Ficus Pumila White Sunny

In the modern world there are many different types of domestic plants. Some of them are kept at hand due to their healing qualities, some play a decorative role. The latter include Pygil’s dwarf ficus.

  1. View description
  2. Ficus Pumila care
  3. Room lighting
  4. Room temperature
  5. Watering mode
  6. Humidity level in the house
  7. Crown formation
  8. Fertilizing <
  9. Breeding <
  10. Features of transplantation
  11. Diseases and pests
  12. Gray rot
  13. Sooty mushroom
  14. Root rot

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Ficus Pumila White Sunny

This flower has an interest the ability to weave, which is why it is often used as wall decoration in homes or offices. Ficus Pumila White Sunny is very much appreciated in Asian countries, the plant is often used in various practices of bonsai art. In other countries, this flower is appreciated for its unpretentious care and rapid growth.

Species description

Culture of the variety Ficus Pumila White Sunny is a dwarf variety of ordinary ficuses.

This ampelous variety of the flower is small foliage up to 3 cm in diameter, which has an oval shape. The foliage of this species of ficus is characterized by a white border around the edges. The stalk has an increased tenacity, so that the flower can lash around a solid support.Asian countries are considered the original areal of ficus.

A culture of this kind can be found in the forests of Thailand, China and Korea. Pumila ficus itself has been grown at home since the beginning of the 18th century, and since then it has served as a decoration in many dwellings.

Ficus Pumila care

It should be noted that home care for ficus Pumila will not cause difficulties even for novice florists. The flower is unpretentious in everyday life, the only inconvenience an unprepared owner may encounter is weaving the flower too quickly.

However, there are still a number of rules that you should follow if you decide to make dwarf ficus in the house.

Room lighting

This species of ficus belongs to the cultivar of photophilous cultures. The foliage of a bush requires a certain amount of sunlight. However, it is important to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet light on the crown of the flower: this can lead to deep burns and ulcers.

Lack of sunlight reduces the brightness of the light border of the leaf. The crown can turn completely green in a dark location, making it similar to its closest relative, the ficus Pumila Green Sunny. In winter, the flower should be moved closer to the window, and in summer you need to make sure that the plant is in the shade at noon.

Room temperature

Dwarf ficus is poorly tolerated by high temperature. The air in the room should not rise above 20 ° C, otherwise the flower may begin to fade.Also, temperature fluctuations should not reach a minus point, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the foliage.

In summer, the flower can be transplanted into the street, because in the fresh air the ficus is not afraid of temperatures above normal. But after this, preventive measures should be taken to avoid infection with harmful insects and fungi.

Watering mode

Ficus Sanni is poorly tolerated to high soil moisture. Before watering, it is necessary to check the topsoil: it must be dry.

The watering regime of dwarf ficus looks like this:

  1. In summer, the flower is watered every 3 days.
  2. In the autumn and winter, moisten the soil 1-2 times a week.
  3. In the spring, active growth begins at the ficus, so it should be watered as necessary. For best effect, mineral components should be diluted in water.

Water for irrigation is used at room temperature and should stand for several days. You can not pour ficus with tap water: the official description says that the plant does not tolerate chlorine well.

If water remains in the pan after moistening the soil, it should be drained. A large amount of moisture will darken the leaf and rot the root system. Ficus Pumila is a good drip irrigation system, so for a plant it is worth buying a dispenser.

Humidity level in the house

Dry air can cause many diseases of dwarf ficus. This variety of plants is very sensitive to low humidity in the room.

The flower favorably perceives spraying with water. Similar water treatments improve leaf quality and accelerate plant growth. Water for spraying should be boiled and barely warm.

If there is no time for such procedures, then you can place the fumus Pulum on a pallet with expanded clay. This base should be filled with water. Such simple actions will save the flower from death. Also, the humidity level in the room affects the tenacity of the shoots. In dry air, Ficus White Sunny will not wander.

Crown formation

The procedure for trimming dwarf ficus will not be a problem. This type of plant is rarely used for curly hair, so pruning is done for sanitary purposes.

Sharp pruners or scissors are used for this. First of all, old shoots and dry leaves are cut, and the cut places are wiped with charcoal. The flower can grow quickly, so the main shoots should also be shortened with a certain frequency.


First of all, the plant needs to be fed during periods of active growth, which fall for the warm season. Among the products of the domestic manufacturer, the Emerald fertilizer can be distinguished.This is a balanced dressing for plants, which contains 2 active components: magnesium and nitrogen.

These elements are responsible for the accelerated growth of foliage and protect the ficus crown from aging. It is extremely important to comply with the rules of plant fertilizer, which are set out in the product instructions. Excess minerals can seriously injure the roots of the ficus.


Reproduction of this variety of flowers is particularly fast. The plant can be easily grown from cut stalks. To do this, carefully cut a young shoot with two leaves, after which it is kept in water for some time.

When the sprout takes root, it can be transplanted into a flower tub. Care for the seedling should be exactly the same as for an adult plant. Do not plant more than 6 shoots in one pot. Dwarf ficus grows rapidly and after six months the plant will become cramped, which can cause the disease.

Florarium vase-glass, seabed. Fittonia Josan, ficus Pumila White Sunny (10.24.17).
Ficus pumila ´White Sunny´

Features of transplantation

It should be noted that ficus appreciates the stability of the location – transplantation can become stressful. total similar procedure carried out in the first month spring. The flower only comes out of the dormant phase and adapts better to new conditions.

A young plant should be replanted every year, because the roots very quickly select all the beneficial properties in the soil. Ficus, which is more than five years old, can calmly remain in one pot for a long time. The signal for transplantation is shredding of leaves and degeneration of shoots.

Drainage is obligatory laid at the bottom of the tub. For this, materials such as:

  • expanded clay;
  • fragments of clay pots;
  • broken brick.

Ficus land should also contain a certain amount of mineral components.Good soil for these plants looks like this:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • leafy land.

Diseases and pests

If the leaves of ficus Sany began to turn yellow rapidly, he probably became ill. The cause of the disease is most often improper flower care: increased air dryness or a disturbed irrigation regime. However, in some cases, various pests can cause a sharp deterioration in the flower’s condition.

There are 2 types of microorganisms that can cause infection:

  • insects;
  • fungus .

When infected with pests, first of all, the plant should be protected from other domestic flowers, and the ficus Sunny should be treated with special preparations. The treatment of the plant depends on the type of pests that hit it.

Among the insects, the most dangerous for the ficus are:

  1. Scutellaria. This parasite nourishes the juice of the plant, piercing the leaves with a sharp proboscis. A characteristic feature of the insect are convex spots on the outside of the leaf. Scabies leave sticky secretions after themselves, in which another pest, soot fungus, often settles. Actellik and soapy water should be used in the fight against insects.
  2. Mealybug. The disease looks like small lumps of light cotton wool that densely stick to the leaf. The insect eats plant juice and slows down the development of ficus.Comprehensive home treatment includes wiping the leaves from the web and treating the flower with a solution of confidrom.
  3. Aphids. This pest most often infects the plant during the period of active growth: in summer and spring. The parasite settles in small colonies on the inside of the leaf. To protect the ficus from invading aphids, the leaves of the flower must be treated with soapy water or feverfew.

Several types of dangerous fungal diseases are also distinguished:

Gray rot

The disease looks like a gray mold that quickly covers the foliage. The affected crown blackens and falls.

The cause of rot can be increased temperature and humidity. To get rid of the disease, you need to cut off the affected parts of the plant and review the watering regimen.

Sooty mushroom

This parasite settles in the secretions left after the insects. First of all, it affects the foliage with a black coating.

In the fight against it, rubbing the crown with soapy water and fungicide is used at home.

Rot of the root system

Infection manifests itself as rapidly spreading foci of rot on the roots and trunk of the ficus. The plant begins to rapidly wither.

This type of fungus is very difficult to detect in the soil, because it can be at rest for a long time. Treatment for this disease is impossible – the plant is thrown out with the pot.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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