Installation of ventilation in the chicken coop

The most common feathered representatives that are bred in private farmsteads are chickens. In order for the bird to please with its production indicators, it is necessary to provide all the necessary conditions for its comfortable existence. One of the important points in the care and maintenance of birds is the arrangement of the house. In addition to perches, nests, feeders and drinking bowls, properly equipped ventilation in the chicken coop is also important.


Coop ventilation – why is she needed This is the first question asked by beginner poultry farmers. Ventilation in the chicken coop must be present without fail. Ammonia fumes, which are released from the waste products of pestles, can cause poisoning and even reduce egg production . The hood in the chicken coop serves as a regulator of the temperature regime in the room, which is also important for the normal development and life of birds.

Thanks to ventilation in the chicken coop, you can always easily control the temperature regime. In rooms with high or low humidity pestles are much more likely to get sick, which can cause a significant reduction in the number of livestock.From the foregoing, it becomes clear that high-quality ventilation in the chicken coop is a necessity. There are several different methods that help to design a cooker hood yourself.

What should be a ventilation system

In the winter, in a chicken coop without ventilation, the chickens will become very sick as a result of increased humidity and ammonia excretion vapor, therefore, the main task is to ensure the supply of oxygen and the removal of vapor. Ventilation of the chicken coop in winter involves protection against drafts, because birds are extremely susceptible to temperature extremes. If you are interested in ventilation in the chicken coop, its layout should be drawn up in advance and laid already at the construction stage of the house.

Experienced poultry farmers recommend installing small grilles on the openings of the supply pipes to reduce the intensity of air supply. Ventilation in a home coop is not a panacea, so do not forget about the thorough cleaning and hygiene of the premises. Fecal masses must be regularly cleaned and disinfected, as well as containers for food and water.

To determine how well the installation of ventilation in the chicken coop has been completed, a simple experiment will help. For some time you need to stay in the house and watch your feelings. If after 10 minutes a migraine appears, nausea, or a lack of oxygen is felt, then it is necessary to correct the design.

What are the types of exhaust systems

The ventilation device in the chicken coop takes into account several important factors:

  • the amount of air supplied inside directly depend on the density of landing;
  • the air supply should be easily regulated, especially on frosty days, because the pies react negatively to drafts.

The ventilation in the chicken coop is presented in several variations: natural design, supply and exhaust, forced. The first method is suitable for areas with a small population. Making a similar system with your own hands will not be difficult, even if you have never encountered such a system. The advantage of the method is its ease of use.

The second option is one of the types of natural ventilation. This method is best for owners of small houses. The advantage of the method is that it is possible to regulate the thermal regime and avoid drafts, which is especially important in winter.

The third option is used less often, mainly for houses with a large area. This system is presented in the form of a pipe regulating ventilation, into which a fan is inserted. The automatic system is still done by placing the fan in a wall or window opening.

The principle of operation of the natural system

This method of ventilation involves simple ventilation by opening doors or a window opening.Despite the fact that the method is very simple at first glance, it is important to take into account some nuances. For optimized chicken coop ventilation in a natural way, to avoid drafts, it is necessary to make an exhaust window in the wall, above the entrance or in the ceiling. The right way is to make a ventilation hole in the form of a small sash for manually adjusting the air supply.

The design of the window opening for ventilation is carried out even during the construction of the chicken coop. Initially, it is determined where the nests and perches will be located. Then make a hole for the window. It is important to take into account the fact that the dormer window on the ceiling cannot be used in bad weather, which means that on a rainy day the hens will remain in an unventilated room.

The scheme of the method is that the air from the street enters the house through the door opening, and stagnant is displayed through the window. This method of ventilation can be used at first, because it has a lot of minuses. A negative feature is the impossibility of optimal ventilation in the winter. The warm air in the chicken coop will be very much cooled, therefore, it will have to be heated using electricity, which is completely unprofitable.

One of the variations of a simple ventilation system

The forced-air and exhaust construction made of plastic pipes with your own hands is quite simple. This option will be ideal for a barn in which no more than 20 individuals live. For the manufacture you will need a pair of plastic pipes with a circumference of 200 mm and a length of 2 meters. Previously, when the roof is mounted, openings are left for the outlet of pipes.It is necessary to plan the device so that the supply pipe is as far as possible from the nests and poles for sleep.

The supply and exhaust mechanism works like this:

  • The supply pipe is mounted 35 cm above the level roof, in the poultry house an acceptable distance of the supply opening from the floor is about 25 cm.
  • The outlet pipe should exit as close to the nests as possible, while the lower end should hang 30 cm from the ceiling and rise 150 cm above the roof .
  • To prevent water from entering the mechanisms, they are equipped with umbrellas.
  • To on frosty days, the room was not cold, you need to attach a fine-mesh mesh to the feed pipe.
  • To evenly distribute air, the pipes should be installed in opposite parts of the chicken coop.

Mechanical ventilation system

Do-it-yourself automatic ventilation in the chicken coop is carried out in private households for a large barn. Most often, this type of ventilation is used at poultry farms. The system is operated by air circulation with a fan. The device turns on manually, however, if you are friends with an electrician, then it will not be difficult for you to automate the process and install humidity control sensors. The only negative is the additional cost of electricity.

For installation you will need:

  • insulation tape;
  • piece of cable;
  • plywood sheet;
  • fan;
  • switch.

Initially, they select the installation location. The easiest way is to install in a window opening. To do this, simply remove the glass from the frame and install a sheet of plywood with a hole made for the fan. The plywood is attached to the window using screws, then connect the cable and connect the fan to the network. They install a circuit breaker and isolate bare contacts.

This method of ventilation has several drawbacks, including a high price and the need to supply electricity. The advantages of this design are that it does not require constant monitoring on your part and with the help of such a system you can ventilate quite large areas. Do-it-yourself ventilation can be done by video, in which each step is described in detail.

Conclusions, generalization of information

Any poultry breeder should know how to make ventilation in the chicken coop. For normal life and development of chickens, it is necessary to ensure clean air, optimal temperature and humidity. If these indicators deviate from the norm, chickens may develop symptoms of various diseases , as a result of which a significant part of the livestock can be lost. Coop ventilation should be installed based on certain criteria, according to which the scheme will be calculated.

The exhaust system is divided into 2 main types:

  • natural;
  • forced or mechanical.

One of the most popular types of natural ventilation is considered to be made using PVC pipes or metal pipes – the supply and exhaust system. Whichever variation is chosen, its design begins even from the moment the barn is built. The correct scheme will create the most comfortable conditions for birds.

Do not forget that, in addition to ventilation, it is necessary to carry out frequent hygiene cleaning of the room. Regularly wash the feeders after wet food. The water in the drinking bowls should be changed every two days, not forgetting to wash them thoroughly.

The main factors that a person should be guided when choosing a ventilation system are:

  • number of chickens;
  • chicken coop area.

Based on these two indicators, a person can calculate how much air will be optimal. Based on this, it will already be possible to say which ventilation system to choose. For example, for a small shed with a population of 10 individuals, it is impractical to install an automatic system, here you can do with a window for ventilation. If the area is too large, then even forced systems will have to install several. After reading the article, you can draw your own conclusions, and for the credibility of the beliefs, you should also watch informative videos on this topic to understand exactly whether high-quality ventilation is needed in the chicken coop.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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