Characteristics of Muksuma Cabbage

Muksuma cabbage is a two-year-old plant suitable for long-term storage, transportation and processing.

  1. Characteristics of the Muksuma variety
  2. Composition of Muksum cabbage
  3. Useful properties
  4. Application of Muksum cabbage
  5. In medicine
  6. In cooking
  7. Storage and processing
  8. Planting and growing varieties
  9. How to choose the right seeds and seedlings
  10. Planting and care
  11. Conclusion <

Характеристика капусты сорта Муксума

Characteristics of the cabbage of the Muksuma cultivar

Composition of Muksum cabbage

Cabbage contains minerals and fiber.

It has a positive effect on the body, thanks to provitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin U and vitamin C.

The chemical composition of the Muksuma variety:

  • pantothenic and folic acid;
  • phosphorus, zinc, aluminum;
  • potassium salts;
  • manganese, glucose, fructose;
  • phosphorus, iodine.

The energy value of Muksum per 100 g: 1.8 proteins; fats 0.10; carbohydrates 4.70. The caloric value per 100 g is 27 kcal.

Useful properties

Muksuma variety improves metabolism

Head of cabbage contains important vitamin U, which fights against duodenal ulcer, as well as the manifestation of peptic ulcer. Due to this feature, cabbage leaves are processed and actively used in modern pharmacology.

The use of fresh variety Muksuma helps to improve metabolism, strengthen blood vessels. Dietary fibers in green leaves trap cholesterol and bile acids, preventing them from being absorbed into the intestinal wall.

Vitamin C in the chemical composition of a vegetable has the most stable formula. This helps preserve the beneficial effects of the vitamin after any heat treatment or fermentation. The leaves of Muksum cabbage have anti-inflammatory properties, favorably affect the activity of the cardiac system and regulate the production of gastric juice.

Application of the cabbage of the Muksuma variety

In medicine

For a long time cabbage leaf was applied to the inflamed place, like a compress, leaving it overnight to relieve swelling and pain.Modern medicine uses vegetable leaves in the treatment of such diseases:

  • peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • duodenum;
  • tuberculosis;
  • renal failure;
  • spleen disease;
  • ischemia;
  • prevention of hypovitaminosis C.

Fresh root juice of Muksum is used for rapid healing of wounds and minor burns. Vegetable stump is used in the fight against cancer. Muksuma is one of the prophylactics for depression and colds.


Vegetables are not suitable for people with colitis. It should not be included in the diet with increased acidity of the stomach.

In cooking

Cabbage is good fresh

The leaf of the vegetable does not require additional processing. It is perfect for cooking raw. Soft but crispy leaves are suitable for any salad.

Fermentation and pickling of a late-ripening variety is no different from other varieties. Heat treatment in combination with other components is acceptable. The variety has no pronounced smell and taste.

Storage and processing

Muksum cabbage is a late-ripening variety, therefore it is suitable for long-term storage in specialized places or cellars.Muksuma retains its taste and useful properties until the middle of winter, does not need additional processing.

Vegetable is able to withstand long-term transportation. With proper, careful movement, the heads of cabbage do not lose their presentation.

Planting and growing a variety

Unlike other vegetables, Muksuma cabbage can adapt to different climatic conditions. The root crop is unpretentious to the soil, so even heavy soil is suitable for planting. The variety is grown using seeds or seedlings.

How to choose the right seeds and seedlings

Choose a clean, dry, undamaged package that shows the full name of the crop and variety. Manufacturer, labeling, pariah number, company legal address, expiration date – everything should be indicated on the package.

F1 – special labeling of hybrid plant varieties (only positive genetic predispositions). Packages with this marking contain selected processed seeds.

The quality of seedlings when buying is determined by the appearance of the bush. The stalks of Muksum cabbage should be thick and long, the leaves should be large.

Planting and care

The seeds of Muksum cabbage are sown in the first half of April. With late planting, heads of vegetable do not have time to form heads. Seedlings that sprouted after sowing can be transplanted into the open ground after 46-50 days.

Before planting seedlings, the soil must be prepared:

  • in the autumn, dig the prepared area without leveling: this way the earth absorbs the maximum amount of moisture;
  • treat the soil with antiparasitic agents;
  • water abundantly the day before planting;
  • prepare the wells, mix the ground with peat fertilizer.

A young root crop is transplanted into the finished hole and sprinkled with dry ground. Seedlings are watered daily for 10 days. On the third and fourth week, each bush is spud. Ripe fruits are harvested in late autumn.


White cabbage is able to retain healthy vitamins for a long time. Vegetable can be used in any form.

Muksuma cabbage is unpretentious to weather conditions, bears fruit well. The head is taut and juicy, suitable for long-term winter storage.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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