Characteristics of Etma F1 cabbage

One of the most optimal varieties for growing is Etma Cabbage. The variety is resistant to fusarium and internal necrosis. It has good yield and long shelf life. It is a late variety, and the output has a minimum amount of waste. We will consider the description of the vegetable in more detail in the article.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the head
  3. Use of the vegetable
  4. Care
  5. Lighting
  6. Temperature <
  7. Watering <
  8. Feeding <
  9. Pests and diseases
  10. Conclusion

Характеристика капусты сорта Этма F1

Characteristics of Etma cabbage F1

Characteristic of the variety

European late-ripening European white hybrid Etma F1 has a strong leaf structure, which makes the fruit massive. The tation period is relatively short, up to 130 days. Already on the 100th day, the fruit reaches 2.5 kg in weight.

One of the criteria for good growth is high-quality fertile soil, mainly loamy and light loamy soil. as well as enough ventilation. The density of planting in the soil is 30 – 35 thousand seeds per 1 ha.

Description of the head

Head of cabbage Etma F1 is light green in color. Weight varies from 3 to 4 kg. The smooth round shape and dense leafy structure makes it possible for pneumatic cleaning.

Cabbage fruits are rich in vitamin C, K, as well as minerals such as cobalt, manganese, copper and molybdenum.

Description of Etma F1 cabbage:

  • rather long storage, from 7 to 12 months;
  • resistance to diseases;
  • weight head of 3 to 4 kg;

Since the variety is late and the shelf life is long, Etma F1 is excellent for growing on a large scale, with further implementation.

Vegetable application

The use of Etma F1 white cabbage is diverse. Excellent taste allows you to use it in cooking: for pickling, salting, stewing. Raw cabbage is healthier than cooked. The high content of coarse fiber makes it an excellent bowel cleanser. It can be used in vegetable salads.


Cultivation of cabbage Etma F1 takes place by the seedling method, and this, in turn, requires certain conditions and rules.


This variety of cabbage requires good lighting both during the growth of seedlings and after planting in a permanent place. Excess sunlight can also be detrimental. To adjust the amount of lighting needed on the plot, low density agrofiber is used.


You need to plant hardened seedlings

After the seeds of the cabbage Etma F1 have risen, the temperature should be 6-8 °, which will give an additional impetus to the sprout, and it will stretch to the desired size. Then the temperature rises, in the daytime to 15-16 °, and at night to 12-13 °.

Before planting the sprouts on the site, it is necessary to harden. To do this, they are taken outside, for 1-2 hours several days in a row.


Initially, the seeds are placed in a well-moistened soil. Subsequent watering of seedlings should occur only as necessary, when the top layer of the earth looks dried up. To avoid excess moisture, watering is moderate.

Growing cabbage requires more moisture to build weight. It should be often and plentifully watered with warm water.

The main irrigation should take place in the evening, when the heat subsides. If watered at lunchtime, when solar activity is at its peak, then the moisture will evaporate quickly. The root of the plant will dry out, and the cabbage may burn out.


The characteristics of the cabbage crop will improve if you fertilize the soil at the time of formation of the head. For the season you need to carry out 4 – 5 fertilizing the soil with nutrients. For this, liquid fertilizers, nitrofoska, potassium chloride are used.You can also use organics, namely mullein infusion, wood ash and fermented weeds.

Pests and diseases

Diseases that can affect Etma cabbage:

  1. Kila. For control, diluted formalin is used, and diseased leaves are burned.
  2. White rot. In order to avoid this disease, you need to make top dressing. Crop rotation can also prevent the disease.
  3. Blackleg. The remedy is Fitosporin, which kills the fungus that causes the disease.
  4. Gray rot. This is a problem that occurs during storage. The room should be well ventilated, and the walls are treated with bleach.

Among the pests you should beware:

  1. White duck, cabbage fly, cabbage scoop. The soil is sprinkled with a mixture of naphthalene with sand, in order to prevent. If, nevertheless, they wound up, then you need to sprinkle with dusty solution.
  2. Cruciferous flea. It is removed with ground pepper, or tobacco dust.
  3. Aphids. To combat use special preparations or a decoction of tobacco dust.

Cabbage growing tricks, Pests and cabbage diseases
Cabbage. The secret to growing good cabbage seedlings
Cabbage Seedlings / Secrets of growing strong healthy cabbage seedlings


Belokochan cabbage Etma F1 is well established among gardeners.If all the rules of care and prevention are followed, it is possible to get a large and high-quality crop that will be stored for a long time.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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