Chicken droppings as fertilizer

A rich crop always depends on the condition of the soil. Today, when the stores are full of products of dubious chemical composition, organic fertilizing has gained great popularity, and chicken manure as a fertilizer is in the leading positions. Each owner seeks to make his farm waste-free, especially when he begins to breed chickens.The maximum use of all products obtained, including fertilizer from chicken manure, is the key to a successful and productive economy.

  1. Plant Benefits
  2. Why
  3. Pros and Cons
  4. Preparation of Organics
  5. What it Should Be organics
  6. How and when to use organics
  7. Which feces are suitable for harvesting
  8. How to preserve organics
  9. The final part

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Chicken droppings as fertilizer

Benefits for plants

The chemical composition of chicken manure includes all the necessary micro and macro elements for the full functioning of plants. In the composition of fertile soil, the concentration of organic matter should be at least 60%. Chicken manure has a high content of iron, calcium, potassium permanganate, sulfur, salts of zinc, copper and boron. Elements such as molybdenum and cobalt are especially appreciated in the composition.

Fertilizer made from fresh chicken manure has a number of advantages that have made it the most popular today:

  • easy solubility in liquid;
  • improving the structural composition of the soil ;
  • the ability to beneficially influence the soil for 3 years;
  • easy digestibility of the composition of the root system;
  • enrichment of the earth with beneficial microorganisms – worms, which are also positive affect the state of the soil by passing it through itself.

What can it be used for

Anika is necessary to clearly understand how the chicken manure to fertilize the garden, and in what dosage to use. Not every plant will grow better with such top dressing. For example, some types of vegetables can change their taste characteristics. A small amount of chicken droppings can make beets sweeter, but if you overdo it, the root crop will become dense and sinewy.

Fertilizers from chicken droppings are best taken by nightshade plants: bell pepper, eggplant and others. It is recommended to fertilize them with organics at the beginning of the growing season, in the spring. You can not feed the plants after the formation of the ovary, otherwise the fruits will ripen for a long time. Melons, cucumbers and cabbage are wonderful for organics. You can significantly improve the taste of strawberries, if chicken manure is fed continuously.

Fruit trees and shrubs need to be fed 2 times during the whole season. If you put fertilizer in pits when planting plants, you can provide them with useful substances for at least two years.

Onions and garlic must be fertilized before the growing season. If you do this later, the ground part will grow, and the root crop will not gain mass.

Pros and Cons

Just by studying all the information on how to use it on giving chicken litter, you can get the highest possible yield. The use of chicken manure has both pluses and minuses. Among the obvious advantages are:

  • accelerated growth process;
  • improvement of the structural composition of the soil;
  • improvement of the quality of the crop;
  • protection against wireworm.

Incorrect processing of real chicken droppings can lead to the loss of some plants, vegetables and fruit trees, as a result of dissolution of the root system under the influence of salts. Excessive fertilization of root crops slows down the growth of the underground part, and the ground, on the contrary, speeds up, as a result of which one leaf top can be obtained. Almost all chickens are not very resistant to infection by worms, so after this fertilizer the risk of infection with salmonellosis or other infectious diseases increases.

Preparation of organics

Before applying fertilizers from chicken manure, it must be properly collected and stored.In winter, chickens in the house are kept on a solid litter, it is advisable to use sawdust for these purposes. In spring, bird droppings are removed from the chicken coop and used as fertilizer along with sawdust. With closed keeping of hens in cell batteries, litter is removed from pallets every day.

When harvesting organics, safety rules must be strictly observed to avoid poisoning by ammonia vapors. The unpleasant smell of feces is caused by the decomposition of certain substances that can cause an infectious disease in humans. In addition, you need to protect yourself from infection with helminths. To collect the litter, you will need protective clothing:

  • respirator;
  • rubber gloves;
  • the most closed clothing.

At the end of the procedure, the entire instrument must be treated with a disinfectant. The clothes should be washed, and after drying – ironed with an iron. Excrement is added to compost or dried. If you plan to use the feces immediately after collection, then make an infusion of chicken manure or bring it directly to the ground.

The granular organic mixture is prepared according to the same principle, and then packaged in packs. On large poultry farms, pestles are kept in long cell batteries. The process of collecting products of their livelihoods there is fully automated. Excrement after collection is immediately sent for drying.

In what form should organics be

How to use chicken droppings as fertilizer how to apply? litter is a highly concentrated compound, therefore, in its pure form it is practically not used. Most often, an infusion is made from it. Feces collected together with litter can be immediately applied to the soil. Before you fertilize the land with diluted chicken manure, you should figure out how to make the right fertilizer and what is the optimal dosage of organics for certain types of plants.

The most popular organic compounds are infusion and compost. the solution is made immediately after the feces have been collected and the plants are watered. In the form of compost, litter can be stored at home for a very long time. Often there is a litter in such a composition, so before use it needs to lie down a bit so that the litter has time to decompose and release enzymes.

how to properly breed chicken droppings? Dilute the solution from the litter in the following proportions:

  • take a bucket, feces and water;
  • dilute the litter with water in the proportions of 0.5: 10;
  • insist the mixture for at least 3 days, if necessary, increase the time to 5 days.

Such a product is a very concentrated product, therefore, before watering the plants, it must be diluted with water 1:10. Dry manure in granules, just like fresh, should be soaked in water, and only then irrigated.It is not recommended to use in concentrated form. Composting involves pre-harvesting food in the fall.

Compost is the only product that allows fertilizer to be stored for a long time and transform food waste into useful food. This is not just about a certain number of days, but even about months. You can add leftovers from compost under heaps of compost, and as a result, in spring you will get a great way to feed. It will not work to get good fertilizer in a tank that is too deep: it will simply turn sour there, as a result, compost will not only be not useful, but can even become dangerous, putting it into the ground is strictly contraindicated. Peat is placed at the bottom of the compost pit, and then layered food waste and chicken feces in layers.

How and when to use organics

The use of litter as a top dressing is widespread among private owners farms in which broilers are bred. The introduction of dry humus follows during the digging of the garden in the fall, when the entire crop is already harvested, to improve the structural composition of the soil. Strawberries, raspberries, as well as fruit trees are fertilized twice a year. Fertilizing apple trees, cherries, plums is performed during flowering, during the period of active movement of juice on the crown.

To fertilize the grapes between the rows of plants, make ditches at a distance of 50 cm from the rhizome, into which humus is laid or a solution of litter and water is poured. Tomatoes fertilize when planting seedlings. Humus is laid right in the hole. They love humus top dressing cucumbers. The feeding scheme for cucumbers shows how many times you need to do this, and consists of two stages:

  • the first when leaflets appear;
  • the second is to water the litter with a solution.

For potatoes, the best option for laying fertilizing in the spring, before planting. Carrots are also fertilized in the same way. When growing currants, fertilizer with litter is carried out according to a certain scheme. Fruiting currants occurs in 2-3 years after planting. In the first year, currant bushes do not fertilize. They begin to make litter in the spring, and finish exactly one year later. In a complex with the first two fertilizing with humus, currant bushes need to be fertilized with nitrogen.

When growing indoor plants, bird droppings are also widespread. Most often, granular droppings are used for such purposes. Soak it for breeding soak in water, and then water the plant or put in its original form in a pot during planting. In order for roses to grow better in the country, in the summer they can be watered several times with a solution from the litter or scattered dry product near the bush and fluff up the ground.

What feces are suitable for harvesting

When preparing humus at home, you need to pay attention to the color and structure of the litter. Changes in parameters may be evidence of disease in chickens . Before you start composting, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • yellow feces indicate abnormalities in the liver in chicken;
  • watery stool indicates poisoning or kidney failure;
  • bloody stool can indicate the presence of parasites, internal bleeding;
  • whitish impurities in the litter indicate liver problems;
  • in orange color the litter is colored after the use of certain drugs, as well as in case of malfunctions organs of internal secretion;
  • green droppings – evidence of the presence of pathogenic bacteria of chlamydia or other infection in the body of the chicken, or too many green vegetables in the diet;
  • urea in feces indicates malnutrition, lack of nutrients;
  • the earthy color of feces can indicate irregularities in the digestive tract or poisoning, the dark color of litter may be the norm in chickens if there is a box of ash in the house;
  • brownish diarrhea can occur with a disease such as aime IPH.

Normal color of feces in chickens can vary from green to brown.The data described above will be evidence of the disease only in combination with other symptoms that accompany this or that ailment. If, in addition to changes in the structure and color of the stool, secondary signs were noted, it is urgent to consult a veterinarian so that the hens are prescribed the appropriate treatment. In this case, litter cannot be used as fertilizer: it is poisonous. The color of the litter will vary depending on what the chicken eats.

The video shows how to properly apply chicken litter, how the preparation and processing of organic fertilizers takes place.

Bird droppings as fertilizer
Chicken droppings. How to make fertilizer from chicken droppings. Organic Fertilizer.
First assistant gardener, Molotov cocktail !!! Or how to use bird droppings !!!

How to keep organics

To store compost for a long time, you need to prepare a hole where to put the rotted litter with litter. from 1.5 months to six months.For long-term storage of the liquid solution, it is necessary to use large barrels made of plastic with a tightly closed with a lid.

The longer the solution lasts for itself, the higher its concentration. Do not forget to dilute it with water, otherwise you can burn the rhizomes of plants. The shelf life of compost or liquid solution is one year. After this time, useful elements begin to lose their properties, and in the wet mixture acidity begins to increase.

Final part

From any birds on the farm, there are vital products that can be successfully used in as a fertilizer for plants. So the answer to the question whether it is possible to fertilize plants with chicken droppings, definitely yes. This is evidenced by the reviews of gardeners who assure that chicken droppings are good enough to bring it into the ground.The main thing in this matter is to know the features of the use of the product, because the rules for roses and beets will be noticeably different from each other. Now there are many videos that can help you find your way around, how and what plant is best fed.

In addition to the application rules, a person must know how to properly collect and process bird droppings. Fresh product in its pure form is not used for fertilizing the soil. On its basis make infusion or lay a compost heap. Often, in addition to feces fertilizer, additional nitrogen supplementation is carried out. For example, in the fertilizer scheme of currant bushes, the use of nitrogen is mandatory.

Among the advantages of organic chemistry, I would like to note that fertilizing with litter helps get rid of wireworms. To do this, before planting, you should make dry litter in the soil and plow with a walk-behind tractor. The pest will chew on moving, digesting the earth and plants along the way, along with soil, humus gets into the stomach, which causes poisoning in the parasite. Thus, it will be possible to improve the soil structure and remove the uninvited guest from the garden.

Among the minuses, there is a high risk of infection with worms and salmonellosis. During the preparation of fertilizers, special attention should be paid to color. With changes in the shade and structural composition of the chair, you need to contact a veterinarian and find out what is the reason.One of the reasons for stool staining may be the consumption of large quantities of greens or beets.

It is advisable to place compost heaps away from residential buildings and the bird’s yard. Firstly, hardly anyone will like the smell of feces, and secondly, chickens can begin to lay eggs in a dunghill. Useful properties of chicken manure allow it to be widely used as fertilizer in the garden, in the greenhouse and even in an apartment. Its proper application has a good effect on the growth and taste of many plants, so, despite the minuses, there is no need to abandon the idea of ​​making your production waste-free.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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