Hens of egg direction Loman White

Well-established chickens that are well-established among farm breeds are broken White classic and broken white have almost ideal characteristics for growing in order to get eggs from them. Experienced farmers and owners of private farmsteads appreciated them and massively started raising adult individuals from chickens purchased at breeders.

  1. About the Loman breed
  2. Exterior Standard
  3. Economic Benefits of Breeding
  4. Basics of Breeding and Maintenance
  5. Feeding
  6. Place for keeping
  7. Breeding chickens

Куры Ломан Вайт

Kura Loman White

About the Lomanov breed

the chicken representatives of the broken White White became known thanks to their leading positions in terms of egg production. chickens rush even in the cold season.

Loman hybrids are represented by two main breed branches: brown hens and white, while Loman White is not an independent line, but a cross from brown Loman Brown classic.

Chickens Loman White come from Germany, and got their name from a German company that bred new birds as a result of selection work in the 70s of the last century.

German chickens fell in love poultry farmers in many countries, not only because of the high productivity indicators and therefore Many farmers are engaged in breeding.In the process of keeping, they established themselves as birds with a calm, balanced character, not prone to aggressive behavior, getting along with other breeds of agricultural individuals.

It should be noted that representatives of this class are quite curious and often flashy, but they have different positive characteristics allows you to not notice their noisiness. At least 1 rooster is allowed to moderate the loud hectic temper of the hens.

Exterior standard

The breed of hens Loman White fits in favorably with the private household, thanks to the pleasant appearance, the description and photo of which includes some distinguishing features inherent in the standard:

  • the egg direction of the pedigree line influenced the formation of the constitution of birds, whose physique is compact and resembles a trapezoid, but with a narrow and unexpressed chest and belly, which is more characteristic of for meat representatives,
  • of small size, the head with a bright crest and lobes, which against the background of the white plumage contrast most noticeably,
  • some layers are distinguished by scallops piled to one side, which is not a disqualifying sign, roosters a large crest, ending with deep teeth.

Due to their small size and long paws, white hens look quite sporty folded.

Snow-white plumage of hens Loman White can be estimated by Photo.

Economic benefits of breeding

Poultry farms in Russia and Europe breed white broken white hens because of their high productive indicators:

  • laying hens of this cross-country give a record number (from 330 to 340) eggs per year,
  • the egg begins to lay eggs when it reaches four months of age, with rare exceptions – a little later,
  • the egg from Lomanovskie layers large (60-65 g each), with a white shell.

Due to the fact that representatives of the Loman White breed were bred more as eggs direction of use, meat characteristics are lower than those of other chicken breeds :

  • the mass of the rooster usually does not exceed 2.0 kg,
  • the average weight of the chicken is up to 1.5 kg.

Nevertheless, the positive feedback, the income from the number of eggs received annually from laying hens, significantly exceeds the financial resources spent on the maintenance and care of birds, which makes Lomanov breeding economically profitable.

Basics of breeding and keeping

Loman White chickens can live in both cold and hot climates conditions that do not affect the change in their productivity. For the comfortable keeping of birds, it is most important to provide them with a proper diet and a suitable room.


One representative of the Loman White breed requires annually about 40 kg of feed and up to 15 kg of vegetable additives in the form of greens.At the same time, the daily diet of birds totals about 300 kcal and should include up to 20 g of protein in raw form.

Their productivity directly depends on the full diet of hens.

Feeding of white Loman takes place twice a day , in the morning and evening, based on up to 120 g of feed per head. Many farmers feed the sprouted grains with chicken to saturate compound feeds with healthy substances.

Place for keeping

Given that this breed belongs to the egg direction and the main task is described when laying hens – bring as many eggs as possible, in the room where the broken people live, it is imperative to equip the nests . For these purposes, boxes and baskets filled with either straw or hay are suitable. They make nests in dark corners on high altitudes of small height.

Among other requirements for the premises for keeping where Loman Uyat will live, there is sufficient illumination and maintaining room temperature.


When breeding white Loman chickens, it should be borne in mind that laying hens of this breed do not differ in their natural instincts, therefore for growing in private farming they often buy already raised chickens or resort to artificial hatching using inc ubator .

In the first weeks of life, chickens are fed with specialized feed intended for young animals, diluting them with eggs and herbs, curd products and flour. Upon reaching the age of 2 weeks, the chickens are transferred to an adult diet, connecting vegetables and fruits, green grass and corncobs to the menu.

Farmers’ recommendations recommend letting young animals out on the street, as the best development of the chickens will contribute to their walks in the fresh air.

During the first 1.5 weeks, White classic chickens are fed 6 times a day, at the age of 1.5 months, feeding is reduced to 5 times, and after a month and a half threshold before maturity, the frequency of feeding is 4 times a day. The correct description of the methods of feeding various photos of these breeds can be found in any available sources.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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