Description and characteristics of Tricolor chickens

Broiler Tricolor is a fairly popular type of bird, which farmers in many countries are engaged in growing. Interest in such a breed of birds, began to show not only large factories, but also simple farms.

  1. General characteristics of the breed
  2. Egg production of the breed
  3. Character of birds
  4. Maternal instincts
  5. Features of the development of chickens of the breed Tricolor
  6. Rules for the production and rearing of chickens
  7. Content of adult birds of the Tricolor breed
  8. Pros and cons of the breed

Описание и характеристика кур породы Триколор

Description and characterization of Tricolor chickens

Tricolor chickens as an independent breed appeared relatively not French breeding scientists, who had previously carried out more than a dozen experiments in order to improve local breeds, at the same time gaining a fast pace of chicken development, good weight gain and exquisite meat taste. If you trace the description of the breed, you can find a lot of general characteristics that connect the Tricolor hens and other representatives of breeds bred in France. But the main difference is that this bird is raised only to get a delicious dietary meat.

General characteristics of the breed

If you look at the photo and compare the Tricolor broilers with other birds, on the basis of this we can conclude that the appearance of these birds is very interesting: they mainly differ in the variety of color shades of feathers.

Appearance of tricolor hens

In addition, the description of the breed suggests the following:

  1. Weight. The adult male (rooster) on average gains 4-5 kg, the laying hen usually weighs less, maximum – up to 4 kg.
  2. Lower limbs. Chickens of the Tricolor breed have rather long legs, which, like the beak, have an intense yellow hue.
  3. Feathers. In the photo on the Internet you can see that this breed is most often characterized by a three-color color. It is for this reason that these birds got their name, plus they may differ from the rest. Kloshi look really unusual (unique) and even decorative. Especially if they are white, but have small inserts of black and tan. There are chickens with a reddish sternum, black with white blotches of mane and the same back. The description says that these birds have dense plumage with a small percentage of down.
  4. Head. The tricolor broiler has a slightly large head, but since it is bulky, it looks quite natural against the background of the body. The earlobes, scallop and earrings are large-sized, painted in a rich red color. The eyes are dark orange (closer to brown) and very expressive, but their eyes are not aggressive.

The most striking difference between birds of this breed is their body.The physique of the Tricolor chickens is massive, it has a horizontal landing. They have an ovoid body shape on high and powerful legs. The smooth contours of the figure, which are perfectly combined with a well-defined muscle topography.

Egg laying breed

It is often believed that Tricolor is a breed of chicken suitable only for meat , so chickens are not useful as laying hens. But the general characteristic from breeders assures the opposite. chickens show maximum egg laying results, the normal laying hens cannot compare with them.

The puberty period of chickens of the Tricolor broiler breed occurs on average at 4 months of age. This time period is characterized by the beginning of active masonry, so you need to establish the whole process as soon as possible. Tricolor hens on average carry 250-300 eggs per year. If the producer carefully monitors the nutrition, then the chickens can be used to get eggs. The color of the shell is pale pink or milky cream. weight – on average from 5 to 62 g.

Character of the birds

The bird does not require special conditions for growing, because it is distinguished by a certain phlegm, calmness and slowness. Such winged people will not spend all day on walking territory; rather, leisurely walks in search of something tasty are suitable for them.

The maintenance and breeding of this breed is very attractive for those who own small houses, because they absolutely quietly exist in a confined space. In addition, broilers quickly adapt to the presence of people, so being close to them does not cause stressful situations.

Maternal instincts

Crosses are not suitable for breeding simple (natural) way. These kloshi almost completely lost their maternal instincts, so they are not suitable for hatching offspring.

But this is not the only reason why tri-flowers are not suitable for the role of a hen. Since the bird is heavy, it can simply crush eggs. Most farmers breed birds for meat, so most individuals go to slaughter before the age of the offspring is suitable.

Features of the development of Tricolor chickens

The photo of the young shows that chickens adopt the best characteristics from their parents.

Chickens of the Tricolor breed

Recent generations have not lost their standard characteristics at all.

  1. The chicks have a good appetite, which is caused at a fast pace and physical development, so these chickens have a great need for proper, and most importantly – balanced nutrition, saturated with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Young growth slows down. For this reason, chicks need to constantly maintain a stable microclimate. The feathers grow slowly and unevenly – if the bird is cold, it can easily become sick.
  3. The growth rate is not identical to the rate of plumage coverage. It is typical for broiler hybrids; at the age of one month, the weight of chickens is already more than 1.5 kg. A month later, they gain another kilogram, such an accelerated growth is characteristic up to 5-6 months, after the young growth slows down.

The survival rate for hybrid tricolor chicks is quite high – 90-92%. But if the producer provides good living conditions, the indicator only increases.

When fully cared for at home or on farm, the breed gives all 100% of the offspring’s survival. In addition, adult chicks quickly pass the period of development into full-fledged individuals.

Rules for the production and raising of chickens

Professionals advise paying attention to the indoor microclimate. That is, in growing young animals, it is important that the environment has a normal stable temperature background and air humidity. During the first 2 weeks of life, chickens will feel comfortable in a room where the air temperature is not more than 30 ° C and humidity is 5-60%. As the pups develop, the entire mechanism of thermoregulation begins to develop, so the ambient temperature can be gradually reduced.

  1. It is very important that young animals have full access to water. It should be clean, and in the early days it will need to be bred warm. To improve health, you can add chamomile decoction, which has antibacterial properties and acts as a prophylactic against infections. In addition, it is allowed to solder the chicks with weak tea, glucose syrup, which improves and strengthens the immune system.
  2. Eating in chickens should be scheduled by the hour. For the first days of life, the regime provides for 6 meals a day. Further, as they grow older, the number of meals is reduced to 3.
  3. It is advisable to give the chicks specialized grain mixtures, which are compiled based on the basic needs of the tricolor. If a person grows poultry at home, it is allowed to use compound feed for broilers . It is undesirable for young animals to make the mixture on their own, as an inexperienced person can harm the chicks, because he has little knowledge about the norms of feeding.

You can replenish vitamin reserves by adding boiled vegetables to the feed, greens or medicines containing all the necessary trace elements, but only in the form of a concentrate. As an option to solve the problem, you can buy a small pipette and drip vitamins into the bird’s mouth.

The main thing in this matter is to do everything right, because the chicken needs to be fixed.If a person does not calculate strength, it is quite realistic that this will be the last vitamin feeding procedure for the chick.

Keeping adult Tricolor birds

There are a number of rules that need to be addressed attention to create the best possible functioning conditions for broilers.

  1. These birds have enemies: high levels of humidity, dirt and drafts. Given the fact that this broiler is a hybrid that has a high survival rate, the lack of normal living conditions reduces the protective functions in the body.
  2. These French women are very difficult to survive Russian winters. Of course, for the middle strip, birds normally experience a cold period in an unheated room, but if the producer lives in the northern part of the country, you need to make sure that the chicken coop has a well-established heating system . On average, the optimum temperature in the winter is up to 15 ° С and not lower than 11 ° С.
  3. For maintenance, the farmer needs to prepare several floor mats. An extreme measure is the content of tricolor broilers in the cells; this does not affect the emotional state. But because of such a sedentary lifestyle, they may develop obesity. And this is a big problem for producers, as the taste characteristics of meat are getting worse.

The molting period begins even in the chicks, who change the fluff to normal feathers. Further, adult individuals molt only once a year, most often this time falls on the autumn period.

At this time, not all laying hens stop laying eggs, although such a break in egg production only helps broiler hybrids to molt faster. During this period, birds are particularly vulnerable to disease. Especially careful care is important for them at this time.

Pros and cons of the breed

For its category, this breed is considered one of the best, some claim that it is ideal . After all, it is growing rapidly, so it is ready for slaughter at the age of 2-3 months. Adult individuals who are responsible for the offspring can be kept for up to two years at most. But at this time, the chickens have a decrease in the level of egg production.

  1. It is classified as meat, but also has good egg production.
  2. Unpretentious, quickly adapts to the cellular living conditions .
  3. Hardy, has a flexible and calm character.

The only significant drawback is that they have a mild maternal instinct, which is quickly compensated by the presence of the incubator . The hatching egg needs to be selected especially carefully.

Color broiler
Chickens are a breed of Dominant.
Color broiler h .2

If the hen itself has hatched the offspring you can’t worry, it will drive baby and protect them. Do not give the bird extra stress during the hatching period and provide it with everything you need.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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