘Morifolium’, ‘Morifolium Cascade’.

But it is still better to evaluate the assortment of chrysanthemums according to the varieties presented in a particular area. After all, new varieties with the most original forms of inflorescences appear every year, and old varieties undergo additional selection and increase their resistance.

Today, bonsai plants have become unexpectedly fashionable novelties among indoor chrysanthemums. The spectacle of amazingly graceful, miniature tree-like plants with typical woody silhouettes, dotted with pads of bright flowers, is simply impossible to forget. But such chrysanthemums, due to the complexity of cultivation, are considered quite rare and, accordingly, cost a lot.

Caring for indoor chrysanthemums at home

Indoor chrysanthemums are a pleasure that not everyone can afford. They require cool content and meticulous care. And cold wintering is not the biggest problem at all. So to acquire such a blooming miracle is only when you are sure that you can pay increased attention to them. But no plant can compare with the beauty of chrysanthemums, so its flowering expiates all difficulties.

Lighting for indoor chrysanthemums

If you want to be successful and admire the lush blooming chrysanthemums in your interior, then you have to take care of good lighting. Chrysanthemums cannot stand direct sunlight in a home format, but they need the brightest lighting possible. Locations with diffused lighting are usually only available on windowsills. At the same time, eastern and western windows have always been considered ideal for room chrysanthemums. The winter lighting mode does not matter, since the plants are cut to the root and can be kept even in a dark room.

Indoor chrysanthemums. Farmer Elena J. Williams

Comfortable temperature

The selection of conditions for keeping indoor chrysanthemums often becomes the reason that they are abandoned in favor of more hardy plants. The thing is that indoor chrysanthemums require cool content. These plants reveal their beauty only if the air temperature remains close to 18 degrees Celsius and in no case exceeds 20-23 degrees.

If the air temperature rises above 25 degrees, the inflorescences of the chrysanthemum begin to dry out, the flowering period is shortened, and the plant gradually dies. It is impossible to compensate for the lack of coolness with any care measures: the number of inflorescences directly determines the impossibility of providing the plant with the only measure that can stop the yellowing process – spraying.

If you only want to grow your indoor plants as seasonal plants, you can throw them away after flowering. But since this is a full-fledged perennial, which can even be transferred to the garden if desired and change the form of its cultivation, try to preserve it. And after such a colorful show, it is simply a pity to throw away an expensive chrysanthemum. Moreover, after all the efforts expended, wintering is not so difficult to organize. For domestic chrysanthemums, you will need an almost cold keeping regimen. The optimum temperature for this plant is 3-5 degrees Celsius.

Without exception, all indoor chrysanthemums love fresh air, they can be used not only to decorate rooms, but also balconies or even a garden. You can take them out into the open air after the return spring frosts have passed. You can leave them in the open air until the first frost. But larger, powerful potted garden chrysanthemums will do just fine with the function of decorating the garden. But the room ones should be given their due in the interiors of apartments and houses. Indoor chrysanthemums are not afraid of drafts and love airing, they can be grown on constantly open windows.

Indoor chrysanthemum. Farmer ronstik

Watering and air humidity

Watering for indoor chrysanthemums should be more than careful. The soil for these plants must be kept in a slightly moist state, with regular systemic watering, not allowing it to dry out completely, but also avoiding excessive moisture, which almost instantly “starts” the process of decay and the spread of fungal infections.

Light soil moisture can be made stable if you carry out each subsequent procedure after the top few centimeters of the potting medium has completely dried out. At the same time, frequent, but less abundant watering is much better suited for chrysanthemums (moderate procedures avoid sharp fluctuations in conditions). The approximate frequency of procedures for chrysanthemums in the summer is about 2 times a week. It is very important to water in the evening, not in the morning.

Chrysanthemums are insensitive to air humidity and do not need measures to increase its performance. The only exception is conditions under which the air temperature is significantly higher than the recommended one. In this case, chrysanthemums that are not yet blooming can be periodically sprayed to lower and compensate for the air temperature. But with the beginning of flowering, these procedures will have to be stopped. Spraying is carried out, and when they just want to improve the appearance of greenery by refreshing the plants.

Top dressing for indoor chrysanthemums

For abundant flowering of chrysanthemums, an appropriate frequency of fertilizing is required. Usually, fertilizer for indoor chrysanthemums is applied at a frequency of 1 time per week. For a plant, it is better to use complex universal fertilizers, and not special mixtures for flowering crops. Top dressing is applied during the entire phase of active development, from the beginning of spring to the end of flowering.

Another strategy can be used: in the spring, at the stage of active growth, apply exclusively nitrogen fertilizers for indoor chrysanthemums, during the budding and flowering period – fertilizers of the potassium-phosphorus type. An important rule that will ensure you not only the health of the plant, but also the longest flowering – apply fertilizing approximately 12 hours after watering.

Indoor chrysanthemum. Farmer floradania

Chrysanthemum pruning

One of the most important procedures, which should not be forgotten for indoor chrysanthemums, is pinching the shoots. It is necessary not only for the plant to form lush dense bushes, but also for the formation of additional buds and the transformation of chrysanthemums into flowering caps. For small-flowered chrysanthemums, 2-3 pinches are usually carried out to form strong bushy plants. Large-flowered chrysanthemums tolerate a greater number of pinches, while they can be removed in the form of standard plants, formed into 1 stem, and then repeatedly shortened the upper shoots to form the crown of the tree.

Indoor plants will need this procedure if the buds on the bushes do not open, the peduncles do not have enough strength to fully open the inflorescences. In this case, part of the buds must be plucked out, ensuring faster opening and optimal sizes for the rest of the inflorescences.

During the active growth phase in spring, the chrysanthemum may not be pinched, but pruned for stronger containment. Moreover, if you see that the plant is stretching, losing its density, then you should not be afraid of pruning.

The obligatory annual pruning of chrysanthemums is usually done after flowering. Before providing the plant with all the necessary conditions for wintering, it must be cut to short stumps and immediately rearranged to a cool place. If you do not plan to save the indoor chrysanthemum, and just want to throw the plant away, then there is no need for pruning.

As in garden chrysanthemums, on indoor chrysanthemums, wilting inflorescences must be removed to increase the duration of flowering.

Transplanting indoor chrysanthemums. Farmer Dave Holden

Transplant and substrate

After the cold wintering period, with the first signs of growth, indoor chrysanthemums must be transplanted. Both very young and old chrysanthemums need to change the substrate. Of course, especially mature bushes can be transplanted less often, but annual transplanting has a positive effect on flowering.

When transplanting a chrysanthemum, it is imperative to make sure that the depth of the plant remains the same, and a high layer of drainage is laid at the bottom. After transplantation, any chrysanthemum is provided with light shading and transitional conditions with a cool environment to adapt to new conditions.

When choosing a substrate for these plants, you can stop on almost any loose and sufficiently nutritious soil with a high-quality texture. It is believed that chrysanthemum will take root in any soil, except for acidic ones. For it, you can use ordinary garden soil with sand additives, and universal ready-made soil mixtures, and special substrates for flowering crops. You can also prepare a soil mixture from equal parts of sod land, peat and humus.

Diseases and pests

Chrysanthemums can hardly be called persistent indoor plants. They are simply adored by pests, and if you give the latter freedom, then it will be very difficult to cope with the problem later. A variety of diseases are found on chrysanthemum bushes very often.

Of the insect pests, chrysanthemums are most threatened by aphids, thrips, soil flies, spider mites. Moreover, it is necessary to fight insects on this plant immediately with insecticides. It is very important to isolate chrysanthemums in a timely manner, as they literally endanger every plant in the house.

Distributed on indoor chrysanthemums and various types of rot, and powdery mildew, and rust. But at the same time, problems arise only on initially infected plants with inattentive purchase or with stagnant waterlogging of the substrate. You need to fight diseases only with narrowly targeted fungicides.

Indoor chrysanthemum. Farmer ilandscape

Reproduction of indoor chrysanthemums

Indoor chrysanthemums retain the same variety of breeding methods as their garden counterparts. Plants can be simply divided, or new bushes can be obtained from cuttings or even seeds.

Only young twigs can be used for grafting chrysanthemums. And at a minimum, to get new plants, you will have to save the mother plants for the winter. To do this, it is necessary to ensure a full wintering and wait for the appearance of a new green growth in the spring. After cutting the chrysanthemum and placing it in a cool place for all winter months, it will start to grow actively in March. As soon as the shoots grow up to 12-15 cm, you can cut ten-centimeter cuttings and immediately put them on rooting in a mixture of humus and peat, sprinkled on top with a thick layer of sand.

Chrysanthemum cuttings are planted shallowly, at a distance of about 1 cm. Plants are sprayed with water, but do not watered, germinate under a film or glass in a cool place at a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius. As soon as the cuttings release the first roots, they are planted in small pots one at a time, and only then the grown plants are transferred to larger pots to obtain more lush bushes, always placing them in several pieces in one container.

In order to get indoor and abundantly flowering chrysanthemums, it is necessary to feed them weekly immediately after transplanting into a new pot with complex fertilizer and ensure optimal soil moisture. It should be borne in mind that when grafting, sometimes the plants obtained differ from the original ones, since most often chrysanthemums treated with growth inhibitors and special stimulants are on sale.

The division of the bushes is carried out when transplanting in early spring. Plants, when the first signs of growth appear and before being transferred to new containers, can be carefully removed from the old pot and divided by hand or with a sharp knife into 2, at least 3, very large divisions. In order for chrysanthemums to adapt faster, they need to provide a cool temperature and light soil moisture at a higher air humidity. You can not separate the bushes, but only separate the young growth from the mother plant and plant it in small pots for growing.

Indoor chrysanthemums are propagated by seeds as rarely as garden ones. Sowing is carried out in shallow containers, in pre-disinfected nutrient soil previously spilled with warm water and seeds are germinated under a film or glass in good light and cool, at a temperature of about 15-18 degrees. The dive is carried out after the plants release 4 real leaves. Usually, seedlings are placed in 2-3 plants per container. In order to speed up flowering, you can plant them in larger groups.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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