Lollipop – pahistahis – departure

Pachystachis (Pachystachys, family Acanthus) is a small, 40 – 70 cm high, herbaceous flowering plant native to the tropics of America. The leaves of the pachystachis are ovoid, slightly wrinkled, dark green, about 10 cm long.Above them are spike-shaped inflorescences about 12 cm in size.In the yellow pachystachis (Pachystachys lutea), they consist of golden bracts and white flowers, and in the pachystachis they are bright red ( Pachystachys coccinea) inflorescences are scarlet. The main advantage of this plant is the long flowering period – from late spring to early autumn.



Pachistachis needs a bright diffused light, so it is good to place it on a light windowsill. The plant is thermophilic, in summer it requires a temperature of at least 18 – 20 Β° C, in winter it can withstand a drop in temperature to 12 Β° C. The air humidity in the room where the pachistachis is located should be high enough; in the summer, its leaves should be often sprayed.

Lollipop - pahistahis - departurePachystachys

Farmer AEngelhardt

During the growing season, pachistachis is watered abundantly, in winter, watering is reduced, preventing only the earthen coma from drying out. During the period of growth and flowering, pachistachis must be fertilized 2 – 3 times a month. At the end of autumn, the plant is cut off, leaving shoots no more than 15 – 20 cm high. In spring, the bush is formed as it grows, pinching the tops of the branches. Pachystachis is transplanted annually, preparing a soil mixture of sod and leafy soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1. Pachystachis is propagated by apical cuttings in spring or summer, while using the lower heating of the substrate to 24 – 25 Β° C.


Farmer Micha L. Rieser

Problems with pachystachis arise from improper care. Insufficient watering leads to yellowing and leaf fall. In addition, the plant can be affected by aphids, insects can be seen on the tops of young shoots. In this case, spraying with actellik is required.

Anna Evans

Author βœ“ Farmer

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