Millet, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Millet is the seed of millet, a plant that is
one of the oldest crops. Earlier millet was called “golden
groats”, although it is not only yellow, but also
white, gray and even red. Millet porridge is a traditional
dish of the Eastern Slavs. It differs from other cereals,
primarily high in fat and promotes the
elimination of antibiotics from the body. Therefore, it is recommended to
use it during and after the course of treatment with antibiotic drugs.

Millet millet strife. To buy yourself healthy cereals,
it is better to choose millet, packaged in transparent bags.
The fact is that the color of millet can tell something
about the taste of the future porridge. Millet grains can be either
light yellow, almost beige, or chicken-
colored. The yellower the millet, the tastier the porridge will be. In
addition, darker millet will make your porridge crumbly,
while light millet will most likely make a “smudge”.
In addition, there are different varieties of millet.

The so-called millet-shingle is whole grains, freed
only from flower films. Such cereals have a characteristic
shine and have a slightly bitter taste, so
they are rarely used for making porridge. But millet
polished or crushed – these are millet kernels, completely
freed from flower films and partially from seed
and fruit membranes and embryos. It is yellower than shingle millet
and does not shine. Such millet is better absorbed,
cooked faster and is perfect for cereals and casseroles. Millet
crushed (by-product of the processing of millet) – fragmented
nuclei that are cooked very quickly. Such millet is good
for viscous cereals and meatballs.

And of course, do not forget to pay attention to the expiration
date of the purchased cereal. Unlike most cereals,
which can be stored for almost years, millet quickly
cakes and begins to taste bitter. A slight bitterness can be
eliminated by scalding the cereal
with boiling water before cooking or frying it dry in a pan.

Useful properties of millet

Millet is considered one of the
least allergenic grain crops. It is very easily
absorbed by the body, therefore it is suitable even for people
with sensitive digestion.

Millet contains 70% starch, 12-15% protein containing
essential amino acids, as well as a large amount of
fat 2.6-3.7%, fiber 0.5-08%, a small amount of
sugars up to 2%, vitamins B1, B2 ,
PP and large amounts of phosphorus,
potassium and magnesium.

In terms of protein content, millet surpasses rice and barley, and in terms of
fat content it is second only to oatmeal
. Millet proteins include essential amino acids – tretnin,
valine, leucine, lysine, histidine, as well as fatty acids, trace elements,
There are more B vitamins in it than in the grains of all other cereals,
folic acid is twice as much as in wheat and corn. Phosphorus
is 1.5 times more than in meat! Millet contains significant amounts of
zinc, iodine,
potassium, sodium,
magnesium and bromine.

In folk medicine, millet is considered a product that gives
strength, strengthens the body, especially the muscular system. Millet
is an excellent remedy for constipation. It removes
residual antibodies and their decomposition products from the body,
so everyone who is treated with antibiotics is advised
to eat millet porridge once a day. Millet boils quickly
and is suitable for crumbly cereals, puddings
and other dishes. At the same time, millet dishes are useful
for atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and liver diseases
due to their lipotropic effect.

Millet has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect and is
used in the treatment of dropsy. It helps to strengthen
broken and damaged bones and to bond soft
tissues, as well as to heal wounds.
Millet made from millet has medicinal properties .

Millet has a general strengthening effect on the body,
and it is believed that it helps to eliminate
antibiotics and toxins from the body . Millet porridge has a beneficial effect
on the body and atherosclerosis, and diabetes,
and liver diseases. And in case of inflammation of the pancreas
, it is recommended to eat it on a plate a day.

In folk medicine:

  • For tumors Pour
    1 tablespoon of millet and chopped millet straw with
    2 glasses of water, bring to a boil, boil for
    15 minutes. Insist 2 hours in a warm place or in a thermos,
    drain. Drink the broth warm 1/2 cup 3 times a
  • With diabetes mellitus Rinse
    millet under running water and dry slightly. Pour
    boiling water over. Insist 2 hours, drain. Drink 1/2
    cup 3 times a day between meals.

Dangerous properties of millet

Although this product is extremely beneficial for the body, it is
not suitable for all people.

Pregnant women are advised to consume millet in moderation . And men need to take into account that a greater amount of
millet in the diet may lead to a weakening of potency.

Recently, research has been published
showing that this cereal is capable of delaying the absorption of iodine. But many
doctors refute this hypothesis, since they believe that it is possible to take
iodine-containing preparations after eating a portion of millet, because these
valuable products can be distributed in the diet.

Doctors forbid the use of millet in large quantities for those
who have inflammation in the colon and those who have been diagnosed
with stomach diseases and low acidity. It is
also recommended to abstain from the use of millet during the treatment of hypothyroidism.

In this video, a nutritionist will talk about the benefits and dangers of millet porridge, and also answer popular questions about it.

See also properties of other products:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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