Description of cabbage Explosion F1

One of the early ripening white varieties of cabbage is Explosion. It has a crispy taste.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the head
  3. Care
  4. Seedling
  5. Seedless (ordinary) method
  6. Fertilizers <
  7. Watering <
  8. Loosening the soil
  9. Pest control
  10. Conclusion <

Описание капусты Взрыв F1

Description of cabbage Explosion F1

Variety characteristic

According to the description, the cabbage of the variety Explosion f1 belongs to the category of hybrids. The variety is precocious and already at the end of July gives ripe fruits: Planting in the ground occurs in late April, and the variety is planted in the greenhouse in early March.

Characteristics of the variety:

  • head of cabbage forms in 80-90 days;
  • adapted for cultivation in different climatic conditions and on different soils;
  • suitable for fresh consumption and processing;

Cabbage Explosion high yield indicators: about 6 kg per 1 sq. km. m. This allows you to grow vegetables on an industrial scale.

During long-term storage, heads of cabbage do not spoil, tolerate transportation well.

Description of head of cabbage

Weight of one fruit – about 1-1.5 kg. The shape is spherical. The fruit is medium in size.

The leaves are light green with a slight waxy coating.

The taste of cabbage Explosion F1 juicy and tender. Most often it is used in borscht, salads. It is great for cabbage rolls and vegetable stew.


Early white cabbage is a light-loving plant. This means that during the growing period it is important to provide the crop with enough light and heat. If necessary, you can increase daylight hours using fluorescent lamps.

Cabbage is grown in 2 ways: seedlings and ordinary (seedlings). The first method is most often used.


Seeds are sown in the middle or at the end of February. Basic planting rules:

  • in one well there can be no more than 3-4 g of seeds;
  • after sowing the grains are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil half mixed with sifted humus;
  • the optimum temperature during the day is 15-18 ° C, at night it is 3-4 ° C lower;
  • the seedlings are hardened a week before planting in the soil.

Seedlings are ready for planting when the danger of prolonged cold snap passes. To prevent damage to the roots by a cabbage fly, when planting the roots and parts of the stem, they are treated with lindane in a proportion of 100 g per 1000 g.

Non-seedling (ordinary) method

It is necessary to protect plants from direct sunlight

If you plant cabbage in an ordinary way, from autumn the soil fertilize with compost.It grows best after cucumbers, carrots and pumpkins. Sowing seeds is better in a row. The optimal distance is 50 cm. If closer, thinning will have to be done.

Seed depth is 1 cm. The soil is strewn with wood ash: this is a good top dressing for the plant. Sometimes gardeners cover seedlings with non-woven material. Its functions:

  • protection against low temperatures;
  • dimming the plant from the rays of the sun;
  • protection against insects.

Do not remove non-woven material before heading out.


An explosion f1 is first fed with organic fertilizers. In 1 l of water add 1 g of potassium chloride, 2 g of ammonium nitrate and 4 g of superphosphate. All components are mixed and left to infuse for several hours. A prerequisite is that the water must be warm. The consumption rate is 1 liter of solution for 1 head.

The second feeding is complex. It consists of a mixture of mineral and organic fertilizers. A good top dressing is 0.5 kg of compost, 1 tsp. superphosphate and 2 tbsp. l wood ash. When digging, all elements are mixed with the earth.

After this fertilizer is applied 2 weeks after the previous time. There are 2 options for cooking. First: 2 tablespoons are dissolved in 10 liters of water. nitrofoski. Second: mullein infusion in proportion to water 1:10.


There are different methods of watering for cabbage.Each of them has its own characteristics, and is used at different periods of crop growth:

  • furrow irrigation is carried out when growing seedlings from seeds;
  • sprinkling is used at the stage of intensive seedling growth;
  • drip irrigation is used in the process of growth and heading out.

High yields can be achieved using various watering methods. But the main thing is to achieve the optimum degree of hydration. It is checked by the condition of the soil. If the earth is wet, watering is still not necessary, if dry, add about 1-2 liters of water under 1 head.

The best time to water seedlings is in the morning until 10 o’clock or in the evening after sunset. During these periods, water is well absorbed into the soil.

Loosening the soil

Early cabbage Explosion F1 loves loose soil. The loosening procedure helps to stimulate growth, enriching the soil with oxygen, improves its structure, protects against weeds and insects.

Often loosening is done with a hoe or chopper. The top layer of the earth is removed and then slightly fluffed to increase the flow of air and moisture to the roots.

How to plant cabbage seeds
how to grow cabbage for seedlings, different varieties for each season
Growing early cabbage under the film

Pest Control

The pests of this early variety of cabbage are cabbage fly, whitewash, scoop and cruciferous flea, which appear if there were errors in care.

Larvae of the cabbage fly gnaw the roots of young plants. It begins to turn yellow and gradually perishes. To neutralize this pest, seedlings are treated with lindane. Dosage – 100 g of solution per 1 sq.m. Then it is treated with metaphos, but this is done only after 10 days.

Cabbage can also harm the caterpillars of the whitewash. They gnaw the leaves. They are struggling with them using metaphos vegetable irrigation: 150 g per one hundred square meters.

Cabbage scoop is a butterfly that destroys the underside of leaves, and then goes to the head. The plant is treated with Binoram until heading out. For 1 liter of water you need 150-200 ml of fungicide. For 1 square. m plants require about 10-15 liters of solution.

Cruciferous flea damages young leaves, they dry out and die. It is best to spray them with lindane at a dose of 150-200 g per hundred square meters. Processing is carried out 2 times in 4-5 days. You can also treat it with a 0.12% metaphos solution.


The cabbage variety Explosion has many advantages: resistance to disease and climate, high content of minerals and vitamins . It is suitable for long-term transportation and storage under the necessary conditions.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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