Coral bush, or False Nightshade – care

Usually, two types of nightshade are bred in room conditions:

  • Pepper nightshade (Solanum capsicastrum) – an evergreen shrub up to 1 m in height, with pubescent stems and lanceolate dark green leaves with a wavy edge.
  • False Nightshade (Solanum pseudocapsicum) similar to the previous species, but its berries are larger, the leaves are shorter, and the stems are smooth. In general, the plant is brighter.

Coral bush, or False Nightshade. Farmer Seesacameraclub

Amateur flower growers call it a coral bush or Cuban cherry. This is an evergreen semi-shrub plant, no higher than 50 cm (there are dwarf forms of nightshade up to 30 cm high). The nightshade blooms with small white single flowers that appear in July-August. Blooming nightshade does not attract attention. The plant becomes very beautiful when round fruits – berries grow and begin to gradually turn from light green to yellow, and then acquire an orange or bright red color. The fruits ripen throughout the winter. They are similar in shape to cherries. The berries sit on the stem, towering over the leaves, and giving a special appeal to the nightshade.

Nightshade is very much appreciated for the fact that it pleases with beauty in winter and early spring, when there are few other flowering plants in the room, and outside the window there is cold and bad weather. Loves intense diffused light. If the plant is dark, then there are few leaves on it, it blooms and bears fruit poorly. At noon, it should be shaded from direct sunlight, as sunburn is possible. But also nightshade with fruits tolerates short-term shading well. Therefore, in the fall, when red berries appear, it can be transferred to the depths of the room to decorate the interior.

The plant feels great in a new place, despite the fact that it is recommended to keep it in the light in winter. The fruits continue to ripen and color throughout the winter. The bright fruits stay on the stems for 8 months, then shrivel and fall off.

False Nightshade (Solanum pseudocapsicum)False Nightshade (Solanum pseudocapsicum). Farmer expat a

If nightshade does not want to grow, sheds leaves and almost does not bear fruit, then the reason may be a lack of moisture in the soil, even though the plant is watered twice a week. In order to keep the nightshade consistently moist in the soil, you can use the advice posted in one of the magazines: Water the plants with a double flowerpot.

A small unglazed earthenware pot should be placed in a large pot in which the nightshade grows. Water is poured into a small pot, which is covered from above with a circle of cardboard. Gradually, the water seeps through the sides of the pot and the small hole in the bottom and wets the earthen ball in the large pot. The problem of watering the plant in your absence will be solved. And the nightshade will stop shedding its leaves.

In summer, the plant should stand in a bright, sunny place. During the summer months, nightshade can be placed in the fresh air (in the garden or on the balcony). Once a month, they are fed with a weak solution of complete mineral fertilizer for indoor plants (fertilizer for fruits and berries can be used for feeding). After the fruits fall off, the nightshade begins a forced dormant period (October-February), due to low light and humidity. At this time, its long shoots are pruned and given a spherical shape to the bush.

Cut shoots can be used for rooting. Nightshade can also be propagated by seed. Seedlings must be dived twice and shortened (pinched) the roots. In the first year of cultivation, the tops of the shoots are pinched several times in seedlings and rooted cuttings in order to obtain well-branched plants.

Transplant every year in February, after the berries have fallen.

Nightshade berries are considered poisonous. Therefore, if you have children, refrain from buying nightshades.

Nightshade flower. Farmer jacinta lluch valero


It is affected by a red spider mite (in dry air, the leaves and stems are braided with cobwebs), aphids (form sticky secretions on the tops of shoots, buds), whiteflies (whitish or yellowish spots appear on the underside of the leaves).

For minor infestations, the plant can be treated with soapy water and warm washing.

In case of severe damage, spraying with an insecticide solution (actellik, decis, fitoverm, etc.) is recommended.

Anna Evans

Author βœ“ Farmer

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