Honeydew honey – what it looks like and how it differs

Not all honey consumers know that bees are able to collect nectar not only from honey plants. Often, due to bad weather conditions, the nectar simply disappears or the plants release it in small quantities. Then the workers are forced to look for alternative sources. These are deposits on plant leaves or pine needles. This sweetish dew is honeydew, it serves as nectar, from which the bee produces honeydew honey useful for humans, but dangerous for the family. Such suppliers of this plant nectar are the leaves of oak, aspen, linden, willow and some conifers.

Types of honeydew

Sweet deposits or honeydew appear on the surface of the leaves thanks to insects that feed on the sap of the plant. Aphids, worms, and leaf fleas leave a sweet salivary secretion with a high sugar content. Such deposits are collected by bees. But this happens only when insects lack nectar. Dry summers and insufficient nectar production by plants. The situation briefly explains what honeydew honey is.

Plants can secrete sweet deposits on their own without the participation of insects. Therefore, two types are distinguished:

  • vegetable;
  • animals left by insects.

The pad looks like a sticky sweet substance on the surface of plant leaves.

Honeydew honey: descriptions, distinctive characteristics

In most European countries, honeydew honey is considered the most useful. In the CIS countries it is not considered as such. Obviously, this is due to the fact that once Peter I prohibited selling it on the territory of Russia by a special decree, simply not realizing all its properties. Some share of mistrust has survived to this day.

This is a useful, valuable product with a rich content of nutrients, which is distinguished by the following characteristic features:

  • color – from golden to dark brown;
  • the consistency resembles tar, thick and viscous;
  • pleasant sweet taste with hardly noticeable bitterness;
  • the smell is practically absent, but sometimes a subtle aroma is felt;
  • almost not soiled, but subject to fermentation.

Honeydew honey is useful for humans, but for the bees themselves it is extremely dangerous. And they produce it only when there is a shortage of nectar. You cannot leave it for winter feeding, since when using such honey, the bee’s body is depleted, and the family may die. The composition contains toxins that cause intoxication in the bee, provoke diarrhea, which leads to death.

About honeydew

In hot dry summers, plants often stop actively secreting nectar. At the same time, insects are activated, which absorb plant juices. This time is considered to be a zero-take period for bees. Therefore, the bees begin to take the honeydew. This happens most actively in the morning and late afternoon.

Experienced beekeepers, by the color of honeydew honey, can determine from which plant this kind of nectar was taken:

  • if this useful product has a greenish or amber hue, then the pad was taken from conifers;
  • from deciduous – a rich brown shade;
  • honeydew honey of plant origin has a dark, almost black color;
  • if pollen is present in the composition, it turns out to be a golden hue.


The effect on the human body of this useful product is due to its composition:

  • iron;
  • cobalt;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • nitrogen;
  • phytoncides;
  • organic, mineral acids;
  • vitamins;
  • fructose;
  • protein;
  • glucose;
  • sucrose.

If honeydew honey is of plant origin, then the composition increases the amount of minerals and trace elements. In the composition of the product, collected from the sweet secretion of insects, an increased content of protein and dextrins is noted.


Bees producing honeydew honey live much shorter lives.

Caloric value

The product is considered high in calories. 100 grams of the product contains 328 kilocalories. It is convenient to calculate them using the following calculations:

  • one tablespoon – 115 calories;
  • there are about 40 of them in a teaspoon.

Useful Properties

Honeydew honey, due to its rich composition, is of great benefit, but does not exclude harm. This useful nectar is actively used in folk medicine, since the percentage of nutrients is much higher than the content in more famous varieties. This is due to the beneficial effect on the human body. Namely:

  • the presence of phosphorus and calcium improves the condition of the teeth, prevents the development of caries;
  • gives a charge of vivacity, energy to elderly people, promotes rejuvenation;
  • recommended for people as a remedy after stroke, heart attack;
  • a large amount of potassium contributes to the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthens the immune system, increases protective functions in case of influenza epidemics and viral diseases;
  • normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin with anemia;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins, toxins;
  • stimulate the liver, kidneys, pancreas;
  • improves hair condition, strengthens roots and stimulates growth;
  • rejuvenates the skin, activates the regeneration process, eliminates cellulite.

Honeydew honey belongs to medicinal products, therefore its use as an ordinary one is not recommended. On the modern market, you can find a mixture of flower and honeydew honey. This should not scare away buyers, as such a mix only enhances the effect of this useful product.

How to check honey for honeydew

Interest in honeydew honey is increasing every year. Millions of people have already become convinced of its healing properties. Popularity activates scammers who sell fakes under the guise of paddy. There are several ways to determine natural honeydew honey.

  1. Mix nectar with distilled water in equal proportions. Try to completely dissolve. Add 10 ml of rubbing alcohol. If the solution becomes cloudy or a precipitate appears, then this indicates the presence of a honeydew.
  2. Prepare an aqueous solution of lime. To do this, extinguish lime in water, the sludge formed on the surface is lime water. Dilute one part of honey in an equal amount of water and add two parts of lime mortar. Put the liquid on fire. While stirring, bring to a boil. The appearance of white flakes indicates the presence of honeydew.
  3. Drop a drop on a piece of school blotting paper. There is a shortage of it today, you can replace it with a napkin. If water is present in the composition, the drop will be quickly absorbed. Natural will keep its shape. This is the way to determine natural honeydew honey.


At the end of the season, they are completely pumped out of the hives. If there is no other useful product, the bees are fed with sugar syrup.

Having an idea of ​​how to distinguish a fake, everyone will be able to protect themselves from the actions of unreliable traders.

How to use

Honeydew honey is not only useful, but also a healing product. It must be taken in the recommended doses. Otherwise, the use will not give a positive result. Take a tablespoon daily. It can be consumed in pure form, diluted in water, tea, milk. The liquid should not be hot. If this useful beekeeping product is dissolved in hot tea, it loses its medicinal and beneficial properties. The optimum temperature is not higher than 65 degrees.

Do not combine intake with food intake. It is necessary to do this at least half an hour before bedtime. During the treatment of diseases, you can increase the daily dose by five tablespoons.


Honeydew honey, like other beekeeping products, has a number of contraindications. This healthy nectar is not recommended:

  • people who have allergic reactions to bee products;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under two years of age;
  • with diabetes and obesity;
  • with liver diseases in acute form;
  • with renal failure.

Most contraindications can be canceled on the advice of the attending physician. But most of all this applies to people with diabetes.


Storage conditions at home do not differ from the conditions under which any other type of honey is stored. Use glass, ceramic containers with a tight-fitting lid and store in a dark, cool place (+7 degrees). Do not buy it in large doses. If the storage conditions are violated, this useful product undergoes fermentation and is not suitable for intake. It must be remembered that honey loses its beneficial properties after a year.

The container should not be left open, as it quickly deteriorates upon contact with oxygen. A useful product should not be considered a simple delicacy. Take it in violation of the recommended norms. It is a remedy. Large quantities will not be useful.

Such a useful product for people and often destructive for bees is their own product. Healthy honey is hard to find on the market. It is better to purchase it at specialized points or from trusted beekeepers. And don’t overdo it with the reception.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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