Ruff, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Ruff belongs to the perch family and is the closest
a relative of the perch.
The name ruff was given for ruffling everything
his fins when he senses danger. It refers to
species of fish of the perch family, soft and prickly,
fins are fused into a single one. His body is short, small,
compressed at the sides. The ruff scales are very small. The skin contains
a lot of mucus.

Grayish green back, yellowish sides, whitish abdomen.
Fins are gray, only anal and paired with reddish

Ruff is a small fish. In length reaches 20 cm and weight
150 g, but they are now quite rare. His
usual sizes – 8-12 cm. Life expectancy is not
exceeds 8-10 years.

Ruffs live in flocks, they spend most of their lives at the bottom.
Usually the ruff sticks to places with a calm flow,
in bays, pits, on steep shores with clay and
sand and pebble bottom. Avoids reservoirs with high sediment
silt or abundantly overgrown with aquatic vegetation. Always
avoids sunlight and dislikes warm water. Usually
active in the evening and predawn twilight and at night.
Less active during the day, but awake in cloudy weather
and during the day. It goes to shallow waters only at night, and the rest
spends time at depth.

Ruff is very voracious and eats food per unit of mass
several times more than peled or bream.
Consumes food throughout the year without interruption,
any time of the day. Ruff feeds mainly on bottom
invertebrates (worms, molluscs, insect larvae),
caviar and fish larvae.

Ruff comes to puberty in the third or fourth
year of life. The caviar lays in several stages for
any substrate: stones, vegetation, driftwood. Spawning
starts in the second half of May – early June, on
north – later. Small caviar, up to 1 mm in diameter, yellowish
colors. The absolute fertility of ruff females fluctuates
in a wide range – from 4 thousand to 65 thousand eggs.

Indiscriminate food, gluttony, large numbers in limited
areas make the ruff a serious competitor in the nutrition of many valuable
fish species; reducing the number of food items, it is able to cause
significant damage to pond and lake fisheries. At that
the same time ruff is food for burbot
and pike.

Calorie ruff

Ruff is a high protein product, the calorie content of which
is 88 kcal per 100 g. Moderate consumption of this fish is not
lead to excess weight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 17,5 2 – 1 70 88

Useful properties of the ruff

High gastronomic qualities allowed the ruff to take
a special place in recreational fishing. Ruff meat
tasty, sweet, but contains too many bones.
Basically, the ruff is used to cook fish soup.

Dangerous properties of the ruff

Ruff meat should not be eaten only in case of individual intolerance
fish products.

On the air of the program “Men’s Company” the presenter demonstrates the rules
catching a ruff, telling not only about this fish, but also the intricacies of

See also properties of other fish:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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