How to deal with a flea on cabbage

Fleas on cabbage are a common occurrence for gardeners. This gluttonous black pest from the detachment of leaf beetles in a short period of time is able to destroy young cruciferous seedlings. Consider how you can deal with the cabbage flea.

  1. Biological Description
  2. Signs of occurrence and favorable factors
  3. Agricultural measures
  4. Landing dates
  5. Weeding
  6. Watering
  7. Fitontsidny neighbors
  8. Shelter
  9. Folk recipes
  10. Dusting <
  11. Spraying <
  12. Chemicals
  13. Bi-58 <
  14. Decis
  15. Imidal
  16. Diazinon
  17. Conclusion

Борьба с блохой на капусте

Fighting a flea on cabbage

Biological description

The cruciferous black flea on the cabbage is a small insect no more than 3-4 mm long with a shiny curved back. The beetle is distinguished by good jumping ability provided by thickenings of the femoral parts hind legs.

A black cabbage flea awakens in the ground when spring heat sets in, when the average daily temperature is set at 15 ° C.

Cruciferous flea larvae develop in soil eating plant roots, in most cases weed grow nostyu. The larva turns into an adult individual in 2-4 weeks, pupating by the end of June.They can also hide from cold weather and overwinter in greenhouse designs or in piles with last year’s fallen leaves.

Signs of appearance and favorable factors

Adult small bugs that appeared on cabbage plantings young leaves and stems begin to eat, and their larvae damage the root system of plants. As a result of a massive invasion of cabbage fleas on cabbage, plantings can die in a few days.

You can determine that a black cruciferous flea appeared on the cabbage by changing the appearance of the vegetable crop:

  • under the destructive effect of the larvae in the soil on the root system of plants begins to wilt and dry even with heavy watering,
  • when adults of the cabbage flea appear, the cabbage foliage is covered with sores, gnawed between the veins, and extensive leaf gnawing.

As a result of severe damage to the cabbage seedlings, the plants dry up and die.

Among the conditions that favor the active propagation of the cabbage flea, hot sunny weather and the absence of rain.

Agricultural measures

Proper agricultural measures prevent the emergence and propagation of a cruciferous flea on cabbage.

Planting dates

By observing the timing of planting cabbage seedlings, it is possible to avoid a massive damage to the plantings by the pest.So, it is recommended to plant cabbage before and after the main stages of development of the insect. Early varieties of vegetables that are planted in early April and later varieties that are planted in July can avoid pest damage. By the time adults are ready, such plants have time to grow and take root, and their foliage is roughened, which becomes unattractive for the pest.


Adverse conditions attract pests

Timely harvesting of weeds makes it possible to create unsuitable habitats for the pest, breeding and development conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the site of plant debris in the fall, after a harvest of vegetables.


Such a measure as abundant watering on hot days can create protection for cabbage plantings against an insect. Cruciferous flea does not like moist environments.

Phytoncide neighbors

Planting phytoncide plants, which include dill, garlic, coriander, can be measures to prevent the appearance of a pest in the beds. They create a specific odor that repels the pest.


You can protect the cabbage plantations in the fight against the cabbage flea by using covering materials if they cover young seedlings while they are it will not finally take root and will not get stronger.Among such materials are spandbond, lutrasil and other non-woven fiber.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies are also effective methods in the fight against cabbage flea, allowing you to quickly get rid of it.


Dusting cabbage plantings with wood ash, tobacco or road dust or red ground pepper makes them unattractive to the insect. Such components work effectively both independently of each other, and in combined mixtures.

It is recommended to dust cabbage plantings or aisles in the morning, when the dew still remains on the plants, or in the evening after watering. The protective property of such products is valid until the first rain.


Spraying with tinctures will help get rid of insects

Among the effective folk methods of combating cruciferous flea on cabbage are self-prepared infusions that are sprayed with seedlings:

  • a mixture of tomato tops and chopped garlic, taken in equal proportions and diluted with a ten-liter volume of water with the addition of a small amount of soap for binding,
  • tobacco (200g) diluted in 10 liters of water with a small amount of soap,
  • wormwood (1 kg) boiled for 20 minutes along with garlic (100g), diluted after being prepared to a volume of 10l,
  • diluted in water chicken droppings in a proportion of 1:20, fermented outdoors ,
  • vinegar (200g of table solution or 2 large spoons of essence), diluted in 10 liters of water.


methods become ineffective when the defeat of cabbage plantings is large-scale. To treat seedlings so that they are not completely eaten by cruciferous flea, it is necessary already with chemical preparations.


The insecticidal preparation of systemic exposure to insects Bi-58 effectively fights like most pests, including effective against cabbage fleas. The active substance is diluted in 5 or 10 liters.


A universal chemical agent used in the fight against a wide range of insect pests. To increase the effectiveness of its contact-intestinal effect, it is recommended to treat plants at an established temperature of at least 25 ° C.


A chemical preparation intended for seed treatment before planting, capable of to create effective protection for their further cultivation.


Diazinon effectively protects the soil if the surface of the earth is treated with this preparation during the planting of cabbage seedlings.


Fighting cabbage pests can only bring positive results if it begins immediately. detect the pest and not lose your crop completely.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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