Hamburg chickens

Poultry breeding in the modern world is very popular. With the proper maintenance of the farm, you can not only feed your family, but also get a good income. Many breeders have Hamburg chickens today.

  1. A bit of history
  2. External indicators of the breed
  3. Productivity of the Hamburg breed
  4. Containment conditions
  5. Nutrition of the Hamburg chickens
  6. Breeding <
  7. Pros and cons of the breed
  8. Conclusion

Описание породы Гамбургские куры

Description of the breed Hamburg hens

The description of this breed makes it possible to understand why it is so popular. Despite the fact that the bird belongs to the decorative types , it is used for other purposes. her, because this species is unpretentious in food and gives a large number of eggs.

A bit of history

For the first time, representatives of this breed were seen in 1740. Despite this, the popularity of Hamburg hens acquired much later.The bird received its name due to the transport through the port of a village in Hamburg. Breeders began breeding in Germany. They really wanted to create a breed that would easily tolerate any climatic conditions and have high productivity.

Hamburg chickens were obtained by crossing several other species. Some breeds had good productivity, while others had an attractive appearance.

External indicators of the breed

Hamburg chickens have a beautiful elongated body with a slightly curved silhouette.Their chest is slightly raised, and their head is tilted. The legs of this breed are quite strong, and the body is dodgy and very flexible. This type can be distinguished by the magnificent tail, which has long feathers.

The neck of the subspecies is thin and graceful. The rooster on its head has a beautiful decoration in the form of a large scallop that looks like a rose. The beak has a beautiful bluish-blue color. The wings of the breed are very large, so most often they are cut so that the bird does not fly away. In the photo on the Internet it can be seen with the naked eye.

Hamburg chickens have long feathers that are densely located throughout the body. Most often, you can find birds that have a motley color. White color prevails on the neck with the head, absolutely the whole body is mottled.

Productivity of the Hamburg breed

Hamburg hens in adulthood can weigh 2.5 kg. Roosters weighing about 3 kg. The main advantage of this breed is that it gives a large number of eggs. The bird begins to hike from the age of 4 months. About 200 eggs can be obtained from one chicken per year. An egg can weigh about 60 g.

Hamburg chicken eggs

Many breeders in the modern world have learned to increase the productivity of this species. Using a long-developed technique, one year you can get 220 eggs from one bird.

To do this, take the following measures:

  • make lighting in the chicken coop , which will increase daylight hours up to 14 hours;
  • to reduce daylight hours during the first month of spring;
  • to walk chickens in the summer;
  • to provide birds with the opportunity to move freely around the chicken coop and the place of walking in winter;
  • to ensure that in winter the air temperature is not lower than 11 ° C, and humidity not higher than 25%.

The Hamburg chicken breed is famous for its productivity. Many breeders claim that the bird gives the most eggs in the first 2 years. Then the indicator begins to fall. This is the reason why it is necessary to regularly replace old chickens with young ones. This advice applies primarily to those who breed this species for earnings. If this condition is met, income will be stable.

Conditions of detention

The Hamburg curie breed is famous for its unpretentiousness. Despite this, in order to obtain a sufficient number of eggs, certain conditions must still be observed. A chicken of this type grows and develops actively, but only if it is properly maintained.

Birds should always be in a room where it is cleaned and warm. The air temperature in the chicken coop should not be less than 5 ° С with a plus sign. When it falls, the productivity of the breed decreases. It can also lead to serious diseases .The shed must be equipped with ventilation and lighting.

For each bird in the shed, it is necessary to prepare perches with bedding. This place should always be dry and clean. In the summer, birds must move freely around the house and the area around it. In winter, walking chicken should be no more than 3 hours a day. This is necessary so that the birds do not get frostbite.

Hamburg chicken food

The Hamburg chicken should receive food no more than 3 times a day. One bird should account for about 100 g of feed. Feeding in which grain and soft products are combined is excellent for a feathered one. Also, the diet of this breed should include all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Nutrition Features Hamburg chickens

Hamburg chickens do not know the measure, so they should be fed clearly according to the scheme. If you do not follow this rule, the birds will simply get fat, and this will lead to the fact that they will give fewer eggs.


Hamburg chickens, like many other breeds birds have a weak maternal instinct, therefore, if it is decided to obtain offspring from this species, it is better to do it artificially. To do this, it is worth buying an incubator . If desired, you can use birds of a different breed, which simply will sit chickens.

Chicks develop actively, and at 2 months old have the plumage of an adult bird. In order to achieve this, you need to make a little effort. Only in such cases, 90% of the survivors can be obtained from 100% of the brood.

Despite the fact that the Hamburg chickens are unpretentious, the chicks still need special care. First, the kids need to provide a place where they will walk. They should be separate from adult pets. The chicken house should be large and spacious, because during this period they are very active.

Children need to be fed every 3 hours. Servings should be small but nutritious. To do this, it is better to purchase special food for chicks. Also on the menu you need to drive a hard boiled egg and green onions. Chickens are transferred to adult food at the age of 2.5 months.

In order to survive as many chickens as possible, it is necessary to regularly clean and disinfect the room in which they live. Also, various diseases affect this factor. Most often, babies die due to vitamin deficiency, so you should prevent the disease using special foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Pros and cons of the breed

Hamburg chickens are A breed that does not require any special conditions of detention and is almost not sick. That is why many breeders are happy to breed them. Birds are unpretentious in food and easily adapt to any diet.Feathered eggs give throughout the year, and if you follow a special technique, you can achieve high productivity.

Despite the fact that Hamburg chickens are small in size, they can produce about 200 eggs a year. Also, due to their parameters, feed is needed less than regular chicken. After the birth of offspring, most of them survive. And this is a very good indicator for such a bird.

The first productivity is observed at the age of 4 months. And another advantage is that they have fairly good health. Therefore, under correctly created conditions, they should not have health problems.

Despite the fact that this breed has many advantages, it also has its drawbacks. The first and most important thing is that they do not have a maternal instinct, so you need to use an incubator to get the chicks. But this disadvantage is offset by good productivity.

The second minus is that the main productivity falls only in the first year of life. The older the chicken, the fewer eggs it gives, so the stock should be constantly updated. Experienced breeders have already adapted to this, and as soon as the bird begins to give eggs, they lay a new generation in the incubator.


Hamburg chickens are a very common breed in modern the world. It is characterized by high productivity and endurance.Many breeders are engaged in its breeding, due to the fact that it is unpretentious in food and maintenance. Also, the bird has a beautiful plumage, which is not typical for all chickens.

If you doubt whether it is worth getting such pets, you can study their detailed description and see how the Hamburg hens look in the photo on the Internet.There are also forums where farmers leave their comments about this subspecies, so it would not be difficult to deal with this issue, there would be a desire.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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