Characteristics of cabbage varieties Pandion F1

Cabbage Pandion F1 is an early white-hybrid. He appeared in Russia in 2005 after a short amount of time, thanks to positive qualities he gained great popularity in agricultural production. At present, it is the most popular variety of early white cabbage among summer residents and gardeners. The description of Pandion cabbage is described in detail in the article.

  1. Feature
  2. Description <
  3. Application <
  4. Care
  5. Temperature
  6. Pick-up
  7. Landing in the open ground
  8. Feeding <
  9. Pests and diseases
  10. Conclusion

Характеристика капусты сорта Пандион F1

Characteristics of cabbage of the Pandion variety F1


Early cabbage ripens very quickly:

    • full ripening period – 85-110 days;
    • seedling ripening period – 40-55 days;

the fruit ripening period is 45-55 days (the period after transplanting).

When planting, cabbage does not occupy a large territory on the site: 65-70 thousand hybrids are located on 1 ha. 280-510 centners per 1 ha of land.After ripening, the heads of the hybrid can be on the site for a long time, while they do not crack. The hybrid is resistant to Fusarium.

Growing is possible both in seedlings and sowing in open ground.

To obtain an earlier harvest, they recommend growing in greenhouses. The optimum temperature for good plant development is 17-21 ° C. If the temperature is below normal or exceeds 25 ° C, this is bad for the development of heads of cabbage.


Heads of the plant are quite resilient, tolerate transportation long distances. The average weight of a head of cabbage is 1.5-2 kg.

Description of a cabbage of Pandion F1 cabbage:

  • the shape is round;
  • the structure is dense;
  • the color is green;
  • the middle-length inner poker;
  • the short external poker.

The leaves of the hybrid are thin, bubbly, saturated green with a light wax coating; horizontal leaf socket; the leaf plate is slightly wavy at the edges.


Cabbage has pronounced taste and is intended for fresh consumption (it loses its properties during thermal processing). It is not recommended to store it for a long time in the basement and for preparing winter preparations


The plants need to be well looked after

In the greenhouse hybrid cultivation, sowing of cabbage seeds begins in the third decade of March. If the cultivation will take place in closed film greenhouses, sowing begins from the first decade of March.

Before sowing, seeds are calibrated, they must exceed 1.5 mm in diameter. After that, they are kept in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then sown in a greenhouse immediately in the ground or in special containers.

After emergence, the first shoots are thinned out, leaving only the strongest and largest plants.


The ripening air temperature seed should not rise above 20 ° C. The water temperature when watering seedlings should correspond to 18-20 ° C. Watering is carried out as the liquid evaporates, making sure that the soil is not too dry or waterlogged.


When several leaves form in the hybrid, the picking begins. Seedlings are transplanted into other containers: cassettes, plastic cups or pots. You can dive seedlings in the same boxes, but plant them less often. Large plants should be dived, and small ones should be removed.

Planting in open ground

When the plant has 5-7 leaves, planting in open ground begins. The age of the plant for this period of time is approximately 45 days. Air temperature when planting vegetables should not be lower than 18-19 ° C. Soil temperature – not lower than 13 ° С. It is best to plant seedlings in rainy, cloudy weather or in the evening; extremely undesirable in the hot season.

The distance between the seedlings should be 25-30 cm, and between the beds – 45-50 cm. You need to deepen the plant at the same distance as it was when growing in boxes.

Before planting seedlings, the soil is leveled, small recesses are made and they are watered abundantly.After planting seedlings, the soil is compacted, a crust is formed. To prevent this, the land is mulched, after heavy rainfall – they are loosened.

At the very beginning of the growth, seedlings are very vulnerable, therefore it is important to conduct timely processing. A crop is considered ripe after the weight of the head of cabbage is 0.5-1 kg.


For the normal development of vegetable crops, regular feeding is performed during ripening in the first and the second half of the vegetative period. The first feeding takes place 2 weeks after planting the seedlings, the second – 2 weeks after the first fertilizer.

As fertilizer, use rotted manure or bird droppings. For 1 square. m use 300-500 g of manure. Bird droppings use 600-800 g per 1 square. m.

Early cabbage Pandion in the field Early cabbage Pandion in the field
Overview of cabbage Pandion in the field (semenis)
Planting early cabbage champ, kevin, farao in the greenhouse under the agrospan. February window. How do we do this

Pests and diseases

At all stages of the growing season, early cabbage cultivars can be exposed to various diseases or harmful insects, often cabbage spring fly, white-blooded flea, aphid, ognevka, bear. To protect vegetables from negative environmental impacts, it is recommended to treat with Belofos, Corsair, Rovikur.

Hybrid Pandion is immune to fungal diseases (Fusarium ). Other types of diseases can be prevented by observing the rules of crop rotation, seed treatment and cultivation. Often, infected plants cannot be treated and must be disposed of. So that healthy cultures do not suffer, they are treated with Topaz, Bactofit, and Fitoflavin preparations.


Pandion F1 – ultra-early variety of white cabbage; which is suitable for growing in film greenhouses, indoors and outdoors; differs in high productivity and stress resistance; Has a presentable presentation.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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