Effective fertilizer for cabbage

To get a high yield, fertilizers for cabbage should be applied regularly, observing the proportions and periods of feeding.

  1. Nitrogen fertilizers
  2. Potash fertilizers
  3. Phosphate fertilizers
  4. Calcium fertilizers
  5. Organics <
  6. Application methods
  7. Seedling top dressing
  8. Landing in open ground
  9. For active growth
  10. For the formation of the head of cabbage
  11. Pests
  12. Conclusion <

Эффективные удобрения для капусты

Effective fertilizers for cabbage

Potash fertilizers

For cabbage, it is important to introduce preparations containing potassium. It helps distribute organic matter throughout the plant. It is necessary for the correct formation of the root system and head.

With a lack of potassium, the leaves become:

  • hilly, corrugated at the edges;
  • lighter than the usual color;
  • less elastic and dry out.

When these signs appear, potassium nitrate for cabbage should be added.

One of these top dressings is potassium chloride. It has a sufficient proportion – 62% of the norm needed for the plant. Keep in mind that it strongly acidifies the soil.

Composed of 49% potassium. Use potassium chloride as a top dressing. It is recommended to sprinkle it in the ground with other drugs.

Phosphate top dressing

Cabbage does not need a lot of phosphorus, but its application is extremely useful for the proper formation of the vegetable. Superphosphate is a good top dressing. It holds up to 20% of the phosphorus available to plants. Please note that phosphorus is poorly absorbed when applied to acidic soils.

With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves begin to darken, acquiring an emerald hue.The edges are covered with burgundy-violet color, the ovaries of head of cabbage take much longer than usual.

Calcium fertilizers

Fertilizers will increase the immunity of cabbage

Calcium nitrate is used for feeding. Calcium nitrate consists of 20% calcium, and 12% nitrogen. Soil oxidation with calcium nitrate is negligible.

You can find out about calcium deficiency by white spots on the leaves. The timely introduction of calcium nitrate and cabbage will ensure full-fledged growth of the crop.

Calcium nitrate is the saver of cabbage. Due to it, an optimal nutrient medium is formed for the development of the vegetable and protects against various ailments.

Calcium nitrate is used to feed seedlings, and when planting fertilizer is applied to the well for 1 tsp and sprinkled with earth.


Organic fertilizing – compost, manure, humus and ash – is good to put into the soil at the beginning of autumn. A layer of perennial herbs is also a good saver for cabbage for the winter. Fertilizers are applied to the soil before loosening or directly to the hole when transplanting.

Methods of application

In each specific growth period, cabbage requires a special type of top dressing. The quality of the crop depends on the correct application of fertilizer.

For active growth

Feeding stimulates plant growth

This type of dressing is carried out in 15–18 days after the seedlings were planted in open ground. To do this, use:

In wet weather, phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium or mineral complexes scatter on top of beds and dig. The amount of top dressing should be taken at 150 g each or 500 g complex for a plot area of ​​5 m².

For the formation of the head of cabbage

When the ovaries begin to appear, it is worth adding another top dressing. To do this, you can apply the following methods:

Well suited for Agricola cabbage. It accelerates the growth of vegetables and increases productivity by 20%. It is diluted in water 25g per 10 liters of liquid. This volume is enough for a plot of 10-15 m².

Pest preparations

Cabbage is a culture that is not recommended to be treated with chemicals to protect against pests. A thick head of cabbage does not allow to wash off the remnants of preparations.

To save from pests, biological preparations are used:

Insect-fungo stimulator Rescuer cabbage – a means of complex action, which does not allow pests to destroy the crop. Growth stimulator ensures the full development of the culture.


Observing the proportions of fertilizers will help get rid of drying and decay. Proper treatment with pest preparations and following the feeding process will help increase cabbage productivity.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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