How to make a chicken cage

A cage for chickens is necessary, because until the babies become adults and become physically stronger, they need to be watched. It will protect small birds from attack by dangerous animals, rodents and even pets. For them, little chicks are the easiest prey. It is also necessary that the design be portable (it is important to change the location of birds). Not all farmers or beginners know how to make a chicken cage with their own hands.The maintenance of daily broilers is a difficult task, so they need a convenient cage, which they can make really with their own hands by watching a photo or video. It doesn’t take long to get the issue right.

  1. Short description
  2. We build the living space ourselves
  3. From metal
  4. The base is wood
  5. The simplest construction scheme

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Cells for chickens

Short description

A light (bulb) and an appliance must be installed in the cage for chickens, which can reproduce heat. If the cage will be in the open most of the time, you need to think about shelter for the chickens, so that in the event of rain or the scorching sun they can hide. Also, much depends on how many chickens the owner expects and where it is planned to keep them: on the street or at home. If there are not a lot of chicks, then a simple wire system or a small iron fence will do just fine.

If you need a large cage for chickens and you decide to constantly breed birds, then in order to save space, it makes sense to design a cage for chickens do it yourself on several floors.High-quality construction will be needed for broilers . It should be comfortable, so that you will have to follow all the recommendations of professionals.

The structure of multi-story cells is very simple, and it’s not difficult to make them yourself. You can also design the cage so that you can remove one floor for cleaning. A cage cannot be placed in a draft, even if it is summer. Chicks should be on the street in a place where they will not be constantly blowing. Pets can live in cages for up to 45 days, then they must be moved to pens or just other rooms several times larger in volume than the cage itself.

Experts say that for the chicks to grow and develop well, per 1 square. m can have 50 birds. In no case is it impossible: this will lead to the mass death of the brood. You should familiarize yourself with the photo or video, see the drawings in order to create a comfortable cage for your broilers at home.

do-it-yourself chicken cage
DIY chicken broiler

We build a living space ourselves

Not every poultry farmer or a novice knows how to make a cage I have little chicks with their own hands. Each stage requires concentration and correct actions, because a cell must “protect” the lives of young chickens, and its strength will depend on how well and fast it will mount. To understand what kind of construction is needed, it is important to decide how many chicks will be in it. Based on this, it should be decided what size the cell will be, from which particular product it will be made. In solving this problem, drawings and photos will help.

Next, you need to figure out an approximate sketch of the structure, and then make accurate drawings.It also makes sense to watch a detailed video on how to completely build a structure, where to start and how to end.


This construction is perfect for a minimum number of chickens, best of all use it during the hot season. The birds need a drinking bowl and feeder in the house. Daily chicks should be safe. You can do it yourself at home. It is very easy to build, also great for the summer version, convenient and portable. Her dimensions are small, from 2-3 chickens to 50. The cage can stand in one place or it can be transferred. It is often called street, it can carry chickens anywhere.

For such a small structure you will need:

  • galvanized metal mesh with a size of 16 x 22 mm;
  • aluminum wire;
  • any wire cutters.

The metal mesh is cut into pieces exactly according to the drawings. On the hands, as a result, there should be 5 pieces of the same size. A total of 2 sides, 2 end faces and a floor. Then you need to prepare small fractions of wire, approximately 3 cm each. Then you need to connect them together, in order to maintain the mobility of the entire system. The top of the cage needs to be fixed only from one side, so that later it can be opened and, if necessary, quickly get to the kids.

A similar structure can be with or without a bottom. The option without a substrate is simpler.Firstly, it can be quickly folded diagonally, and secondly, it will take up minimal space when folded. But, in this case, it will be necessary to find a temporary residence for the hens.

The base is wood

You can choose a very light building with wooden or plywood bases for hens. Such a design is very light and easy to use, it will not be difficult to make it yourself, but it is not suitable for carrying it. To make this room, you need to take:

  • products made of plywood or wood, as for a wall;
  • mesh for lining (floor), its diameter depends on how many days the chicks (for example, if children are up to 15 days old, then a diameter of 10 x 10 is perfect; for older children you can take 15 x 15);
  • galvanized sheet;
  • fixing materials: nails , screws;
  • jigsaw to cut sharp corners and not only.

Based on the drawings and according to their example, it will be necessary to cut the material taken on the base (wood or plywood). From one board, 2 end faces, 1 side and a ceiling are obtained. The front wall is recommended by many poultry farmers from a metal mesh so that it is possible to look after the babies and so that they, in turn, are able to watch everything that happens around. After that, you can fasten all the parts together.

For the bottom, you need to choose either a wooden base or the smallest mesh so that the kids’ legs do not get stuck.Zinc should make a floor that can be removed and cleaned. It needs to be laid under the net. Also, the main thing is not to forget the heating. You can create it yourself. For this you need 3-5 light bulbs, preferably with a power of 50 watts each. All of them should be obscure (dim light), because too contrasting light kills the feathered nervous system.

The simplest construction scheme

For a huge number of broiler birds this kind of cage perfect. The essence of this cell is that it is built multi-storey (or rather, in blocks). Chicken houses are placed one on top of the other, so you can place many chickens or broilers in one area. In such conditions, it will be convenient for a large number of chickens and chickens. This is how archeage is a great game for many users. You will need:

  • zinc layer;
  • plywood;
  • oblong cubes of wood, which will serve as the basis;
  • mesh for fastening different diameters;
  • all products for fasteners.

For the maintenance of birds in such “buildings” you need constant and easy access to water and food. From the bars make the basis according to the instructions and drawings (they can be made by yourself or found in the photo / video). Side walls should be made of plywood sheet: they are safer for keeping chicks. Using the grid you need to make the floor. A pan is made of galvanized material to collect garbage and litter. The roof is better made of wood.Then all the parts are fastened together so that the structure is portable, you can fasten the wheels to it. The price of this building is already 4 times higher than the cost of materials.

Regardless of which palace you build for your pets, remember: water and food should always be near the birds. You need to wash bowls and cells daily. A good cozy house and proper care is the only thing that kids may need for proper development.

Any cage is perfect for broilers, and the video allows you to do everything for nothing at home.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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