How many chickens do you usually need for one cock?

Every year subsistence agriculture is becoming increasingly popular among citizens of the country, not only every farmer knows about this. Many people realize that this is beneficial, and some just want to have organic products. In any case, before you start breeding even such unpretentious in nature poultry like chickens, you need to know many different details.One of them is how many hens are needed for one rooster.

  1. Some information on poultry farming
  2. So why a rooster?
  3. Details and details
  4. Conclusions and generalizations

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How many chickens should be per cock

Some information about poultry farming

The simplicity of keeping chickens and the ability to feed them cheaply even with leftover food from their table made them the most popular breeding option. For this reason, these winged can be seen in almost every rural yard. But, if the benefits of them are obvious (fresh and nutritious eggs), then why is there one rooster or more in the chicken coop? Its function is to fertilize an egg which is nothing more than an egg? But most hosts prefer to buy older chickens rather than bother with small chicks. A reasonable question arises: why a rooster and how many males do you need?

A six-month-old chicken is already able to lay its cloac eggs while being greatly stretched. Their number depends on the breed and care, but on average it is about 1 per day. In order to perform this function, she does not need a male.But nature has laid down another thing – the need for procreation, and here it should not be possible without a rooster. It is he who fertilizes the product. Oddly enough, there is an opinion that such eggs are more useful, but this is empty and baseless talk. In terms of composition, taste and properties, they do not differ from the unfertilized. The only difference is that a chicken can hatch from one of them, and not from the other.

So why a rooster?

It is interesting that a proud male gets in the way more what benefits.

  1. Carrying out the program laid down by nature to protect his harem, he can be aggressive even to the owners and sometimes elementary feeding the farm becomes difficult. How to deal with this is unclear.
  2. Due to the fact that the rooster regularly tramples females, they lose their attractiveness, and because of scratches, the risk of getting infections increases. Hairless and featherless laying hens – this is the result of the male’s presence.
  3. The ambiguity of the bird breeders is ambiguous and the hens rush worse or better with the appearance of the rooster. Most owners tend to think that it’s calmer without a rooster , but there are those who noticed positive changes after his appearance in the “harem.”
  4. After the male tramples the chicken, the maternal instinct wakes up in it and the main task is to hatch offspring. She ceases to rush and looks for a place under the nest, often thereby interfering with her compatriots.She is not capable of raising babies herself, and there are more than enough worries with chickens, and not every owner will decide to do this, therefore it is easier to keep chickens separately.

The content of the rooster has its own benefits. It is indispensable to fertilize an egg. No incubator will produce results without a male. It is also worth noting the unsurpassed singing that wakes the whole yard in the morning. The most important role of the owner in the chicken coop is to take care and protect. We can say that it is more interesting and more fun with him.

An unequivocal answer to the question, how many chickens do you need one rooster and does it really need to exist at all? Everyone decides for himself. But, if so, how much do they need?

Details and details

Already at 25 weeks of life, birds should have reached full puberty, but among representatives of meat breeds this process happens a bit later. The male’s activity directly depends on its purpose: the lungs are more mobile and fertilize more hens. If the average number of happy females in meat birds ranges from 10 to 15, with rare exceptions – 20, then smaller ones in size and weight cope with 20-25, and some mate even 50 females per day.

To the question how many cocks are needed for chickens, the answer is this: for 10 chickens one is enough. In this case, both the eggs will be fertilized and the birds happy.If the male is alone in a herd that is too large, there is a risk that not all of the eggs will produce chicks. If the goal is not the reproduction of birds, and the rooster is needed only for decoration, the second is not required. On the contrary, a large number of males leads to aggressive behavior.

When a couple of roosters live in the same chicken coop , they feel like competitors and seem to share territory, which means that fights between them can not be avoided. It comes to the point that in some cases, after clarification of the relationship, only one remains alive. In order to avoid disassembly and the consequences after them, it is better to limit yourself to one Plymouth rock.

If you still need to keep two males, it is better to choose one younger, the second older. During the purchase, you should take a closer look at their behavior: it is advisable to take calm individuals, then there is a chance that they will get along together.

If after the purchase it became clear that one always prevails over the other, you will have to sacrifice one that is weaker.

How many cocks are needed?
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Conclusions and generalizations

It’s clear that chicken is better and more reliable with rooster. He protects them from dangers, helps in the realization of the instinct of motherhood and keeps discipline. Yes, his presence makes the chicken kingdom more quiet and quiet, individuals live more calmly, without fear. Experienced poultry farmers advise: a simple trick will help create the authority of a leader in the chicken kingdom: launch chickens to the male, and not vice versa. There is no evidence for this, but it won’t hurt to try.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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