Description of decorative hens

Decorative hens such as bentamka are unique in themselves, as they have the following characteristics: high level of productivity, unpretentiousness to food, early maturity. Plus, such chickens adapt well to the external environment and different climatic conditions. And the little cocks and colorful cocks captivate the look in the photo.

  1. Features of the colored hens
  2. The main representatives of the decorative breed
  3. French color
  4. Naked Neck
  5. Hungarian Giants
  6. Foxy Chick
  7. Cornish hens
  8. Master Gris
  9. RedBro
  10. Rules for growing decorative birds
  11. Diet for decorative breeds

Декоративные породы кур

Decorative breeds of hens

If you make a comparison between a simple and decorative farm bird, then the former lose a little, since most of the latter develop and grow faster, so the enlightened part of farmers-entrepreneurs prefer these breeds, because the economic component is especially important in breeding birds.The values ​​that the decorative breeds of hens provide are beyond doubt: rapid growth, high egg production and tasty high-quality meat fully pay off all the money spent on the purchase and rearing of poultry.

At the age of one month, chickens of decorative farm pores d weigh from 300-350 g, in certain cases, this rate is significantly greater, and reaches 1 kg. This once again confirms that the leading position remains with this species of birds for agriculture.

Features of colored hens

External characteristics are the first distinguishing sign. Decorative farm chickens have a well-developed large chest, a slightly elongated trunk and a relatively small head.

Given their large weight, their bones are quite strong, their muscles are pronounced. The broiler breed is still unique in that it gives 300-350 eggs per year, and if you compare the figure with an ordinary chicken, you can understand that it is 100-150 eggs more.

Regarding the meat productivity of this breed, decorative farm breeds chickens have no competitors. On average, adult decorative roosters of this subspecies of farm birds reach 5-6 kg, and laying hens – 3-4 kg. In addition to the listed decorative breeds of chickens, they have the following features:

  1. High meat content.
  2. Good survival rate, it borders at the level of 96-98%.
  3. Uniform development of chickens.
  4. Low cost of meat.

All indicators are completely based on the conditions of feeding, keeping, so on average 1 chicken between March and November can produce 150- 200 chicks, and this is an average of 300 kg of meat.

The main representatives of the decorative breed

These decorative chickens are of great value not only because chickens carry eggs well and provide delicious dietary meat.They are also important for breeders, because in order to improve performance, they are crossed with other breeds.

French color

These domestic hens are described in the sources as decorative farm dwarf hens . The species was bred one of the most famous professionals in the breeding world. The bird has high productivity, lays eggs well, it is unpretentious in maintenance, therefore it can eat greens with food additives, and standard compound feed .

The uniqueness of the species lies in the fact that the paws and skin of the pets have a yellow tint. Also, the characteristic mentions the brightness of the color. This species is sometimes called dwarf feathered laying hens of a home plant. The dwarf cockerels are very beautiful, which can be seen in the photo.

Naked Neck

This is a breed of the so-called “little nipples “. The plumage of them can be of different colors: black-green, gray and white (pictures or videos with photographs show the best gamut).

These chickens are characterized by long legs, wide chest, back. They coexist easily in regions with cold climates, but they have one small minus: difficulties in reproduction. Hatching decorative chickens survive more often and have more power. In this case, they recommend just buying ready-made chicks, their price is above average but they are worth it.

Hungarian Giants

The name and description already says a lot, roosters are large, but laying hens are dwarf. This meat and egg breed is not afraid of high humidity and other adverse breeding conditions, so this breed is great for those who are just starting to breed poultry. For giants, you need only good feeding, a small house and the possibility of walking.

The strongest side of hens of such breeds is maternal instinct, these are laying hens, which in turn allows children to be brought out naturally. The female forms a nest on her own (a good farmer tries to think through all the moments so that the chicken feels comfortable) and then independently takes care of the offspring.

Neither rain nor slush, silk and water-repellent feathers are terrible for this breed, but good feather the cover allows you to differ from the rest. Coloring in orange-brown tones. In order for broilers to gain good weight, the farmer must carefully consider the diet, ideal feeds with a high level of protein in the composition would be ideal.

Decorative chickens. 2018
LPH Phoenix Decorative hens
Dwarf chickens. Chickens.

Foxy Chick

This is the best Japanese option as a poultry. she will no longer need to look for additional data on how to feed or care for broilers so that they quickly gain weight.

Egg weight – 60-70 g, egg production – 200-250 eggs, laying hens are small, their mass is up to 3 kg, males weigh up to 6 kg. The fact how bright and dense their color is is clearly demonstrated by pictures and photos on the Internet.

Cornish chickens

Another bright representative of the color breed, which is characterized by normal weight gain. They are somewhat similar to giants, since they have a well-developed instinct for their mother.The level of egg production is slightly lower than in the rest, as in the average chicken. Broilers begin to lay eggs somewhere in 6-7 months. Against the background of the rest, it can be said a mini-breed, because the weight of the rooster reaches 4.5-5 kg, the egg weight is 60 g, they are small hens very decorative and cute.

Master Gris

This breed was bred in France and is one of the prominent representatives of color broilers. Key Features:

  1. Stamina.
  2. Unpretentious.
  3. Calm.

These are beautiful hens of white and gray colors . The living conditions are the most common, so they can live even in cells. Survival of chickens is 97-98 percent.

Dietary properties and low fat content are characteristic of meat. Therefore, in the season, the sale of this breed breaks all records, nurseries offer a large selection of chicks.


This beautiful breed of English decorative chickens, which was bred by crossing, so that she has well developed leg muscles. The plumage is most often red-brown, dark red or red, less often white hens. Another feature is that they easily adapt to domestic feeds and different climatic conditions, so they can be grown like ordinary chickens. This breed is characterized by excellent health, pets are resistant to the disease. As far as nutrition is concerned, regular food is suitable for them, although they eat much less.

If you are a lover of soft meat, then Red Bro and other decorative breeds of small chickens will not suit you, since they have fiber products. Females begin to hatch before the age of 6 months, on average they carry up to 250-300 eggs per year. The weight of the chicken during this period is 3 kg, and dwarf roosters, if it is an adult full-fledged individual, have about 4-4.5 kg.

Rules for growing a decorative bird

The proper breeding of decorative farm chickens includes 3 main points: an accurate diet, chicken coop and thorough care. It is these criteria that subsequently affect the health of the bird and its productivity, so following all the requirements when growing broilers is mandatory.

  1. In no case during crowding can not be crowded. 10 chickens per 1 sq. m, this is the norm.
  2. You can also keep the bird in a cage, but if you can move freely, then this option is more acceptable.
  3. In the very first days of life, the temperature background should be not higher than 25 ° C, over time (every week) the temperature drops by 2 ° C.
  4. The feeders should be as light as possible, there should be no drafts in the room.

Still need to maintain cleanliness and order. In no case should you allow an increase in humidity in the room, then frequent poultry diseases can be avoided.

Like litter on the floor, sawdust or straw is perfect.The litter should be soft and suitable for pecking by birds.

Diet for decorative breeds

The quantity and quality of food is an important part of raising chicken of this kind.

In specialized pet stores or veterinary pharmacies you can buy high-quality feed, which, thanks to a balanced composition, will saturate the bird with minerals, vitamins and other useful substances needed for young animals. Plus, the feed contains medicinal components that act as prophylactic agents against diseases.

In addition to dry feed, other natural products should be on the poultry menu.

Literally from 7 -And daytime farmer can introduce complementary foods from vegetables and herbs. A mash of dry food is prepared with additives of vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage, nettles, turnips, raw seeds are also added) on whey or yogurt.

Also for the skeleton and bones, so that their formation and development occurs correctly, the bird you need calcium, which can be obtained from shells, chalk or the eggshell itself.

It is very important that the drinking water is clean and fresh, so you need to carefully monitor that no dirt gets into the water tank.

Food should not leave the feeders, because these birds grow and gain mass much faster than ordinary chickens, so you need to feed them often.It will be great if somewhere near the water there will be gravel, which acts as an assistant in grinding grain, which in turn protects against metabolic disorders in the body.

It does not matter which breed of colored hens was chosen manufacturer, they all have high rates. The main thing is that they should be properly treated, then the quality of the meat and the number of eggs and offspring produced will please the breeder.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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