How to make a chicken coop for 50 hens

Chickens are one of the most popular poultry not only in the post-Soviet space, but throughout the world. These picky helpers steadily provide families of millions of farmers with delicious dietary meat and eggs. But each owner knows that a good result from this bird can not be achieved if you do not invest effort and money in the proper maintenance of the wards. Birds need proper nutrition, timely vaccination and decent living conditions.The last paragraph would like to be especially emphasized.

  1. Things to consider before starting the construction of the house
  2. We consider all the important nuances
  3. Do-it-yourself planning for the construction of a chicken house for 50 hens
  4. Drawings and schemes will facilitate the task
  5. What building materials will be needed to build a chicken house 50 goals
  6. Instructions for beginner builders
  7. To summarize

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50 chicken hen house

For many regulars a chicken coop is any free farm building without surplus. But such a negligent attitude towards the nurse of the family is fraught with low rates of egg production and poor health of chickens. How to properly equip a dwelling for birds with their own hands? What should be a chicken coop for 50 hens? We will deal with these issues in this article.

What you need to consider before starting the construction of the house

First of all, I would like to clarify why the number of livestock in 50 individuals is considered. This number of goals is considered optimal for the average household.It will make it possible to systematically meet the needs of the family in meat and eggs, while leaving the opportunity to leave part of the production for sale. At the same time, the chicken coop itself will not be too voluminous, and its construction will be unprofitable for ordinary people.

So, if you planned to build a chicken coop for 50 chickens with your own hands, then try to provide all the conditions that could protect your favorites from influence weather, because chickens, like all other domestic animals, are susceptible to diseases due to overheating or hypothermia. If you plan to breed birds year-round, think about the possibility of warming of their monastery. After all, it is important for them to maintain the temperature not lower than 5 ° C even in winter. Look at the photos of frozen birds and you will realize that they will be unable to produce a large number of eggs.

Do not forget that in order to collect the maximum amount of your favorite breakfast product, you need to arrange comfortable nests for chickens. For broilers, the most important place for the chicken coop is their feeder. It is extremely important to think over its correct arrangement and the possibility of maintaining cleanliness in it to prevent the development of infectious diseases .

We take into account all the important nuances

A chicken coop for 50 goals should not constrain the birds in space, otherwise it will not be possible to obtain the desired result in the form of a large amount of meat and eggs, which is why it is important think in advance about a place where you could build a spacious house with a place for walking birds. In addition, poultry construction projects should include competent lighting of the room. Here, of course, it is important not to overdo it, because excessive light can adversely affect the egg production of hens . Windows in the chicken coop will be an ideal option.

Since most of the day the birds are on the move, you need to provide for the presence of high-quality floors in the house for poultry. They are recommended to be made thick and raised about 40 cm above the ground. This will prevent the entry of unwanted guests such as mice, rats and small predators into the chicken coop. When building a chicken coop for 50 animals with your own hands, it is important not to forget to level out all the roughnesses of the floor. If deepenings are present on it, moisture is quite capable of collecting in them. She, in turn, can provoke rotting and the appearance of fleas and other small living creatures that poison the life of chickens. To prevent the reproduction of parasites , it is possible to soak the entire floor with special means with an ecological composition.

It is preferable to make the floors thickened and raise at least 40 cm above the ground.This will protect the chicken house from the penetration of rodents and small predators. Also, the floor should be level so that moisture does not accumulate in the corners. The coating is impregnated with environmental compounds against pests and rot. The combination of all factors will ensure comfortable living conditions for the birds, which means it will increase your income from their breeding.

Planning the construction of a chicken house for 50 hens with your own hands

Creating a high-quality place living for layers and broilers is not such a simple thing. In order for all 50 goals to remain healthy and productive, you will have to try hard and think through everything. Long-time assistants to engineers will help to build a house in accordance with all the rules: diagrams and drawings.

Where to start? First of all, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the future chicken kingdom. Every square meter will matter. Among poultry farmers, it is generally accepted that 5 birds live comfortably per 1 sq. Km. m. Based on this, the size of the chicken coop for 50 hens should be at least 10 square meters. m. If it is possible to expand this space, go for it, but experts recommend that you do not reduce these indicators. The dimensions of the house should not hamper the inhabitants.

The same applies to the height of the room. For 50 heads, experienced poultry farmers advise building a chicken coop 2-2.5 m high. The fact is that chickens, like all birds, like to sit on poles of different heights, in addition, such an organization of space will save the total area.

Drawings and diagrams will facilitate the task

Drawings of the house for 50 animals should include ventilation ducts and window openings. They will ensure timely ventilation of the house and its drying in natural ways. The chicken coop schemes provide for an approximate calculation of the wiring and heating of the room, because the importance of maintaining the temperature regime for birds during all 4 seasons has already been mentioned. A proper calculation of the correct conditions will cause the hen to thank with useful domestic eggs.

Why else do you need drawings? For planning the space of the future feathered house. Experienced owners are advised to immediately note the location of the feeders, drinking bowls and other appliances even before the start of construction. It is recommended to lay them out in accordance with the size of the chicken dwelling in advance, so it will be possible to simplify its further arrangement.

It’s not so easy to build a chicken house with 50 hens. When calculating its parameters, it is important not to forget about the number of necessary sockets. Professionals recommend calculating its size, given that on average 4-5 nests are needed for 10 chickens. To place them is at a height of 40-45 cm from the floor, so that the cool boards do not harm the health of the laying hen. They should be filled with warm straw for greater bird comfort. For simplified access to the nest, many owners equip small stairs to each tier. They should be displayed on your construction plan.

Drawings of the future house for layers and broilers should take into account not only the area and internal arrangement, but also its external space. A chicken coop for 50 goals cannot be equipped without a special pen for walking chickens. It can also be built with your own hands, enclosing the necessary territory around the building itself. It is important to seek the help of numerous videos on the Internet for help in properly arranging an aviary for chickens.

This number of recommendations may look intimidating for beginner farmers. However, you should not despair: in some photos, an approximate drawing of a chicken coop for 50 hens is depicted very easily, and even an amateur can easily decode it. If everything is done in accordance with the recommended sizes, you will be able to grow a productive chicken family.

What building materials will be needed to build a chicken coop for 50 goals

So, after the main recommendations studied, a photo containing an approximate drawing of a chicken coop for 50 hens, found, it’s time to start implementing plans.In order to build a good house, you will need:

  • cement, stones and bricks for the foundation;
  • a tree for erecting walls (you can use a brick, but it will be colder in winter );
  • clay (for warming wooden walls);
  • galvanized wire mesh (for blocking an aviary);
  • sand;
  • lime ( for processing the premises);
  • boards (for stairs, nests and poles);
  • roofing material and slate;
  • doors, windows and all adjacent fittings.

It’s better to immediately prepare the necessary amount of each material from the calculation of pa meters of the planned chicken coop.

Instructions for beginner builders

Of course, for more detailed information about the construction algorithm it would be better to refer to photos and videos in the Internet space, on which the whole process is described in detail.

  1. Fill the foundation. Mark the territory of the future chicken coop, dig a hole at least 50 cm deep and fill it with a solution of sand, cement and gravel. When the foundation has dried, cover it with roofing material and lay the first layer of the beam.
  2. Preparation of the floor.Using the lags installed by ribs after 1 meter, and boards, prepare the basis of the house’s floor, cover it with waterproofing and steamproofing, add insulation to the free space.
  3. Wall forcing. Lay the bars on top of each other, couple and drive the dowels through each meter to a depth of 6-7 cm. Treat the walls with plaster or plywood. Insulate the walls by filling all the cracks with foam. After completion of the work, the walls should be 25 to 50 cm thick.
  4. Cover the structure with a roof. To do this, install additional boards and beams, lay everything with expanded clay, lay out the final boards and cover them first with roofing material, and only then slate.
  5. Insert the doors and windows into the room.

After all the fundamental work is completed, proceed with the internal arrangement. Install the nests and poles for chickens. Find a photo or video of their correct construction. Choose a place to feed the birds. The final stage of construction involves enclosing the enclosure for chicken walks. Her experienced poultry farmers recommend combining with the size of the main room. It is not difficult to make it with the help of high nets, so that the bird does not try to fly away.

To summarize

Such a chicken coop, which is necessary for normal life of layers and broilers, is actually You can build it yourself. Adhering to the fundamental rules, even a novice farmer is able to master this task.And he can be sure that his work will not pass without a trace. It’s not for nothing that folk wisdom says: “What you reap, what you reap.”

The more favorable conditions are created for pets, the greater the return in the form of a large amount of meat and eggs can be obtained. This means that the family will always be provided with tasty and healthy home-made products.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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