Gloriosa – the queen of flowering vines

Gloriosa magnificent fully deserves its name. This unique climbing plant developing from tubers, limited by a maximum half-meter length of shoots, is rightfully ranked among the most spectacular indoor lianas. In gloriasis, everything is beautiful: both the foliage of a rich color, and flowers, equal to which are difficult to find both in shape and color. Wavy, deflecting petals resemble tongues of flame, and the red-yellow transition only emphasizes this effect. Flexible and surprisingly graceful, this Tropican needs special conditions and constant attention. But the luxurious inflorescences of gloriosa, which today are considered one of the most spectacular plants for drawing up bouquets, are well worth it.

Rothschild’s gloriosa (Gloriosa superba ‘Rothschildiana’). Farmer mijntuin

The lily of flame and her regal luxury

Gloriosa in appearance seems more like a competitor to garden clematis than a typical indoor vine. Large, unusual flowers, modest but very beautiful greenery and surprisingly flexible shoots really remind of the classic garden climbers. But gloriosa is a plant with the status, first of all, of a room and greenhouse star, which is often grown as a cut crop.

In indoor floriculture, this beauty represents the not-so-representative Melanthiaceae family. The translation of the Latin name gloriosa – “flower of glory” – fully reflects the splendor of this climbing vine native to Asia and South Africa. No less popular than the official name of the plant, and popular nicknames – lily of glory, climbing lily, lily of flame.

Gloriosa (Glorious) Is a genus of herbaceous perennials with a tuberous rhizome, belonging to climbing vines. Flexible, very thin, but not able to twine around the supports and fragile shoots are densely covered with fairly large leaves. Broad-lanceolate, with a spectacular elongated tip, whole-edged glossy leaves with a bright green color surprise with their simple elegance and a graceful tendril at the ends, thanks to which the vine clings to the supports.

The maximum height of gloriosa is usually limited to 1,5-2 m, but the actual size of the plant directly depends on how it is formed and on which support it is grown. The leaves are arranged in three or opposite. Unlike sedentary foliage, flowers with a double color are located on a fairly long peduncle. They bloom in the axils of only the upper leaves.

Despite the fact that from a distance, gloriosa flowers can be confused with a lily, they are completely different in structure. Gloriosa inflorescences droop down, and the sparsely located tepals, resembling petals, bend up, forming a kind of crown of tongues of flame above the center. Long, sparsely spaced, with an unusual wavy edge, they reach 10 cm and show off the contrast of a bright base orange-red color with a yellow border.

It is extremely interesting to observe the color change on gloriosa inflorescences. From the powerful buds, open flowers are gradually formed, which seem to flutter in the wind petals of flame. The initially yellow color of the petals is gradually transformed into an increasingly saturated red tone, and the flowers are relentlessly replacing each other. This vine opens new flowers to replace the wilted ones and in general manages to release up to 7 inflorescences on each shoot in one season. Thus, the flowering of gloriosa, despite the fact that each individual flower does not last so long, stretches for almost the entire summer.

Gloriosa superba or Gloriosa superbaGloriosa superb or Gloriosa superba. Farmer Tim Waters

The undisputed leader in popularity and a kind of symbol of the family has long become Gloriosa luxurious or Gloriosa is magnificent (Gloriosa superba) Is a deciduous liana with a tuberous rhizome, clinging to the supports with antennae. Branched shoots up to 2 m long with alternately sitting or collected in whorls of oblong-lanceolate leaves with antennae at the top are very graceful. Gloriosa luxurious produces single flowers located in the axils of the upper leaves with a deviated perianth, divided into six parts.

It is for this gloriosa that the most spectacular wavy lanceolate perianth lobes with an outer pink and inner two-colored side are characteristic, on which the yellow base is replaced by a bright red apex. The radially spaced stamens, which are usually green in color, resemble the spaced spokes of the wheel, only emphasize the unusual shape of the perianth.

Gloriosa blooms magnificent from June to September. In addition to the basic form, two more varieties of this plant are very popular – luxurious large-flowered gloriosa (var. Grandiflora) and yellow (var. Lutea) with pale yellow flowers with unusually curved petals, which seem surprisingly graceful and exotic unearthly. Gloriosa also has many varieties with outlandish flower colors, among which the yellow, pink and light green varieties are especially popular.

It is worth noting that earlier it was possible to find many different types of gloriasis on sale, which were considered as independent plants. But today, almost all varieties popular in room culture are included in one single species – luxurious gloriosa. These re-qualified species include gloriosis is simple (Glorious simple) Rothschild’s gloriosis (Gloriosa rothschildiana), gloriosa yellow (Gloriosa lutea) и gloriosa Carson (Gloriosa carson).

Gloriosa care at home

Gloriosa can hardly be called too capricious indoor exotic. But in the cultivation of this liana there is only one difficult moment, which makes many refuse the magnificent sight of the flowering of a fiery lily. The thing is that gloriosa requires extremely cool wintering. Shedding leaves for a dormant period, this beauty requires strict temperature control. Without a cool wintering, gloriosa will not only not bloom, but will not even please with spectacular greenery. For the rest, the cultivation of this vine is not too difficult, despite the fact that it prefers high humidity.

Gloriosa is one of the most poisonous indoor plants. True, the danger arises only when various parts of the plant get inside when ingested. Gloriasis does not irritate the skin. But in order to comply with all safety measures when working with a plant, it is necessary to complete any procedures by thoroughly washing your hands with soap.

Gloriosa is luxurious or Gloriosa is magnificent. Farmer Han Keat Lim

Gloriosa lighting

Gloriasis can be called a typical southern plant due to its preference for predominantly bright lighting. She prefers not just bright, but sunny locations. True, this climbing liana does not tolerate the midday sun and feels better on the eastern and western windowsills. Due to the fact that gloriosa sheds its leaves for the winter, it is not necessary to choose only the most brightly lit locations for it during the dormant period and it is not at all necessary to compensate for the seasonal decrease in light. The liana does not react too well to shading, the shoots are stretched out, and you can not wait for flowering at all. Gloriosa does not like even light partial shade.

Comfortable temperature

It is quite simple to choose comfortable temperatures for gloriosa during the period of active development and flowering. This beauty feels great in the usual room temperature range from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. At the same time, gloriosa does not tolerate temperature changes very well: it is desirable to create conditions for it as stable as possible.

All the difficulties with growing this plant begin with the selection of a winter maintenance regime. The thing is that this climbing vine, when removed from the soil for a dormant period, must be kept at a temperature of 12 to 15 degrees. The temperature for gloriosa should not fall below 12 degrees, and a rise in indicators above 18 degrees, even during wintering in the soil, will lead to a complete disruption of the process of laying flower buds.

At the same time, specific indicators depend on the digging for the winter or its absence (outside the soil, gloriasis is kept cool, in the soil – a slight decrease in indicators is enough). Many growers even keep this vine in the refrigerator. Gloriosa sheds not only foliage, but also shoots, in fact, it turns into a surprisingly compact plant that can be stored like bulbous or other tuberous crops.

The second difficult moment in ensuring comfortable temperatures for gloriasis is a smooth transition from a period of rest to the stage of active development. After transplanting in early spring, the temperature for gloriosa should be gradually increased, ensuring the slowest possible adaptation. Any sharp drop during this period will be disastrous for the vine. Plants should never be immediately transferred from a cool room to normal room temperatures. The softer the adaptation period, the more abundant gloriosa will bloom. The plant is transferred to “summer” temperatures after the first signs of growth of young shoots appear.

This plant in the summer flowering period will gratefully respond to placement on a warm balcony, but gloriosa should not be taken out into the garden, and it can be placed in the fresh air only with full protection from drafts and wind. This plant categorically does not tolerate drafts indoors, especially when it comes to airing rooms in cool weather. Gloriasis should be protected from sudden fluctuations in temperature and air currents by correct placement in locations with the least air movement in the room. It is also necessary to ensure that the plant does not get hot air streams from heating devices or from the kitchen.

Gloriosa is luxurious yellow. Farmer 澎湖 小 雲雀

Watering and air humidity

For this vine, it is necessary to provide a very high soil moisture, which is supported by abundant irrigation. The procedures must be carried out as soon as the topsoil dries slightly. Complete drying out of the earthen coma during the period of active development for this vine can become destructive, so you need to try to keep the substrate moderately moist or at least slightly moist to maintain the viability of the rhizome. But during the dormant period of gloriasis, it does not need watering at all.

In this case, it is not necessary to completely stop the procedures immediately, but to transfer the plants to the wintering mode also gradually, as the range of temperature indicators is changed in spring. Watering for the plant begins to be reduced from the moment when the first signs of yellowing of the foliage appear on the gloriasis. Gradually reducing the frequency of the procedure and the amount of water used, by the time the tubers enter the stage of complete dormancy, it is necessary to transfer the plant to a dry mode.

But the reverse transition to the stage of active development should be more abrupt. With the transplant, you need to start watering the gloriasis in accordance with the increase in air temperature, controlling the standard drying of the substrate along the upper layer.

It is much more difficult to provide comfortable plants with high air humidity. The higher the indicators, the more abundantly gloriosa will bloom and the more comfortable it will feel. For a plant, it is best to use the method of installing humidifiers, as which you can use not only special devices, but also ordinary pallets with wet moss, pebbles or expanded clay. If you supplement such an artisanal moisturizer with daily spraying, then the plant will more than reward the beauty of both flowering and greenery. But spraying should be done very carefully at the flowering stage: if drops of moisture fall on the flowers, they will fall off too quickly.

For both irrigation and spraying, it is important to use soft, settled water at the same temperature as the air in the room.

Gloriosa feed

The fertilization regime for this vine must fully correspond to the stage of its development. During the dormant period, top dressing is strictly prohibited, but during active growth and flowering, they are applied regularly and quite often. The optimal frequency of procedures for gloriasis is once every 1 weeks. In this case, you can use both universal indoor fertilizers, complex mixtures for flowering plants, and alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

Gloriosa is luxurious. Farmer Laurent HENSCHEN

Pruning gloriosa

Despite the fact that gloriosa is considered a climbing vine, capable of clinging to almost any support with the help of tendrils at the ends of the leaves, in fact, everything is not so simple and gloriosa will need help to form itself. The thing is that on the lowest leaves most often the antennae are generally absent, therefore, at the initial stage of shoot development, it is necessary to tie them to a support so that the vine itself can then climb over it.

At the same time, it is worth clarifying that the shoots of gloriosa do not twine around the support, the vine only clings to it and its shoots are quite fragile. And the antennae do not differ in their large size and great tenacity, because of which the gloriosa on its own can only cling to relatively thin beams or wire. If the support is massive, then the vine must be tied up constantly, directing and thus evenly distributing it over the support. But the ladders with thin twigs will help her form a dense crown on her own.

Take your time to prune gloriosa, even if the shoots appear to be overly long. It is best to contain the gloriosa by periodically directing the shoots downward, as if twisting it around the support. Pruning does not have a very good effect on flowering, since gloriosa produces their luxurious fiery inflorescences mainly on the upper leaves. Therefore, it is best not to cut the tops of the shoots, but to direct the plant so that it maintains a compact growth form.

Be very careful when tying, especially if the shoots need to be bent: they break too easily. Extreme care should be taken when transplanting a plant.

Gloriosa (Gloriosa). Farmer baronvonthierry

Gloriosa transplant, substrate and dormant storage

For gloriosa, substrates are selected from the number of nutritious and high-quality soil mixtures. This plant does not require the selection of extremely complex soils in composition; it can quite successfully grow in a simple mixture of two parts of humus and one part of leafy soil. If desired, perlite or sand can be added to increase the looseness of the soil. Ready-made substrates with increased nutritional value are also suitable for the plant, in extreme cases – a universal substrate for indoor plants. The main thing is that it is sufficiently nutritious and coarse fiber, and the reaction of the soil is neutral.

Digging a tuber for a dormant period is an individual question. Gloriosa can overwinter both in and out of soil. At the same time, the conditions of detention do not change, and it is worth choosing a storage method only for your own convenience. The dormant period begins in September, when the leaves of the plant gradually turn yellow, and then the shoots dry out. By the time of transition to the dormant stage, the plant should be gradually transferred to completely dry conditions. In the future, there are two ways:

  1. If you want to keep gloriasis in a pot, then simply place the containers in a dark, dry place with a cool room temperature (16-18 degrees) until February-March, when you can transplant.
  2. If you want to dig up gloriosa tubers, then after the shoots have dried, they must be removed from the soil, cleaned, placed in peat or sand and in a paper box or bag and stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 8-12 degrees. Such tubers are transplanted back into the substrate also in February-March.

The difference in these strategies affects the pace of development. If stored in the soil, gloriosa starts to grow in about 2 weeks, but if it is dug up and kept cool, it may take much longer before growth begins.

Regardless of age, gloriasis is transplanted every year when it is dug out of the substrate and, if necessary, during wintering in the ground. The procedure is carried out in late February or early March, stimulating kidney spilling. The procedure itself is not too complicated. Unlike many houseplants, gloriosa requires a complete soil replacement. When transplanting, a high drainage layer (from 5 cm) must be laid at the bottom of the container. Thanks to the formed tuber, the liana is planted in many ways like the classic bulbous plants.

The gloriosa tuber must be placed strictly horizontally, so that about 2-3 cm of soil remains from its top to the top of the substrate layer. It is especially necessary to handle the single bud, which is located at the rounded end of the tuber, with particular care. But with the entire rhizome, you need to be as careful as possible. Like shoots, the tuber of gloriosa is very fragile and does not tolerate any damage, even a small injury can lead to the death of the entire plant.

After transplantation, vines must be carefully cared for. The spilling of the plant must be artificially stimulated. Immediately after transplanting, gloriasis is placed in a temperature range of 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, in transitional conditions slightly warmer than winter ones, and in bright lighting. The soil must always be kept slightly moist, until the moment when new shoots appear on the plant. From the moment the shoots grow, the plants begin to gradually adapt to the usual conditions and higher levels of substrate and air humidity.

It is worth paying attention to the containers for this beauty. Glorioses prefer to grow in ceramic pots rather than plastic containers. In this case, the diameter of the pot must necessarily be greater than its height. In containers that are too deep, as in large containers, gloriosa will not bloom.

Gloriosa is luxurious. Farmer Delondiny

Diseases and pests of gloriasis

With good care, gloriasis can boast an enviable resistance to pests and diseases. For this plant, the only danger is aphids and scale insects, various types of rot with excessive watering.

Common growing problems:

  • slow development, lack of flowering with too little lighting, damage to the tuber during transplantation or storage in winter in the cold;
  • slowing down the growth of young shoots or darkening of the leaves due to a sharp temperature drop;
  • yellowing of leaves or the appearance of brown tips with excessive or low humidity;
  • drooping leaves, the appearance of yellow spots at the base, loss of elasticity and wilting of shoots with excessive dampness and rotting of tubers;
  • the appearance of white bloom on the leaves in case of violations of the rules of watering or excessively high humidity.

Club glorioses. Farmer Maja Dumat

Reproduction of gloriosa

Gloriosa reproduces vegetatively, by daughter plants, on an industrial scale and in very specific conditions – by dividing the tubers and by the seed method.

Adult glorioses usually form small new nodules next to the large maternal tuber, which can be detached and transplanted as independent plants. If you want to take the risk and get more plants from one tuber, then during transplanting in February or March, adult tubers can be cut into 2-3 pieces with a sharp knife, like a potato. In a plant, it is necessary to process all sections with crushed coal as carefully as possible. But whichever option you choose, divided tubers or small children must be planted in compact flower pots with a diameter of 12 to 15 cm, in a universal substrate with a loose texture.

In this case, it is necessary to place the tubers so that the growth point is directed upwards, and the substrate projection above the plant does not exceed 3 cm. For rooting, it is necessary to provide the bottom heating of the container at a temperature of about 22-24 degrees. In this case, the tubers must be kept in completely dry conditions until the moment when the first sprouts appear. As the shoots grow, they must be tied to a support. Plants are transplanted into larger containers only when the shoots become powerful and long.

When propagating from seeds, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that gloriosa shoots develop very slowly and they will have to grow for 3 years before flowering. It is possible to independently obtain gloriosa seeds only with artificial pollination with a soft brush. Purchased gloriosa seeds will not bring success; they must be sown immediately after harvest. Gloriosa seeds are usually recommended to be sown in a mixture of peat, turf soil and sand in equal proportions, germinated under glass with mandatory frequent ventilation and a temperature of 22 to 24 degrees Celsius. Plants are grown until powerful enough shoots are formed, slowly transplanting them into separate pots.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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