Kilaton Cabbage Variety

Kilaton cabbage is a popular high-yielding variety, unpretentious in care. Vegetables are planted in open ground from seedlings or seeds. Cabbage is ill with improper care, and spraying with special solutions is used to protect it.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the fruit
  3. Planting and growing
  4. Planting the seedlings
  5. Caring for sprouts
  6. Diseases and pests
  7. Fighting diseases and pests
  8. Summary

Сорт капусты Килатон

Kilaton cabbage cultivar

Variety characterization

Kilaton cabbage cultivar description:

  • A late-ripening hybrid variety is planted in late spring.
  • Average g planting mouth – 35 tons per 1 ha.
  • The vegetative period of cabbage is from 130 to 135 days.
  • The variety is resistant to keel and pinpoint necrosis, which allows you to save the head of cabbage for a long period.

Description of the fruit

Cabbage Kilaton f1 is distinguished by a massive head of cabbage. The weight of one vegetable is from 3 to 4 kg. The upper leaves are dark green, the lower ones are lighter. The head of the head is smooth and leveled.

General description of the head of head:

  • the shape is round;
  • the leaves are dense and keep their shape;
  • growing season medium.

The product is used both in raw and pickled form. Head of cabbage is stored for several months in a cool, dark room.

Planting and growing

Cabbage is planted in two ways: seedlings and seedlings. For seedlings, seeds of a certain size are selected: from 1.4 to 1.5 mm. Before planting, they are placed in warm water for half an hour. By soaking, the variety is strengthened to prevent infection. After this, the planting material is immersed in cold water for 2-3 minutes. In the end, the seeds are well dried.

Hybrid f1 planted on seedlings no earlier than April. Planting material is placed in pots and left in a warm room (in a greenhouse or on a windowsill). For quick seed germination, soil mixtures are needed. Use a mixture of peat, earth and sand (the main part of the soil is peat). The seedless method consists in planting seeds immediately in open ground. Such planting is carried out later (closer to May) when the soil warms up well.

Planting seedlings

For seedlings of f1 hybrid use pots with a depth of at least 8 cm. The hole for seeds is 1-3 cm Immediately after planting, seeds are watered.

The first seedlings appear within a week. After the appearance of the green stem, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil (organics cannot be used). Seedlings are well watered.

Landing in the open ground is carried out after 35-40 days. Wells are made in the soil.Each hole is watered with at least 0.5 liters of water. The seedlings are deepened on the first leaf. The optimal distance between the beds is not less than 50-70 cm. The distance between the heads of cabbage does not exceed 40-50 m.

Care for the sprouts

According to the description, Kilaton cabbage is well fertilized at all stages of growth. The first time fertilizer is applied after the first leaflet appears in the seedlings, then on the 12th day. The last time the f1 hybrid seedlings are fed 2 days before planting in open ground. To make the variety take root in the garden faster, use homemade top dressing.

Composition of the mixture:

  • 3 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 1 g of potassium chloride;
  • 4-5 g of superphosphate.

The dry mixture is diluted with 1 liter of purified water. Top dressing is applied to the top layer of open ground. As the head of the Kilaton variety grows, the amount of active substances increases. Basic care includes watering once a week. To increase the yield Kilaton spud. The soil is loosened on a soil layer of at least 8 cm. Weeds are removed throughout the growth period.

A variety with large heads of cabbage needs frequent watering. Head of cabbage in unfavorable soils, therefore, when planting seedlings spend additional fertilizer. Harvest quality depends on the conditions.

Diseases and pests

Kilaton cabbage suffers from pests and infectious diseases. Cabbage moth appears on a head of cabbage at any period of its growth. Caterpillars or pupae appear, which eat the upper leaves.Moth eggs are located on the underside of the leaves. The larger the growth of the moth, the more damage on the head.

Cabbage aphids and flies attack young heads of cabbage. Cabbage changes the color of the upper leaves, and damage forms in the basal part. The size of cabbage aphids is not more than 3 mm, and it is impossible to remove them mechanically. The size of the fly is up to 6 mm. Slugs and snails can damage the cabbage crop. Slugs make holes in the leaves and leave mucus on the green part of the head.

Tips for growing Cabbage on summer cottage
kapusta kilaton

Fight against diseases and pests

To combat cabbage moth, mixtures of calcium and a solution of chlorophos are used.Moth is distributed in beds with a large number of weeds. Weeding helps prevent the spread of pests. To destroy cabbage aphids, a soap solution or whey helps (the surface of seedlings or heads of cabbage is wiped with a damp cloth).

To combat cabbage fly, use a mixture of tobacco, wood ash and ground pepper. To save cabbage heads from slugs, 2-3 granules of Thunder are placed under each cabbage (at night).


Hybrid Kilaton is recognized by gardeners as one of the most profitable late varieties. It does not require special care and has good yields. The ripening period of the crop is late: at least 140 days. At the same time, heads of cabbage have a long shelf life. Vegetables can be grown both in the garden and on an industrial scale.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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