Mosswheel, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Mosswheel. belongs to the genus of tubular mushrooms and grows
from early summer to autumn in conifers, deciduous and mixed
forests singly or in small groups. Hemispherical hat,
becomes convex over time and then flat. From above
she is velvety, dark green or brown-brown
colors, the spongy layer is bright yellow. The pulp is firm, pale yellow,
in old mushrooms it is white, turns blue at the break. Fully flywheel
lives up to its name and grows, as a rule, in
moss. Different forests are suitable for the flywheel, but more often he prefers
settle in coniferous and, more specifically, in pine forests.

The genus Mokhovik unites 18 species, widely found in temperate
belts of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Green moss – edible mushroom (3 categories), better when young
Chestnut moss is an edible mushroom.
Red flywheel is an edible mushroom, although it is often damaged by larvae.
Powdered flywheel is an edible mushroom.
The Polish mushroom is a good edible mushroom. In central Europe, they say
is valued on a par with white.
Motley moss is one of the most popular mushrooms. Unfortunately,
often damaged by larvae and quickly molds. Fry
boiled, dried, pickled.
Semi-golden flywheel is a conditionally edible mushroom.
Wood flywheel is a conditionally edible mushroom.
Blunt flywheel – conditionally edible mushroom
Astraea flywheel is an inedible, non-toxic mushroom.
The flywheel is parasitic, the flywheel is parasitic – inedible non-toxic

By nutritional value and taste, mushrooms are conditionally
are divided into four categories.

Category 1 includes the most valuable and delicious species,
giving mushroom products of excellent quality (for example, white – birch, oak, pine, spruce; mushrooms – pine, spruce).

Category 2 includes good and fairly valuable mushrooms,
not inferior in quality to the previous ones (aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, blue and aspen milk mushrooms).

The 3 category includes mushrooms that are collected only
in the “mushroomless” (blue russula, autumn mushroom, flywheel).

The 4th category includes such mushrooms that most
mushroom pickers are usually bypassed, and collected on rare occasions
only a few amateurs. These are such mushrooms as oyster mushrooms – common, autumn, green russula, ram mushroom,
buttermilk swamp.

Useful properties of a flywheel

Mosswheel is a top-notch edible mushroom that can
be used without pre-boiling for
cooking hot dishes, for salting, pickling,
drying. The whole mushroom is used – the cap and the leg.

The flywheel contains a large amount of easily digestible
proteins, sugars, various enzymes and essential oils.
Mushrooms are very rich in extractive substances that give
they have a peculiar taste and smell, as well as enzymes that
contribute to better digestibility and assimilation of food.

Almost all edible mushrooms contain vitamins A,
B, B2, C,
D and PP.
Studies have shown that mushrooms in vitamin content
B, are not inferior to grain products. Vitamin PP in them
as much as it is in yeast, liver,
and vitamin D is not less than in creamy

To improve digestibility and assimilation, mushrooms are recommended
grind well.

It should not be forgotten that mushrooms contain easily oxidized
substances that, when in contact with air, quickly
darken and give such mushrooms an unattractive appearance.
To avoid this, the processing of such mushrooms should be done
as quickly as possible, trying not to allow
peeled mushrooms were left in the air for a long time, and immediately
dip them into the water. One liter of water is required
add a teaspoon of salt and two grams of citric acid.

Dangerous properties of the flywheel

Like other types of mushrooms, mushrooms are considered a heavy food,
therefore, they are not advised to be used for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal

The flywheel hat is similar to the so-called panther
, which is one of the most poisonous mushrooms.
Therefore, you need to look carefully at the back of the hat –
in the fly agarics it is tubular, and in the fly agaric it is lamellar.

Flyworms can also harm those who are diagnosed with
chronic liver or stomach diseases, or mushroom allergies.

Carefully they should be given to children, not including in the diet of babies before
3 years.

Also remember that you do not need to collect flyworms near roads and in forest belts.
from enterprises, as they accumulate harmful substances.

In this video, you can see the flywheel, as well as learn about its characteristic features. This information will be especially useful for mushroom pickers.

See also the properties of other mushrooms:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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