Guinea fowl eggs, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

general description

Guinea fowl eggs – are dietary products that have
low cholesterol and hypoallergenic properties. Guinea fowl egg
pear-shaped, yellowish-brown in color and very dense
shells. That is why they are easy to transport and exist.
less chance of contracting salmonellosis. Its beneficial properties
and the freshness of the eggs retains a fairly long period (up to six months)
at a temperature of 0-10 ° C. An average guinea fowl egg weighs 45-48 g.
European countries breed more guinea fowls than chickens.

History and distribution around the world

Guinea fowls are one of the types of poultry. Africa is their homeland.
It was from there that they spread throughout the world. First on the territory
Ancient Greece and Rome, and then the Portuguese in the 15-16 centuries. brought them
to Europe. This bird got its name in Russia from the word “tsar”,
since it was at the court that they began to be bred for the first time as decoration.

Where to find

In the free sale of guinea fowl eggs, it is quite difficult to find the cost
their high. In large supermarkets, guinea fowl eggs can be purchased
$ 2-3 for 10 pieces. Slightly cheaper can be bought on the farm from the breeder.

Calorie content of guinea fowl eggs

A dietary product, 100 g of which contains only 43 kcal.
These eggs are not fatty, but nutritious due to their high protein content.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 12,8 0,5 0,7 1,1 70 43

Useful properties of guinea fowl eggs

Composition and presence of nutrients

Guinea fowl eggs have a very high nutritional value. They contain
a wide variety of vitamins (D,
groups B, PP),
minerals (phosphorus,
and others) and amino acids (lysine, methionine, glutamine, asparagine, cystine).
The yolk is bright enough (almost orange) and contains
in itself carotenoids and provitamin A. The protein of this type of eggs has
bactericidal properties.

Use for diseases

Guinea fowl eggs are good for treating iron deficiency anemia,
diseases and pathologies of the peripheral and central nervous systems,
eye diseases, disruption of the stomach and intestines, in case of
metabolic processes manifested in the form of acne on the body.

They are also prescribed to pregnant and lactating mothers. If you have an allergy
for other types
eggs, then they can be replaced with caesarine. Especially it concerns

Guinea egg shell

It is no less unique and useful than the yolk or the white. It contains
a large amount of easily assimilable calcium and about 26 other elements.
Among them: fluorine, copper, iron, molybdenum, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus,
silicon, zinc, etc. Compared to synthetic calcium
in tablets, eggshell calcium is of organic origin,
therefore, almost 100% is absorbed. The quality of the shell depends entirely
from bird nutrition, the more complete it is, the denser the shell
and more trace elements in its composition. To prepare the powder
from eggshells, the shell must be thoroughly cleaned of protein
and boil it in two waters for 5 minutes. Then dry and grind it
in the coffee grinder. Powder should be taken in 1 tsp. drinking it daily

Use in cosmetology

Guinea fowl eggs are very good for making masks for the face, body and hair.
To cleanse pores and get rid of oily shine, use a mask
from yolk and oat flour. The ingredients are mixed to form a liquid
dough and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Instead of flour, you can use
cosmetic clay. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

The elasticity of the skin throughout the body will help to maintain a yogurt mask
(100 g), liquid vitamin E (3-4 drops) and eggs. Beat everything thoroughly
with a whisk, apply with massaging movements over the body and leave on
20 minutes. To prevent the mask from drying out quickly, you can wrap the overlap
cling film. After the required amount of time has elapsed,
take a warm shower. For hair, you can make a strengthening-softening
mask based on green
onions (1 tablespoon gruel), yolk and honey
(1 tbsp. L.). Chop the onion into a gruel with a blender and mix with the rest
components. Apply the mask evenly to the hair and leave under
plastic and a warm towel for an hour. Then rinse the hair with
shampoo in cool water. Egg masks cannot be washed off hair
under hot water. This will cause the egg to curl up, and its remains
can stick to hair. As a result, cleansing the hair will be sufficient

Use and nuances of cooking

You can eat guinea fowl eggs in any form (raw, boiled,
fried), as well as ingredients in the preparation of various
dishes: pastries, desserts, sauces, salads and others. Due to the thick
Guinea fowl eggshells are boiled a little longer than chicken eggs.
So soft-boiled them should be cooked for 3-4 minutes, and hard-boiled for 7-10 minutes.
Eggs cooked in the first way are best absorbed. They are
do not fasten and therefore are often prescribed to restore strength to people
in the postoperative period, especially after abdominal surgery
(for example, a caesarean section).

Dangerous properties of guinea fowl eggs

Guinea fowl eggs are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance
eggs. You should also not give them to children on the first day after vaccination,
since there may be allergic reactions against the background of reduced immunity.

In case of violations of protein digestibility, it is not worth it, there are guinea fowl eggs for people
with kidney and liver diseases.

In our video – a story about “The Tsar’s Bird” and a comparison
eggs of guinea fowls and chickens. As well as a description of the species and varieties, about
cultivation features, shape and size of eggs, as well as many others
interesting and informative data about this, not yet very widespread
in us birds.

See also the properties of other eggs:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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