Why does arrowroot dry? – leaving

Arrowroot is a very interesting, but unfortunately demanding plant. But if you are ready to satisfy her whims, she will thank you with very beautiful leaves. It is even difficult to say what other indoor flowers can compete with arrowroot in the quirkiness of painted patterns on the leaves. Above – dark green spots and white stripes on both sides of the central vein, below – bluish-green leaves.

Why does arrowroot dry?


Description of arrowroot

Most often, on our windowsills, white-veined arrowroot and its types are found. But her flowers are inconspicuous, they are formed between the leaves. The arrowroot also has one interesting feature: in the evening it lifts its leaves up and folds them together. In the morning, the leaves straighten out and fall again. For this, the British call it the Prayer plant – a plant that prays.

The plant got its name in honor of the physician Bartolomeo Maranta. The homeland of the plant is the tropical rainforests of Brazil. Therefore, it loves humid air very much (up to 90 percent). Arrowroot is often recommended for growing in so-called “bottle gardens”, where high humidity is created. They also recommend sprinkling arrowroot often, but only with a fine spray, since large drops of water leave traces on the leaves.

General rules for caring for arrowroot at home

The plant is afraid of drafts and temperature changes. In winter, in rooms where arrowroot grows, the air temperature should fall at least 12 degrees, preferably 16-18, in summer the most optimal temperature is 23-24. To preserve the beauty and brightness of the leaves, you must adhere to several rules.

Since excessive lighting can lead to fading of the color of the leaves, the plant must be shaded. At the same time, excessive shade also negatively affects its color.

If the tips of arrowroot leaves become dry and brown or the leaves fall off, this can signal excessive dryness of the air. Yellow-brown tips indicate a lack or, conversely, an excess of nutrients. In drafts, the leaves curl and dry out.

Maranta (Maranta)Maranta (Maranta). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Steven Rodriquez

Water the plant with moderately soft water, about room temperature; in winter, watering should be limited. From an excess of moisture in a plant, roots can rot. Dry and withered leaves must be removed. To prevent the bush from stretching, it is cut off. At the same time, the cuttings are cut off together with the nodule from which the leaves grow. This promotes more intensive new leaf formation.

So, for the successful cultivation of arrowroot you need: penumbra, high air humidity, rich soil, spacious enough pot.

Also, the plant does not tolerate the presence of lime in the soil.

Little secret: add a couple of pieces of charcoal to the soil mixture for planting arrowroot. In the spring and summer, once every two weeks, it should be fed with flower fertilizers. Arrowroot shoots are creeping, so it is better to plant it in wide containers. Transplanted every 1-2 years in the spring. The plant itself is compact, growing only up to 30 cm tall.

Maranta (Maranta). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com elka52

Reproduction of arrowroot

Propagate arrowroot by dividing the bushes and stem cuttings with 1-2 internodes. The leaves are cut off by a third and the cuttings are planted in a box of sand. After about 2-3 weeks at a temperature of 20-24 degrees, they start up roots. You can also root them in water. Good drainage is also needed.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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