Watering cabbage in the open field

Cabbage is not easy to grow. A good harvest requires proper care. One of the most important actions is watering cabbage, which directly affects the taste of the plant. Consider how often to water the cabbage.

  1. How to detect moisture deficiency
  2. Water when watering
  3. Watering cabbage
  4. What watering
  5. Recommendations
  6. Watering methods
  7. When to water
  8. Top dressing after watering
  9. First
  10. Second
  11. Third
  12. Deposit rules
  13. Conclusion

How to identify a lack of moisture

The main criterion for lack of water is the appearance of the fruit. Most often it is a poor condition of the leaves. The reason for this may be the rapid evaporation of moisture under the influence of the sun, which causes a lack of moisture for the roots.

The soil condition can also indicate a lack of fluid. The soil is rolled up into a ball, and if it crumbles or cracks when pressed, increase the frequency of irrigation.

Water for irrigation

When growing any variety, you need to take care of the good quality of the water used. The main criterion that affects the growth of a vegetable is temperature. It is necessary to water the cabbage with water of the required temperature, starting from the first stages. Watering the culture with cold water negatively affects the development of the roots.The result is a complete stop tying forks, various diseases and the complete death of the vegetable. In open ground, cabbage tolerates watering with cold water especially poorly.

Watering directly from a tap, a well or a well is not recommended. It is enough to draw water into the container and let it warm to room temperature. For faster heating of water, you can use a black container. It is better to water a plant in open ground at a temperature in the region of 20-23 ° C.

Watering cabbage

The need for watering a vegetable increases with the development of the plant. There are several methods of watering cabbage in the open ground, depending on the variety.

Most often you need to water the cabbage after planting seedlings in the ground and after the head of cabbage has begun to form. During these periods, the vegetable needs watering several times a day for a couple of weeks. During sheet formation, the frequency of moisture application is reduced.

What watering depends on

The frequency and intensity of watering depends on several factors:

  • Features varieties. Some species may be more demanding on moisture, while others may be the other way around. In this case, humidification is performed on the basis of the moisture requirements of the variety.
  • Weather and climate. The amount of water is determined based on the presence and frequency of precipitation, drought and air temperature. In hot regions, cabbage requires moisture more often. This also includes the stage of development of the fetus.
  • Moisture application if necessary. This is an economical way in which irrigation is performed in the morning or in the evening. Water is poured into the pits around the roots. When the fetus is most urgently needed, about 30 liters per 1 sq. M are used in water. During the period of drought, watering is increased to 45-50 liters.

After any of the selected irrigation methods, it is necessary carry out hilling. For early varieties of cabbage, it is carried out 2-3 times, and later 3-4 operations are necessary. After this seedling strengthens its roots. Hilling is necessary only for wet soil.


Neat irrigation can be carried out to prevent the appearance of various diseases and pests. For this, you can use special solutions. Popular remedies are decoctions from tops and solutions of vinegar. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the liquid must remain on the plant for some time, and water can be accidentally washed off.

For cabbage, irregular watering during an important period can be detrimental. Too frequent irrigation can also harm. Abundant watering after drought often leads to cracks on the head.

Watering methods

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Raining provide air humidity

There are 3 most popular and effective ways to water cabbage in the open ground:

  • Watering cabbage over furrows from a hose. The method is applicable only to mature plants, a large amount of water can damage the vegetable in the early stage
  • Irrigation by the drip method. In this case, water is supplied to the plant in small portions, which provide a sufficient amount of moisture during active growth. The disadvantage is the high cost of equipment, as well as the possibility of waterlogging the soil by the drip method.
  • Sprinkling method. Provides humidity not only soil but also air. Irrigation is carried out by special installations. Together with water, you can treat the culture with fertilizing and various medicinal products. The disadvantage is the possibility of waterlogging of the soil.

When to water

After planting in the soil, seedlings are watered every 3-4 days for 8-10 liters per 1 square . m. In the future, the volume will increase to 12-14 liters.

Early varieties will require more moisture in June, and later ones in August, when heading begins. Water is introduced in the morning or evening. In the driest season, the amount of moisture is doubled. Drip irrigation at this time is most effective, because it gives a constant influx of moisture into the soil.In the absence of special installations, water can be dosed with a watering can.

The need for irrigation depends on the climate. Most often, it must be carried out in an area where the liquid quickly evaporates from the soil.

Completely complete the application of moisture in the fall, a few weeks before the harvest. This is done to increase the shelf life of the vegetable after cutting and to eliminate the possibility of cracks on the heads of cabbage.

Top dressing after watering

Top dressing should be carried out during the entire period of growth of the vegetable, immediately after plentiful watering.


The first top dressing is carried out 2 weeks after planting. During this period, a solution of mullein (5 parts of water and 1 part of fertilizer) or bird droppings (10 parts of water and 1 litter) in the amount of 1.5 liters per plant is introduced into the soil. An alternative is a solution of ammonium nitrate.


The second feeding is carried out when the leaves began to actively develop. This is 15-20 days after the first feeding. In this case, superphosphate, nitrate and potassium sulfate are used in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. Make should be 50-60 g per 1 square. m. Use of mineral fertilizers will be useful.


The third top dressing is carried out if necessary (if there is a disease or slow development). It must be carried out no earlier than 14 days after the second, before that it is important to properly water the beds.It is customary to use a mixture of potassium sulfate and superphosphate in a ratio of 1 to 2. 25 g is used per plant. Wood chemical ash is added to chemical fertilizers.

Watering cabbage in the open ground
How to water cabbage
When to feed cabbage / Subtleties of growing cabbage in the open ground

Application rules

Fertilizers must be applied so that they do not fall on the leaves: this causes burns. It is necessary to pour fertilizing under each fruit, observing the dosage.After top dressing, it is important to loosen the soil between the rows. If there is a need for long-term storage of the fetus, more potassium should be added to the top dressing.


Every gardener should know how to properly water the cabbage. With frequent watering, you can achieve the formation of full heads of cabbage even in a dry climate. Irrigation is only one of the components of a large and laborious process. If you supplement it with proper plant care, you can expect a good harvest.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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