How to kill and butcher a ram

When purchasing a live lamb, the breeder should remember that sooner or later he will have to face the problem of slaughter. When keeping an animal at home, you should be aware of the peculiarities of how to cut a sheep, properly skin it and cut the carcass into separate parts, why adhere to these rules.

Table of Contents
  1. Sheep Butcher
  2. The main differences in the slaughter and cutting of sheep in industrial and domestic conditions
  3. Preparation for slaughter
  4. How to immobilize the ram
  5. Killing and bleeding
  6. How to properly carve the lamb carcass?

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How to cut a sheep

Getting high-quality mutton is up to you It’s difficult to follow step-by-step instructions in order to preserve the quality of not only the product and organs, but also the skins of the slaughtered animal. In addition, some methods for improving the taste of the carcass should be applied a few days before butchering.

Wizard for cutting sheep

By In Kazakh and Muslim traditions, raising and slaughtering a sheep is a male affair. Oriental men learn how to cut a sheep from an early age, observing the work of the hands of their fathers and grandfathers. Muslims are partly prepared for the slaughter of rams for religious reasons (sacrificial offering on the holiday of Kurban Bayram). Adherents of Islam during the procedure read a prayer, cut, bleed the animal and cut it. They say: “We slaughter a ram or a camel, and Allah will be supportive.”

The person who cuts the lamb must be a skilled craftsman, because the quality of the cutting will determine not only the meat, but also the internal organs: liver, heart, etc. This is why Muslims are considered the best butchers .

Lamb cutting for a religious holiday is a centuries-old tradition. The first to get organs, the second to soups from the head and legs, and the third to lamb kebab, pilaf, rack and other meat dishes. Unlike Orthodoxy, where people fast, limiting themselves in food, people of the East do not consider this necessary. Even in the post of Uraza, Muslims limit themselves not in the use of meat, but in the time of the meal itself. In addition, on Islamic holidays, raw meat is often distributed to the poor in need of food. The attitude to the procedure for slaughtering a ram and its cutting plays a major role in the quality of prepared meat products, therefore no one will say better than a Muslim how to slaughter a ram.

The main differences between slaughter and cutting of rams in industrial and domestic conditions

Cutting a sheep at home and in industrial slaughterhouses has some differences. They concern most often:

  • use of tools (electrical equipment may be used);
  • places of slaughter and cutting;
  • compliance with sanitary standards;
  • speed of all technological operations.

Wherever there is a special place for carrying out technological processes for obtaining meat products, sanitary standards are more taken into account. Slaughter, which is carried out in the yard of the farm, experts consider it wrong. This is partly related to the risk of contamination of meat, which can lead to infection by harmful infections, therefore, even ordinary farmers are recommended to slaughter their cattle in specialized workshops.

If the slaughter of sheep or rams is carried out independently, the farmer should be aware of meeting all process requirements. The first should be carried out preparatory operations, after which immobilization, slaughter and cutting of the animal. A sheep is cut only after all preparatory operations are completed.

Preparing for slaughter

Before cutting a ram, several preparatory operations should be performed. A separate place is given to feeding and watering animals. 12 hours before the planned slaughter, the sheep or sheep are kept without food. The main reasons for this preparation are related to the need to empty the intestines of the animal, which will lead to:

  • facilitating the process of slaughter and butchering;
  • reducing the risk of contamination of mutton with feces;
  • compliance with sanitary standards.

If you can’t feed your pets before slaughter, you should not refuse to drink them.A large amount of water drunk by cattle can improve the process of separating the skin from the carcass. If you slaughter an animal while not drunk, the skin may be damaged. That’s why, before cutting a ram, it is often watered forcibly.

The time of the last haircut is also important. To get high-quality wool, sheep or sheep are sheared 1.5-2 months before the planned slaughter. By the time of cutting, she manages to grow to the required length.

We must not forget about the veterinary examination. The specialist should examine the animal for the absence of diseases dangerous to humans. If normal health is confirmed, the veterinarian must give the farmer a certificate confirming that the animal is ready for slaughter.

How to immobilize a sheep

You can slaughter and slaughter a sheep correctly, only previously immobilizing it. You need to apply the most common method of the procedure – stunning. In industrial workshops, electric current or gas is most often used. The purpose of this procedure is to facilitate the slaughter process. In addition, the animal, when killed, is in a disconnected state, as in a dream. The quick actions of a person allow us to avoid the painful death of a ram, and this is fully consistent with human humanity.

Before refreshing a young ram, you need to decide on the exact method of neutralizing it. At home, the use of carbon dioxide is not popular, since it requires a sealed chamber.There are fewer problems with the electric discharge:

  1. One of the wire contacts is connected to a special box and connected to the metal floor.
  2. The animal is driven into the box.
  3. Second touch the ram’s head with a contact.

The effectiveness of this method is high. The discharge of electric current paralyzes the sheep’s muscles and disrupts the activity of its nervous system.

The scheme for using carbon dioxide is simpler. An example of such sheep clearance can be found on the Internet. There are many videos with detailed instructions for such an operation.

A few decades ago, before carving a lamb carcass, people stunned the animal with a hammer on the head. It is not necessary to talk about the effectiveness of this method. It often allows you to kill a sheep in advance or ram quickly and efficiently, which saves h It’s far from the very concept of immobilization. But, this method has several drawbacks. The main one is the need to use an assistant who will keep the lamb.

All immobilization methods are equally effective, the main thing is to act according to the instructions. It is very important not to frighten prematurely a lamb, because in that case it will not be easy to kill him: he will resist and can cause injury to a person.

Killing and bleeding

Slaughter and butcher the ram, as claimed specialists should be with responsible with certain rules GOST (butchering sheep and goat meat in the cuts). There are many video tutorials about performing bleeding and the actions that take place after it.The slaughter of a sheep or ram has the following features:

  1. The suitable age for slaughter is 7-14 months (how many months will be left for the animal before slaughter depends on the rate of weight gain). The ram is growing fast. In addition, some breeds are classified as fast-growing. So, a Gorky sheep by the age of 8 months weighs more than other cattle in its average developmental condition.
  2. The animal is slaughtered in a specially equipped place with hooks for hanging carcasses or a special drain for blood.
  3. For bleeding, you need to make an incision with a knife in the region of the cervical vessels. After it is placed on a clean floor sideways or suspended in a designated place. The right procedure for bleeding is the key to the quality of cutting a sheep.

If the household does not have a designated room, you can cut a sheep, as experts say, on the street. But for this, care should be taken to design a special frame with hooks on which all operations can be carried out. In addition, if the supports of this design are dug into the ground and concreted, the cutting of the ram parts will be convenient.

We must not forget which tool will be used to cut the lamb carcass. It is worth choosing several large sharp knives, used both for cutting the carcass into parts, and for skinning. If such a knife does not cut, you can also use a hammer. You also need to prepare containers for drained blood, organs and individual parts of meat products.This will leave them clean, not susceptible to infection by harmful bacteria. After preparation, the animal is cut. All that remains is to start cutting up.

How to properly cut a lamb carcass?

You can find out how to properly cut a lamb carcass after bleeding into separate parts in special regulatory documents (GOST). The answer to the question of how to undress a ram for culinary needs correctly consists of several points:

  1. A bloodless sheep or a ram is laid on a horizontal surface (a floor covered with oilcloth or a table).
  2. knife and separate the animal’s head.
  3. The ram’s front legs break at the level of the hooves and cut the skin to the inguinal region with a longitudinal incision. After, the skin is separated so that it remains only on the back.
  4. The carcass is hung by its hind legs, after which it is necessary to tear the abdominal cavity and cut out the stomach and intestines. Next in line are the liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.

After the operations, each cuts the part of the carcass that he needs. Most often, a sheep, loin parts, shoulder blade and legs are separated by a ram.

In production workshops, carcasses are often divided into 2 parts by a longitudinal section. Half carcass is easier to disassemble into separate parts. But there is a drawback: large parts of the products are stored longer. Continuation of the article …

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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