Mini Coop Device

Today, on the shelves of shops there are a lot of different grocery products that your heart desires, but their quality is poor. Store eggs also do not have good taste, so many people think about raising chickens in the country, for which it is necessary to first build housing for birds.

Table of Contents
  1. Specificity of the small house for the pies
  2. Preparations
  3. Laying the foundation
  4. Flooring
  5. Walls and roof
  6. Place for walking
  7. What should be inside the chicken house
  8. Ventilation system
  9. To summarize

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Do-it-yourself mini-chicken house

It is not difficult to build a mini-chicken house with your own hands. Keeping chickens is not expensive, but you can will constantly indulge his family with natural food, which is why the question of how to build a chicken coop for 10 hens with your own hands is relevant.

The specifics of a small house for pies

The main distinguishing features features that have a mini-chicken coop for 5 hens, is its compactness and mobility. Such a chicken house can be rearranged to any place on the site. This feature makes it possible to provide pestles with sufficient walking in the fresh air and access to fresh, juicy grass. Each time the chicken coop can be put on a new lawn.

The device of the mini-chicken coop by and large does not differ at all from the device of the shed for a large number of birds:

  • poles for sleeping;
  • nests ;
  • drinking bowls, feeders;
  • aviary for walking ;
  • the simplest ventilation system .

If The layout of the location includes placing the chicken coop in one place, it must be built on a small elevation, in a place well protected from drafts. It is strictly forbidden to install the structure in the open sun or in the shade. Ideal location – near shrubs or hedges. To make it easy to move the mobile shed, you can equip it with wheels.

Preparatory work

Before you build a mini-chicken house with your own hands, you need to calculate the area and sketch out the drawings. The construction of the chicken house begins with the preparation of a detailed plan, in which it is necessary to indicate all the details.

The size of the house will depend on the number of hens and the size of the infield. Landing density: 3 individuals per 1 square. m. Accordingly, the area of ​​the shed for 5 adult hens will be only 2 square meters. m, and for the resettlement of 10 or 20 chickens will need 4-6 square meters. m. Such an area will be needed to provide chickens with a place to sleep. An enclosure for walking from a mesh material should be attached to the shed for an overnight stay.

An enclosure for walking must be attached to the barn

If the area allows on the plot, then the stationary mini-chicken coop in the country can be made more spacious. The standard size of the enclosure is 2 x 2 or 1.5 x 2. Laz in the compartment for walking do on the south side, always on the valve. Such a move will allow you to independently control the walking time, which is especially important in the winter.

Laying the foundation

To build a stationary mini-chicken house with your own hands, you need to lay the foundation. On a specially designated area for a pest shed, a certain area should be cleared and a foundation built. It can be of 3 types:

  • tape;
  • columnar;
  • monolithic.

The tape will be more reliable and monolithic, however, they will have to spend more time and fork out.

To make a columnar foundation, you need to dig holes around the entire perimeter of the future building, in which you need to install columns of wood and pour them with concrete. This arrangement will save time and at the same time will save chickens from attacks by rodents and predators, as well as from dampness.


The floor in the chicken coop should to be warm, this is a guarantee of good pet immunity, especially in winter. The floor is made of:

  • boards;
  • concrete;
  • clay.

The best option for stationary construction is a concrete screed, and then laying a board floor. In a mobile chicken house, the only option is only flooring from wooden boards. The design on a wooden frame allows you to make the building more adapted to cleaning. A tray for collecting litter is attached to the bottom of the building, which avoids the accumulation of feces in the room.

Walls and roof

The next stage of construction is the construction of walls and roofs. First prepare the frame. First of all, the lower strapping of the bars is performed. Having received a rectangular platform, they begin to fasten the flooring.

The frame of the piers is attached to the base, to which the roof frame will in turn be attached. From the inside, the piers are made of plywood or OSB sheets. From the outside, the walls are insulated with mineral wool and sheathed with another layer of wood. To protect the walls from the formation of fungus when moisture gets on them, they must be treated with a disinfectant.

The walls of the chicken coop should be protected from the fungus

In the lower part of the southern wall, a chicken hole should be made. A special ladder in the form of a ladder must be brought to the manhole, along which the pies will go down from the chicken coop to the street. When constructing a house, it is very important to steadily follow a predetermined plan and use already prepared drawings.In one of the side walls make doors for hygiene procedures, as well as a window opening for natural lighting of the room. The window should not be dull, because any mini-chicken coop should have a simple ventilation system.

Mounted nests for laying hens are attached to the rear wall. For 5 hens, 2 nests are enough, for 10 hens 3-4 nests are needed. On hanging nests make an exit from the house. From the outside, the containers are equipped with a roof and a special lid, which will make it easy to collect testicles.

The roof is the last to be made. First, a strapping is done similar to the flooring, and then there is a layer of insulation and roofing materials. The roof of the chicken house must be made at an angle so that during rainfall water flows freely from it down, rather than accumulating.

When drawing up the drawings, it is important to consider where the ventilation will be. It can also be installed in the roof by attaching a pipe with a plug.

Place for walking

When the whole house is ready, they begin to build an aviary. First, a frame is made of wooden blocks, on which a grid is attached. The cells should be of medium size so that the paws of the chickens do not fall into the net.

A roof must be built over the walking place to protect the birds from rain and direct sunlight. The roof can be partially made of mesh.

What should be inside the chicken house

Making a comfortable chicken house in the country with your own hands implies not only an external arrangement, but also an internal one. The first thing that should be in the house is the perches on which the birds will sleep. You can do it yourself or purchase ready-made poles in the store. For the free location of the livestock of 5 chickens, a 3-meter pole is enough. Perches should be placed in steps, at the back wall of the chicken coop.

Perches for hens

The distance between the bars should be at least 35 cm so that birds sitting above do not stain droppings below the sitting ones. If the sleeping poles are made by hand, it is necessary to round their ends and thoroughly sand the entire surface so that the hens do not hurt the paws.

The next stage of the internal arrangement is the feeders and drinking bowls. The ideal option for drinking is the nipple system . It allows you to optimize the flow of water, and also to avoid splashing liquid on the floor.

The drinking bowl and feeder should be located on opposite walls of the chicken coop. To save your time and save food from spreading and pollution, you can build a bunker feeder with your own hands. The bunker system is very simply made from improvised materials, especially for small livestock.

To maximize the performance of layers, it is necessary to extend the daylight hours. To do this, they must mount the wiring in the chicken coop. They arrange the wiring on the outside of the chicken coop in boxes that can reliably protect it from moisture and temperature extremes. The following types of lamps can be used for lighting:

  • LEDs;
  • daylight;
  • economy lamps;
  • infrared .

Ventilation system

Properly equipped ventilation in the chicken coop is one of the most important points. The easiest way to ventilate the room is to open the door and window. But such a ventilation system has many disadvantages. For example, in winter the room will quickly draw in cold air and it will have to be warmed up additionally, the second minus is a draft.

How to make a chicken coop for 6-8 layers with your own hands drawings in the kit
Chicken coops for 10 chickens
Do-it-yourself chicken coop

It’s best to make a supply and exhaust system with your own hands Such a system consists of two pipes, one of which draws in air and the other draws in. The exhaust pipe is mounted in the immediate vicinity of the perches and rises 50 cm above the roof level. the pipe must be positioned as far as possible from the perches at a height of about 20 cm from the floor, part of the roof should be 30 cm higher.

To prevent precipitation from entering the room, cover both pipes with special umbrellas. the pipe is equipped with a net and a plug on the inside to control the supply of cold air in winter. A ventilation system is needed in order to provide optimal air access to the hens, as well as to remove ammonia vapors from the feces from the room. This version of the chicken coop is most often used in the summer, so that the hens do not freeze in it in the winter, it is necessary to additionally insulate it or transfer the entire structure to a large barn.

To summarize

Today, many people try to spend more time in the summertime in the country. In order not to waste it, you can build a small chicken coop for keeping 5-10 hens and enjoy natural homemade products throughout the warm period. The first thing you need to do to realize your idea is to arrange a comfortable place for pestles to live.

How to make a chicken coop for 6-8 layers with your own hands drawings in the kit
10 chicken hens
DIY chicken coop

Making a house for 10 chickens with your own hands is very simple.Especially today, when the Internet is simply full of various descriptions and drawings with ready-made calculations.First, you need to determine the location, make a plan and sketch out the drawings. You should immediately decide what type of structure it will be: mobile or stationary.

A mobile structure is attractive in that it can be moved anywhere in the yard, and moved to winter and into a warmer room and continue to contain chickens. You will have to tinker with the stationary room a bit more, but if you thoroughly insulate it, then birds can freely winter in it. Naturally, for this design, you will need to make a foundation and equip it with a supply and exhaust ventilation system.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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