DIY ventilation system in a grow box

Ventilation structures in grow boxes are quite easy to assemble. The main component of the fresh air extraction and supply system is the fan. Its correct choice and installation is the key to successful cultivation of vegetable and ornamental crops at home.

Why ventilation in a grow box?

According to the principle of the device, grow boxes are sealed boxes, sheathed with light and heat-reflecting material. They are warm, light … and, of course, stuffy. Therefore, ventilation in the grow box performs several functions vital for the future harvest at once:

  1. Thermoregulation. One of the basic rules for a good harvest is the required temperature regime. For most flora, temperatures between 22 Β° C and 28 Β° C are considered comfortable. But in an enclosed space, the thermometer steadily rises, the reason for which is often very hot lamp models. Excessive temperature rise leads to thermal burns of foliage and flowers.
  2. Air exchange. For a comfortable existence in the greenhouse, carbon dioxide must be constantly present, absorbed by the plants.
  3. Protection against fungi and viruses. In a warm and humid climate, not only cultivated plants develop well, but also spores of fungi, mold and all kinds of diseases. Without adequate ventilation, plants are often attacked by root or fruit rot.
  4. Deodorant effect. Some plants give off a rather strong and unpleasant odor during the growing season and especially flowering. Ventilation, along with air filters, helps solve this problem.

Since the process of vital activity in plant crops is continuous, the ventilation of the grow box must be carried out around the clock. In this case, the distribution of air masses in the greenhouse should be uniform. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right fan for the volume and structure of the cabinet.

What fans are suitable for a growbox?

According to the type of installation, duct, radial or wall-mounted exhaust fans are used. The latter option is applicable exclusively in small greenhouses. If we talk about full-fledged growboxes designed for several dozen seedlings, then channel models should be used in such boxes.

By organizing duct ventilation, you can create directed air flows and equip a supply and exhaust structure, which is considered one of the best for grow boxes.

In addition, fans are distinguished by power, noise level and flange diameter. Among the most popular are the following:

  • VENTS. Low price and good quality make the fans of this company very popular and in demand in private households. The manufacturer offers a wide range of models of various series. Channel, channel axial and low noise. For example, Vents TT PRO 125 U is equipped with built-in speed controllers and temperature sensors. Such a model will be able to maintain the required microclimate itself without human intervention.
  • Soler & Palau. They belong to the middle price segment. The Soler & Palau -TD 350/125 Silent model is by far the quietest.
  • Ruck, or Rosenberg will suit those who are not used to skimping on quality and comfort.

It is best to equip a growbox with two types of fans at once. For example, ducted for supplying and exhausting air, and wall-mounted for uniform blowing of plants.

Ventilation equipment set

For beginners using small greenhouses, low-power duct fans are quite suitable. Or kits of duct and wall model. But the professional set includes a full set of equipment:

  • Fans. Their number is calculated based on the size of the greenhouse.
  • Mufflers.
  • Air filters based on granular carbon.
  • Air duct system.
  • Thermometers and devices for measuring the level of humidity.

If equipment is purchased without built-in timers, then it is advisable to install them separately.

How to choose a fan?

The choice of fan depends on the volume of the growbox and is calculated using the formula:

2V Γ— 60 = P mΒ³ / hour

V – Volume of a growbox or greenhouse
P – Fan power in cubic meters per hour

The number 60 in this formula is minutes. It is necessary to change the air every minute, so the resulting volume must be multiplied by 60 minutes or 60 times per hour.

For example, for a grow box with a width of 0,9 meters, a length of 0,9 meters and a height of 1,7 meters, the calculation of the power will look like this: 2 (0,9 Γ— 0,9 Γ— 1,7) Γ— 60 = 84 mΒ³ / hour. When choosing a model, the resulting power is rounded up.

How to ventilate?

If you don’t want to devote time to looking for special production structures, you can make ventilation yourself. Grow boxes can be equipped with any type of ventilation structure.

The main rule is high-quality and timely exhaust of exhaust air and the supply of new air.

How this will be implemented depends on the wishes of the owner, the resources expended and the volume of the greenhouse.

Ventilation schemes

Among the simplest and most popular, three schemes are worth highlighting:

  • Passive ventilation. This implies both passive inflow and passive outflow of air masses. Such ventilation does not require fans, air inflow and outflow occurs through the openings in the awning. Inlets should be made in the lower part of the side walls, exhaust in the ceiling. This option is suitable for small greenhouses located in cool rooms, where LED lamps are installed.
  • Single-circuit. In this case, the air inflow occurs passively through the lower side openings in the tent. The heated air is extracted by a fan installed under the roof of the grow box.
  • Double-circuit. The system assumes the presence of both supply and exhaust fans. The good thing is that it regulates the temperature regime in the room in automatic mode.

A two-circuit system is the most convenient, however, for small greenhouses, its installation can be called unprofitable, both in terms of financial and spatial costs. After all, fans take up a certain amount of space, and their power is not designed for too small volumes.

Fan location

When making your own growbox, it is better to use proven schemes:

  • Self-made exhaust fans can be installed either in the growth chamber or outside it. Most often, exhaust structures are built into the ceiling, but they can also have side exits.
  • Production models with external fans have special sleeves for their installation on the sides of the box. Or they are attached in the growth department.

Correctly selected set of ventilation equipment is the main guarantee of success

And the installation of automation will make the process of home growing pleasant and easy.

Anna Evans

Author βœ“ Farmer

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