How to make a chicken feeder from a sewer pipe

A chicken feed pan from a sewer pipe is a fairly common design. Such feeders are very durable and reliable, wash well. After repairing or installing the sewer system, PVC pipe scraps often remain.

  1. Types of vessels for feeding
  2. What are the advantages of a self-made feed container?
  3. Vertical feeding system
  4. Horizontal feeding system
  5. Another bunker system for feeding
  6. Nipple drinker – how to make it
  7. Conclusion <

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Chicken feeder from the sewer pipe

Types of feeding vessels

Bird feeders in the photo They are divided into several types:

  • tray-shaped;
  • grooved;
  • automatic .

For chickens automatic design is the most suitable, which will protect the feed from contamination and allow it to be poured into the feeder once a day. Such systems are most often made from improvised materials. This, firstly, saves money, and secondly, completely eliminates the option of buying a Chinese fake.

What are the advantages of self-made packaging for feed?

In private the farm is often overwhelmed, and chickens, especially large meat breeds , need a sufficient amount of feed, which every now and then needs to be run to sprinkle. The ideal option is hopper feeders from pipes that can be found in the photo.By making such a feeder with your own hands, it will be possible to save money on the purchase of food, as well as maximally rationalize your time. food. Plastic pipe feeders meet all the necessary parameters. In addition, the owner does not have to constantly adapt to his pets in order to feed them, and put food in the hopper feeders when it is convenient for him.

Experienced poultry farmers have long ago used hopper designs for feeding from plastic pipes. There are several interesting variations of chicken feeders that are constructed with your own hands. Some of them can also be used to feed rabbit livestock with dry food. To have a visual idea of ​​the design of such feeding systems, we suggest watching a video on the relevant topics.

Feeder and drinker for a bird from a sanitary pipe
Plus and minus feeders and drinkers from a plastic pipe
Chimney feeder from the pipe

Vertical feeding system

To make such a feeder, you need:

  • met 110 mm diameter eco-plastic cut;
  • oblique tee;
  • two plugs.

The eco-plastic cut should be divided into 3 parts : 70 x 20 x 10. A 20-centimeter cut should be fitted with a cap – this will be the base of the feeder. Next, knee up, you need to wear a tee. A ten-centimeter section must be inserted into the tee, and the largest piece of pipe into it.

That’s the whole system, now it remains only to fix the device to the pole with a wire. The second plug is needed to cover the feeder, thus protecting the feed from contamination.The feed in this design is enough to feed about 15-20 broilers or 30 layers per day.

Horizontal feeding system

This design is also not very difficult to manufacture and the price will cost a penny. To make a feeder, you will need:

  • two-meter section of a plastic sewer pipe 110 mm in diameter;
  • elbow with the same diameter;
  • 2 plugs;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw for metal.

A two-meter pipe is divided into 2 meter parts. In one of the parts, it is necessary to make holes of such a diameter so that the bird’s head plus 1 centimeter can climb through them. Carefully mark the location of the holes with a marker, and then cut it out.

On the one hand, put a plug on the cylinder with the holes, and on the other, the elbow into which the second meter section of the plastic pipe is inserted. If necessary, put on a second knee to bring the grain receiver outside the fence. To have a clearer idea of ​​how to make a bunker feeder for chickens, you can use step-by-step photos.

Another bunker feeding system

This version of the pipe feeder Chickens are perfect for already a little grown chickens. To make it, you need to take 2 polypropylene pipes: the first – 10 x 200, and the second – 30 x 32; a sheet of plywood 30 x 30, at least 1 cm wide, 5 liter plastic bottle.

A two hundred millimeter pipe should be attached to the plywood. In a cylinder of smaller diameter, a vertical incision of 10 cm should be made. After this, having also stepped 10 cm from the edge, you need to make a horizontal incision. Now the narrow pipe needs to be inserted into the wide one. Then the bottom should be cut off from the bottle and put on the thin profile with its neck.

To prevent the birds from turning over the feeder, hang it on the wall. The amount of grain in the feeder is enough to feed 30 broilers for more than 24 hours. This design is good not only because you do not have to constantly run to fill up the feed, but also because the birds can be accustomed to discipline. Over time, getting used to the fact that there is always enough food, they will stop crowding around the whole feeder.

Nipple drinker – how to make it

In addition to the feeders from an eco-plastic pipe, you can Build a nipple feed system for birds. This design allows you to reduce water consumption and give the pestle exactly as much water as it needs, not a drop more. To do this, you need a nipple, a drop catcher, eco-plastic of square cross section, a fixative. It is also important to have a plug and adapter.

For adult birds, nipple systems with a rotation of 180 ° are used, for chickens – in 360. With the closed method of keeping cells in cages, the nipple system can be attached both inside and out. A drop catcher is installed directly under the nipple.It is recommended not to install nipples without drip catchers, because water will spill directly onto the floor, which creates a lot of dirt and increases humidity in the chicken coop. The number of such drinkers is set, depending on the number of birds at the rate of 1 drinker for 3-4 individuals.

Most often, the liquid dispenser is a 20-liter bottle. It is connected by flexible tubes. At the entrances to the tubes they put a ball valve that regulates the flow of water. Water to the nipple will be supplied directly through the tubes, so each valve should be well sealed to avoid leaks. Drop collectors can also be made with their own hands from plastic bottles.

The winter drinking bowl will be distinguished by a warmed capacity in which you can insert the most ordinary boiler of medium power. The water in the drinker will not heat up above 10 ° C in severe frosts, however, this method will save the liquid from freezing. You can design a similar system, install devices for heating water and equip the structure with a thermostat to regulate the temperature and keep it at a constant level.


If we are talking about breeding chickens , then drinkers and feeders are the main aspects of future success. Experienced farmers have long learned how to make them from improvised materials, which are quite a lot in the private sector. For example, after repairing the sewage system, very often there are scraps of plastic pipes.It is from them that you can make an excellent bird feeder.

The chicken feeder should be made of durable, non-hazardous material, clean well. Plastic pipe constructions are distinguished by all these qualities. Chicken often gets into the dishes with its paws, tears the contents and scatters around. This habit is rather wasteful for the wallet, so it’s best to make do-it-yourself designs that will prevent this behavior.

In addition to feeders from plastic profiles, you can design a nipple drinker that optimizes the flow of water. The chicken gets exactly as much water as needed. In winter, insulated water containers are used in which a boiler is placed. If it’s not entirely clear from the above instructions how to make a feeder from a plastic pipe with your own hands, you can use the video in which experienced farmers share their secrets with beginners.

It is not recommended to hang nipples without drip pans. This step can harm the hens. Water will drip onto the floor, in connection with which dirt will appear and air humidity will increase, which is fraught for chickens with infection by various infectious diseases. Bunker systems for feeding and nipple systems – for water, it can be used not only for caring for poultry, but also for keeping rabbit families.

Feeding rabbits is also quite expensive, due to the fact that animals often turn over drinking bowls and plates, trample their feed. Designs for bulk feed from plastic pipes help to perfectly cope with several tasks at the same time:

  • to feed the feed dosed;
  • for sufficient feeding of the rabbits, it is enough to feed the food once a week;
  • these types of feeders are great for feeding large numbers of rabbit herds.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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