5 top indoor Australians

Among indoor exotic plants, the vast majority are plants of Latin American and African origin. But in search of unusual crops to replenish your collection, you should look at the continent, which is distinguished by an extraordinary variety of unusual arboreal and succulent plants – distant Australia. It was from there that the most fashionable novelties from the number of large indoor crops and competitors of bonsai came to us. Indoor Australians unite special character and unusual appearance.

Anigosanthos, or Kangaroo’s foot (Anigozanthos). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com floradania

Stars from the green continent

Indoor exotics, whose homeland is Australia, have a lot in common. Such plants are easily recognized at first sight as unusual, outlandish and very original. Australian cultures in nature are capable of reaching tens of meters in height, while in indoor culture they are limited to rather modest sizes. But even in a “tamed” format, they fully manage to reveal all their originality.

The main common feature of all indoor Australians is sun love. In the distant Green Continent, plants are accustomed to receiving the maximum of the southern sun, therefore, in indoor culture, they are also light-dependent. You can’t place such beauties inside the interior, but on the bright southern window sills (and in the summer – and in the open air) they feel great.

Another common feature is drought tolerance, sensitivity to waterlogging and overfeeding. Without exception, all Australians in nature most often live in rather scarce soil and fertilizing, even for flowering crops, is applied with a standard or less frequency.

Fine-seeded broom, or Leptospermum paniculata, or Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium)Fine-seeded broom, or Leptospermum paniculata, or Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium)

The variety of the most decorative features among indoor Australians is very great. Such plants always have something unusual in appearance: either the structure of the trunk, or an unusually dense crown with a non-standard arrangement and color of the leaves, or flowering, the exoticism of which can be appreciated from afar. Even the best flowering plants native to Australia are distinguished by their special structure or beautiful leaves. And there is plenty to choose from. Giant chestnutospermum growing from beans, bizarre bottle brachychiton trees, profusely flowering manuks, similar to an exotic vision of inflorescences of kangaroo legs or powerful woody araucaria with an aura of antiquity – everyone will find among Australians an unusual accent for their interior that can surprise even experienced flower growers.

Let’s take a closer look at the five most original indoor Australians and their non-standard character.

For a list of the most original indoor plants from Australia, see the next page.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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