What indoor plants do not bloom without a cool wintering?

Winter is the most difficult period for any indoor plant. But for most flowering flowers, this is also the most important season. After all, the way the plant “rests” determines whether it will delight with flowers in spring or summer. Blooming plants almost always require cool temperatures, which are not always easy to create in ordinary apartments. Cacti, pelargoniums, rhododendrons, and most exotic plants also need a cool period. What kind of indoor plants, for sure, will not bloom without a cool wintering, I will tell you in this article.

What indoor plants do not bloom without cold wintering?

The need for cold or cool wintering is a factor that most often “scares away” from replenishing the home collection with another blooming novelty. After all, the conditions for plants must be strictly observed, and not everyone can boast of having a place with low temperatures in winter – a loggia, a balcony, an entrance hall, a hall, a cool northern room or a corridor. And the area of ​​the “winter apartment” is often very limited.

Unfortunately, almost all of the brightest plants bloom only after a cool winter regime, with the exception of very undemanding ones. A period in the coolness is needed even for those plants that bloom in winter – usually their dormant phase shifts to the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, but they still need “wintering” in the cold.

1. Cacti – all flowering species

For the flowering of cacti, you need bright lighting, proper care in the spring and summer, and mandatory cold wintering. The average temperature for wintering cacti is from 5 to 10 degrees. Only moisture-loving forest species, such as discocactus or melocactus, winter at a temperature of about 15 degrees.

Read also our material 20 indoor cacti and succulents with strikingly beautiful flowering.

2. Pelargoniums of all types and varieties

Classic zonal pelargonium with its ornate leaves and dazzling umbrellas; luxurious large-flowered pelargonium and even smelling of lemons, apples, cedar, nutmeg or orange, scented pelargonium winter better in the cool.

+10 degrees is an ideal wintering value for any “geranium”, but they can withstand lower temperatures (up to +3 degrees), and slightly higher.

Read also our material Rules for wintering pelargonium on the windowsill and in the basement.


3. Azalea rhododendrons and other flowering shrubs

Miniature potted rhododendrons became famous not so much for their dense leathery foliage, but for their flowering, similar to lush clouds. You can admire the inimitable inflorescences of double or simple, colored in all shades of pink-red flowers, only if rhododendrons are kept at temperatures from +5 to +10 degrees since October (until the first flower buds open).

The same wintering rates are needed for the flowering of common myrtle, citrus fruits, nematanthus, camellia, manuka, abutilon and paniculata leptospermum. Of the flowering shrubs, only hibiscus is kept in a warmer environment – from +10 degrees.

4. Magnificent Ethiopian Zantedeschia

Calla calla, as we like to call this pot and cut plant with luxurious bedspreads around the cob inflorescences and large wavy leaves, winters in bright light, in dryness and at temperatures from +8 to +12 degrees Celsius from October to the end of December and about +15 degrees in January-February.

Зантедеския эфиопская (Zantedeschia aethiopica). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com nature-and-garden

5. Stefanotis profusely and other flowering vines

The inimitably delicate Madagascar jasmine for the release of narrow tubular flowers in beautiful inflorescences requires wintering at temperatures of about +12 degrees Celsius (maximum, +15 degrees). But for him, careful ventilation and an increase in lighting are no less important.

The huge, cavalry-star-like flowers of blue passionflower on the flexible shoots of the plant will bloom only after wintering in cool ventilated rooms. Ideal values ​​for passion flower + 7 … + 12 degrees.

Mandeville Sandera and Medinilla, with their bright blooms, will prefer a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius in winter. But multi-flowered jasmine, naked bougainvillea and loose mandeville should be kept at 5-10 degrees.

Read also our article Stefanotis – royal bloom, aroma and whims.

6. Streptocarpus

Colorful bells in one of the houseplants closest to live bouquets of streptocarpus appear only if neat lush bushes are moved to coolness since November. The optimum temperature for the dormant period of this plant is from +12 to +14 degrees, with careful bottom watering without waterlogging.

Streptocarpus. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Shirley

7. Sinningia-gloxinia and its competitors

Bells of enormous size with luxurious ruffles against the background of velvet of large rounded leaves in the sinningia will bloom only after a completely dry dormancy period. Tubers in the dried substrate or outside it are kept at temperatures from +10 to +15 degrees.

Temperatures from +12 to +15 degrees are also suitable for hippeastrum, hemantus (deer tongue), cyclamen, cinnabar clivia.

8. False Nightshade

It is better to keep the poisonous and bright Jerusalem cherry in winter not just in the cool, but almost in the cold – the temperature from +8 to +10 degrees. This is the only condition that allows the plant to bloom, and the owners – for a long time to admire the beauty of the multi-colored fruits dotting dense bushes with matte lanceolate leaves.

Grenada nertera (coral berry) prefers the same wintering temperatures.

Паслен ложноперечный (Solanum pseudocapsicum). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com homegardeningph

9. Rose and other garden and indoor plants

Gorgeous shrubs and herbaceous perennials, which grow successfully in indoor or semi-garden format, need overwintering, similar to garden tub plants.

Potted roses, hydrangeas, lead and Co. should overwinter in bright light and at a temperature that is as close as possible to +5 degrees. But perennials, such as primrose and common bell, prefer wintering at + 10 … + 15 degrees.

Read also our article 10 secrets of growing indoor roses.

10. Indoor “annuals”

All short-lived and seasonal indoor species that need frequent replacement with young plants will prefer a cool winter. Such are the Byzantine schizanthus and eustoma (from +5 to +10 degrees), cineraria (+ 8… + 10 degrees), calceolaria (month at a temperature of +10 degrees), gerbera, exacum and catharanthus (+ 15… + 16 degrees).

Many other species will also prefer wintering at a moderate temperature of about 15 degrees – Jacobinia, Ixora cochineal, balsamines, magnificent gloriosa, poinsettia-Christmas star, columnea, bryophyllum, brovallia beautiful, ardisia curly, anthurium, anigosanthus, allamanda and dr.

Кальцеолярия (Calceolaria). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Steve Wanstall

What flowering plants don’t need a cool winter?

If you are unable to provide the correct wintering conditions for these beauties, do not despair: there are many species in the huge assortment of indoor plants that will bloom without a cold dormant period.

Among them, the unconditional “classics” stand out – spathiphyllum, begonias, Kalanchoe, touch-me-not-mimosa and Saintpaulia. There are also exotic, extravagant and dazzlingly beautiful species – for example, multiflorous pavonia, hoya, lanceolate pentas, gardenias, “fiery violet” episode, turmeric, funnel-shaped crossandra, thick-leaved codonant, akalifa, clerodendrons, pachystachis yellow or ruella.

It is also worth taking a closer look at non-capricious phalaenopsis and other orchids for which a daily temperature difference is enough (zygopetalum, wanda, papiopedilum, cattleya).

Proper care in cool

For any plants wintering in low temperatures, careful examinations, maintenance of cleanliness are needed, but most importantly – correction of watering and feeding. Watering is reduced even in the fall, drying out the substrate more and more and strictly adhering to the recommendations for a particular species.

With a full dormant period and shedding of leaves, watering is almost stopped, and foliage-preserving plants are watered carefully, maintaining a slight moisture content in the soil and allowing the substrate to dry out. Overflow, dampness, stagnation of water in the pallets in the cool are unacceptable. Top dressing is completely stopped and not resumed until growth begins and is transferred to heat.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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