Varieties of Shears for Shearing Sheep

People who grow sheep need to constantly monitor the hair of their pets, be sure to cut it. This procedure is not easy, so you need to know all the rules and subtleties that accompany it. The farmer must choose the right tool to quickly and efficiently trim the sheep. There is a fairly rich selection of tools designed specifically for the described animals.You need to be able to correctly perform this action and acquire certain scissors for shearing sheep. It is difficult to trim the population in large numbers, so it is almost always used clippers: it is much easier for the farmer to carry out such a procedure.

Table of Contents
  1. Haircut Purposes
  2. Than it is customary to trim the sheep
  3. Single scissors
  4. Double scissors
  5. Electric cars
  6. Conclusion

Процесс стрижки овец

Shearing process

Shearing objectives

ich sheep either manually or with a special electrical device. Manual shearing takes a lot of strength and energy, especially if there are a lot of sheep. Farmers who contain a fairly large number of animals and are engaged in growing sheep constantly, have long been using this method. They preferred electrical options.

During the shearing process, the sheep begin to behave uneasily. Keeping a sheep is difficult enough for one or even two farmers, so there is a danger of injury to both a person and an animal.In this case, shearing with a machine helps, since the risk of injury is significantly reduced than using ordinary scissors.

Special machines are convenient, they do not pull the wool out of the sheep and thus do not harm them. The haircut procedure while using the machine is much faster. In addition, the wool does not deteriorate and does not tear, so there is a chance to get a quality fleece and increase the price for it. Today, ram hair is in good demand. Trimmed wool is usually bought in any form:

  • not washed;
  • stiff;
  • weed;
  • burdock;
  • fine and coarse;
  • fluffy and fleecy;
  • flannelette.

Any coat will not be left without attention. It is impossible to make sheep skins without trimming the pile. It should be noted that a haircut is needed not only to get the wool and sell it, but also for the cleanliness of the rams. Lumps of dirt on the wool leads to the multiplication of parasites, which are difficult to remove. If the pile gets wet, then the sheep begin to hurt, since it is unrealistic to dry the herd. As a result, the animals get sick and die.

What is customary to trim the sheep

If you are faced with choosing a haircut, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing options. There are two of them:

  • manual scissors;
  • electronic machines.

Hand tools began to be used for a long time, but their popularity has not decreased, many use them to this day.Electrical appliances, of course, are convenient to use, but their price is not suitable for everyone, so farmers with few sheep use just ordinary tools.

There are several types of manual scissors:

  • single ;
  • double.

Single scissors

The simplest and most affordable option is a single scissors. When working with them you need to make serious physical effort. Such a tool will be appropriate if the economy is small: about 20 goals, and also if there is experience in cutting hair, since it will be difficult for a beginner to cope. The shape of the device is almost completely identical to the instrument from distant Ancient Rome. It is characterized by increased rigidity, but over time it ceases to be a problem.

Single scissors sheep shearing

Double scissors

A more advanced option, of course, are double scissors. The design of this tool is original: they are made in the shape of a heart, due to which the load on the fingers of the shearer is not so big and smoother, therefore the process is significantly accelerated. This tool is better for beginners to choose, it will be better to “lie” in the hand and it is easier to compress it. In this option, an individual choice is available, as double scissors can be of different sizes.

Double shears for shearing

The simplest tools are single scissors, they cut perfectly, but a little slowly. The danger lies in the fact that with their help it is easy to injure the animal. Double scissors are a more convenient option. Mowing them is much more convenient. They have bends that affect the quality of the haircut.

In order not to harm the animals, the haircut should be carried out correctly. For example, the tools with which pet hair is trimmed must be sharpened before use so as not to tear out the fibers and not hurt the animals. Sharpening the tool is not difficult, anyone who has ever sharpened knives at home will cope with this process.

Since the cutting devices are sharp enough after sharpening, use them carefully so as not to injure yourself, not an animal.

Electric cars

Cars that run on the network are simple and do not require a lot of effort to properly trim the sheep. At the points of sale of such tools, there are many models for every taste. If everything is correctly calculated, you can choose the perfect machine with good power and a set of functions. A similar product can quickly recoup the costs of its acquisition.

Electronic shears for shearing sheep

Experienced farmers should know that the fibers of a young sheep after the first haircut are practically not appreciated, but it is necessary to trim the pet, since no one has canceled the hygiene rules. When a farmer cuts a second and third time, his earnings will increase significantly.


Shearing sheep is not difficult if you already have some experience. Animal fur is in good demand in the market, so this type of earnings is quite interesting. If a person has a large flock of sheep, he just needs to purchase special electrical equipment for shearing, as manually it will take a lot of time.

Choose a sheep trimmer Kaison, EWE, GTS, Heiniger ..
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At the same time, when the population is small, you should not waste money, because manually a small number of animals will not be zhelo cut.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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