Gedihium – Tropical Javanese Ginger

At first glance, the luxurious inflorescences and the original greenery of the hedichiums evoke associations with the vibrant tropical flora. It is one of the rarest – and most exotic – indoor and greenhouse plants. Flowers similar to butterflies in “prickly” inflorescences and a special yellow-orange palette stand out pleasantly against the background of other indoor crops. The beauty of unusual inflorescences, bright character and sophisticated care make Gedihium an exclusive star. And this bulbous plant is not suitable for everyone, since there are many difficulties in growing this aromatic plant.

Гедихиум (Hedychium). Farmer sissinghurstcastle


Tropical spicy lily

Among the exotic plants that came to us from the tropical climate, not all cultures really justify their status as outlandish. Tropical exotics don’t necessarily look like the stars of a colorful island jungle. But this does not concern the gedihium. Really bright, original and unique in its uniqueness plant in any circumstances immediately betrays its origin. As if by magic, the Gedihiums migrated into pots and tubs from the colorful Indian landscapes. In nature, these are inhabitants of the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia and exotic islands, but hedichiums are associated, first of all, with the rich flora of India, being one of the brightest local cultures there.

Gedihiums (Hedychium) – representatives of the Ginger family (Zingiberaceae). The folk names of Gedihium clearly illustrate the beauty of this culture. Spicy lily, Javanese ginger, butterfly flower, Kahili ginger, butterfly ginger, ginger lily, garland flower – this is how this rare and very valuable plant is called variously. Almost all hedichiums are very similar to each other in appearance, differing only in color and structural features of the inflorescences. They are easily recognizable against the background of other tropical stars.

Gedihiums are flowering exotic plants. The main decoration of a plant, of course, is precisely its flowering. But the general decorativeness, the ratio of foliage and inflorescences should not be underestimated: creating a bright tropical background, foliage is in perfect harmony with the flowering of this culture. It is a fast-growing plant that is striking in its rate of development. Tuberous, constantly growing, creeping rhizomes, narrow oval leaves of a light color are almost typical for all original exotics from among ginger crops. Leaves are sessile, petiolate, embrace the shoot, arranged symmetrically on straight and very strong shoots. But the flowering of hedichium is very different from related plants.

The flowering of hedichiums depends on the conditions of detention, type, variety and even the characteristics of the weather (light intensity) in each specific year. The general flowering period lasts from April to October, with most hedichiums blooming during the summer or August-September. Clusters of inflorescences spike-shaped, dense or loose, apical, consist of asymmetric spongy flowers with very long stamens. Gedihium lives up to its name with an intense, spicy, complex aroma. The fruits of the hedichium are no less attractive than the inflorescences. They open up, showing a bright color of the inner side and do not fall off for a long time, decorating the plant with no less luxurious flowers. The reddish, original color of the boxes, glowing from the inside, is often used in compositions by florists.

It should be noted that if the hedihium is provided with truly optimal conditions, then this plant will delight with almost continuous flowering. But in living rooms, a year-round parade is a rarity, and such an effect can be achieved only when kept in a greenhouse.

Types of hedichium

In room culture, only two species of more than fifty hedichiums are actively used. At the same time, Gardner’s hedichium is more decorative and less capricious, and, as a result, more common.

Gedihium Gardner (Hedychium gardnerianum) Is a herbaceous perennial, whose maximum height in a pot culture is limited to 1 m. Sitting oval leaves with an unevenly wavy surface and a pointed tip delight with a light shade of green color. In length, the leaves reach 40-50 cm. The leaves seem soft, often bizarrely curving, enhancing the similarity of texture to fabric. The brushes of the inflorescences are openwork, symmetrical, flaunting with a golden shade of the luminous color of the flowers. Initially dense, the inflorescences become more delicate and transparent. Each individual flower resembles a butterfly in shape, although it is not as large as in other species. The beauty of the petals is emphasized by the long stamens ending in orange anthers. Fruiting in Gardner’s hedichium is no less attractive than flowering. The opening reddish pod-shaped capsules look exquisite and original at the same time.

Gedihium crowned, or gedichium crowned (Hedychium coronarium) Is a charming species that, by its graceful inflorescences, is able to compete with orchids. The leaves are elongated-oval, relatively compact, with a beautiful pointed edge and rich color. The edge of the lower side gives originality, yellowness often appears unevenly on the upper side. Large flowers are collected in dense spikelets of inflorescences and amaze with their quivering beauty, resembling delicate tropical moths. All crown hedichiums are characterized by a spicy, sweet aroma. There are many varieties with a pure white color.

A very interesting plant can be found in botanical collections – gedihium in Horsfield (Hedychium horsfieldii). It is distinguished by its original inflorescences, similar to a butterfly, located in graceful brushes. The leaves are very large, more intense in color, up to half a meter in length. The flowers are creamy or white-green, with a tiny lip and rounded, underdeveloped stamens that form an original decoration at the top of the flower. It is a very aromatic plant.

Gedihium Gardner (Hedychium gardnerianum). Farmer Alison Piasecka
Crowned Hedihium, or Crowned Hedychium (Hedychium coronarium). Farmer bambooland
Hedychium horsfieldii. Farmer picallo

Growing conditions for indoor hedichium

Finding suitable room conditions for hedichiums is not so difficult. They adapt well to ordinary living rooms, even if they do not allow the active use of luxurious flowering accents inside the premises, “tied” to the windows. At the same time, the main surprise is the ability to abandon the cool wintering, which is so difficult to recreate in apartments. It is thanks to the good adaptability that hedichiums are considered much easier to grow plants than their counterparts from the Ginger family.

Lighting for hedichium and plant placement

Due to their forest origin, hedichiums can adapt well to low light conditions. Despite the status of a tropical exotic, they tolerate partial shade and do not really like the direct bright sun at noon, but they will not give up several hours of the morning or evening sun. The most lush flowering in indoor hedichium can be observed in diffused, soft, but intense lighting. But with the distance of the containers from the window, you can freely experiment, checking how well the plant will feel in a particular room. During the winter, hedichiums are best moved to the lightest places in the house.

The optimal place for gedihiums in the rooms is considered to be window sills of windows with a southern or western orientation. Artificial supplementary lighting for this culture will not be able to compensate for the reduction of light or its movement away from the window.

Gedihiums demand space. These are soloist plants that are used only in large rooms. They look great in spacious studios, halls, overwhelmingly affect small rooms. Javanese ginger is great for creating a tropical winter garden.

Temperature range for hedihium and ventilation

Hedihiums are one of the most thermophilic indoor plants. But choosing the right conditions for them is a very difficult task, since you need to find a compromise between the ability to maintain high humidity at ideal temperatures. In an optimal environment, they are afraid even of the usual coolness, the temperature in which most indoor plants prefer to winter. It is advisable to grow gedihiums indoors, where the air temperature does not fall below 20 degrees Celsius in the spring and summer. But at the same time, hot conditions of detention must be complemented by very high indicators of air humidity. If there is no opportunity to create a tropical environment, then the plant is kept at cooler temperatures, up to 16-20 degrees, which will allow it to remain decorative with an average humidity. It is better to clarify what the plant is used to when buying.

Wintering of hedichiums does not require a special temperature regime and depends on the habits of the plant and on whether it is taken out in the summer to fresh air. If hedichium is grown purely as an indoor crop, then it is better to leave the temperatures unnamed. If the plant is used as a partially gardening plant or in a flower center it has been accustomed to a cool winter, then the temperatures can be lowered. The maximum allowable decrease is up to 10 degrees Celsius. The conditions usual for the wintering of a plant also need to be clarified when buying a plant.

Gedihiums respond well to outdoor seating in summer and can be taken out to sheltered balconies, terraces or garden seating areas. They are not afraid of drafts, but they do not like sudden temperature changes.

Home care for gedihium

Gedihiums are exotic, but not the most difficult to grow. These are plants for experienced florists and those who can afford to regularly care for them, without allowing the soil to dry out. Due to the fact that the usual growing conditions in a hot, humid environment can be slightly changed in living rooms, hedichium is easier to grow than some of its counterparts. The main advantage of this plant is flowering, which does not require the creation of special conditions for a strict dormancy and specific care.

Watering hedichium and air humidity

Moisture-loving hedichium is the main problem when growing this plant. The spicy lily needs very abundant watering and constant soil moisture. But at the same time, like all tuberous, it does not tolerate extreme waterlogging and constant stagnation of water. It is possible to find a balance only if quality drainage is laid and the right choice of soil. During summer, the plant may need to be watered every 2 days. For a dormant period in winter, watering is reduced, maintaining a constant, but very light soil moisture. The frequency and intensity of watering is reduced by 2-3 times, focusing on the rate of drying of the soil in the pot.

High moisture readings are a prerequisite for growing hedichium. The minimum allowable values ​​are 60%, but it is better if the air humidity exceeds 70%. The higher the air temperature, the higher the humidity should be. If hedihium is grown in temperate warm conditions, then it is content with average humidity. Dry air causes a loss of decorative foliage, intensive drying of the tips of the leaves, gradually spreading further and further along the leaf blade.

To create suitable conditions, spraying alone is not enough. Hedihiums in room culture can only be grown if humidifiers are installed. If you combine the use of pallets with water and wet pebbles, expanded clay or moss with frequent spraying, you can achieve the same effect as when using humidifier devices.

Гедихиум (Hedychium). Farmer Courtney Turner

Top dressing of hedichium and the composition of fertilizers

Top dressing for hedichium is applied during the entire period of active growth. Top dressing is especially important at the flowering stage, when the plant needs an increased content of potassium and phosphorus in the soil. For hedihium, 1 feeding per month or 3 weeks is carried out. Another option can be used – frequent, weekly feeding with reduced doses of fertilizers in the spring, at the beginning of growth, and then 1 feeding per month is enough. During the dormant period, in autumn and winter, the plant is not fed, but if conditions are optimal and hedichiums continue to bloom, then feeding continues until flowering is complete.

For hedichiums, it is better to use complex universal fertilizers. This plant can also be grown with long-acting fertilizers added to the soil during transplanting.

Pruning and shaping hedichium

In fact, the obligatory pruning comes down to a sanitary cleaning. In hedichiums, faded peduncles and dry leaves are regularly removed. After flowering, it is advisable to cut the shoots at a height of about 10 cm.

Hedihium transplant and substrate

Hedihiums should be replanted only as needed. Tuberous roots release new shoots, the plant assimilates the substrate and grows, gradually expanding. The larger the hedichium, the more attractive it is. Therefore, the plants are planted in large containers and allowed to develop freely. The transplant is carried out only when the entire substrate has been mastered. It is best done at the beginning of active growth, in early spring.

Any breathable, light, fertile soil is suitable for hedihium. A neutral reaction is preferable; the plant reacts equally inhibited to acidic or calcareous soils. If the soil is mixed independently, then equal parts of sand, humus, leafy, soddy soil and peat can be combined. Loosening additives will reduce the risk of soil compaction and acidification with abundant watering.

These are large and constantly growing plants that require large containers. The minimum size of containers for hedichium is 40-50 cm. It is possible to grow hedichium in large flower pots, flower boxes and tubs. Containers which are much wider than the height are preferred. The containers must have large holes for water drainage.

When transplanting hedichium, care should be taken not to injure the fleshy thickened roots. Gedihium does not have to be overloaded, but the plant must be handled carefully. A high drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the container.

Гедихиум (Hedychium). Farmer tropicalflowers

Diseases, pests and growing problems

One of the main advantages of gedihiums is pest resistance. This exotic is annoyed only by spider mites, and even then only if the rules of care are violated and when kept in very dry air. In the vicinity of infected plants, hedichium can suffer from the scabbard. Any pests are best dealt with immediately with insecticide treatments.

The most common problem in growing hedichium is the drying out of the tips of the leaves. Greens lose their decorative effect not only in dry air, but also with a lack of potassium or improper feeding.

The lack of flowering in this plant is not necessarily associated with temperature conditions or care, changes in watering or feeding during the dormant period. Hedihiums do not bloom even when they are in too poor lighting.

Reproduction of hedichium

The easiest way to reproduce a spicy lily is by separation. Gedihium in large numbers forms daughter plants, constantly grows, and the separation of large “colonies” allows you to get several flowering bushes. Independent plants are very rarely separated, because it will take more than one year to build up a sufficient number of children for lush flowering. Each cut should contain at least one strong shoot and powerful roots.

You can also grow hedichium from seeds. For this plant, it is advisable to pre-soak them for a day. For sowing, use a sand-peat mixture or combine the substrate and sand in equal parts. Surface sowing on moist soil with a 3-5 mm substrate cover, greenhouse conditions with bottom heating and constant high humidity are the main conditions for seed germination. The first shoots may appear only after a few months. The first flowering of hedichium from seeds can be expected no earlier than the third year.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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