Terms of hilling cabbage

Proper and timely care of garden crops ensures a good harvest. Hilling cabbage – one of the stages of care, which allows to improve productivity on an open land plot. The method is used for most varieties of cabbage.

  1. Why spud the cabbage
  2. Conditions for the procedure
  3. When to carry out the hilling
  4. Care after hilling
  5. Conclusion

Why hake cabbage

Hooking cabbage is not a time-consuming process The care is aimed at the formation of an additional root system, which accelerates the growth of the head and allows you to get a large cabbage head cu.

Hilling allows you to save on fertilizers and increase the yield in a natural way.

Do cabbage varieties (cauliflower or broccoli) grow up and do other crops need this procedure? seedlings, you can do without hilling, but then you will have to increase watering and more often top up the soil: such care is more complicated and more expensive.

If you sprinkle cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli or white cabbage), the resistance of the heads will increase, and sticking will be prevented . Hilling is especially important for large varieties that need additional care.

Conditions for the procedure

The crop has no additional protection on open ground: large varieties may suffer due to improper soil composition, insufficient lighting or watering. With a small amount of moisture or nutrients, a small head is formed, and the head becomes deformed. It is necessary to sprout cabbages when the head is formed: this is an appropriate period to prevent the crop from growing improperly.

It is necessary to sprout cabbage a second time after 2 weeks after the first so that the root system has time to recover. Before the procedure, the lower leaves are completely removed: they interfere with the proper design of the root system. It is better to cultivate the culture after rain. This procedure allows you to save moisture at the roots. It is important that the soil is free of lumps or stones. Hilling without additional loosening of the soil is not carried out. Additionally, heads of cabbage and seedlings are fertilized with ash (wood) or nitrogen fertilizers.

When to carry out the hilling

Do they ripen cabbage before harvesting or only during the growing period?

Best spud cabbage in late spring. This is the right time to do 2 consecutive procedures.

The procedure helps in the fight against flies and diseases that spread from one garden crop to another. Because of this danger, it is better to cultivate the crop on open ground before the summer heat comes.

Rules of procedure:

  • they first process the bed: they clean and loosen the soil as soon as seedlings will form the head (if it is a broccoli variety, then a tight leg);
  • the first procedure is carried out in the spring, and the second after 45 days;
  • the period between procedures decreases if the variety is weak and poor growing – the minimum break is at least 2 weeks.

Various cabbage varieties regularly strengthen, but at different intervals. Watch how a head of cabbage grows after the first procedure. The first time they spud a thin trunk, and the second time the procedure strengthens the root system. A head of cabbage is formed in the same period.

The second time the varieties are strengthened to protect against adverse environmental conditions. If you urgently need to carry out the procedure to protect the head of cabbage, they wait for the soil to dry out (the soil dries out no less than 15 cm). the gap will allow the root system to absorb all the nutrients from the soil and be nourished by it naturally. If you do not spout cabbage in the early spring, by the summer the procedure is ineffective.

Care after hilling

After the procedure, heads of cabbage need additional care. Immediately after hilling, the plant is inspected to avoid the invasion of insects. In addition, heads are plentifully watered, especially during the growing season.

After the first procedure, watering is carried out regularly: per 1 sq. km.m of soil not less than 30 liters of water during the week. After the second procedure, the amount of water is increased by 10-15 liters. Watering is reduced if it rains continuously. Periodically, the soil is loosened, weeds are harvested.


Hilling is carried out in 2 stages: this allows you to strengthen the young head and root system. The period between two procedures is at least 2 weeks, and for large varieties – up to 45 days. Right after the procedure, organize the correct watering. It will ensure rapid growth of the head, and by the fall the gardener will harvest the first crop.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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