How to treat a runny nose with honey

A runny nose accompanies most of the so-called colds, common in the cold season – acute respiratory infections, ARVI. In reference books on traditional medicine, the treatment of a cold with honey is recommended for both children and adults.

The content of the article

  • 1 Expected benefit
  • 2 Which honey to choose
    • 2.1 Drops
    • 2.2 Drops for prolonged rhinitis
    • 2.3 Drops for prolonged runny nose – the second option
    • 2.4 Tampons for prolonged runny nose and sinusitis
    • 2.5 inhalation

Expected benefit

It is believed that this bee product allows the mucous membrane to regenerate faster, and also destroys some bacteria and viruses.

In any case, harm from the use of honey in such cases should not be expected, with the exception of individual intolerance. But in fact, an allergy to honey is a rather rare phenomenon – complete intolerance occurs in about three out of a thousand people.

Read: How to recognize and treat honey allergies

Other positive aspects of using a bee product are:

  • saturation of the body with minerals and vitamins;
  • normalization of metabolic processes (despite the high calorie content, honey starts metabolism well when consumed in the form of an aqueous solution);
  • beneficial effects on the function of the stomach and intestines;
  • calming the nervous system (helps to fall asleep when taken at night with milk or warm water).

Read more: Drinking honey for colds

Which honey to choose

In fact, it makes no difference which variety will be preferred in the fight against colds and runny nose..

But it is traditionally believed that the polyfloral (multicomponent) variety is the richest in vitamins and microelements. These types include a bee product obtained from summer forbs, as well as May, collected during flowering gardens.

Read more: Polyfloral (multicomponent) honey


The simplest home remedy is a honey solution made with boiled water cooled to body temperature.

You will need:

  • one part of the honey product;
  • and one part of water (proportion one to one).

Instillation is performed three to four times a day, 1-2 drops in each nasal passage. This recipe is suitable for both children and adults.

The same solution can be used to gargle if there is redness or the tonsils begin to become inflamed..

Drops for prolonged rhinitis

For a runny nose that lasts longer than a week, folk healers advise using aloe… For this, a leaf of a plant of three years old (or older) is crushed in a meat grinder. The resulting juice is mixed with natural liquid honey.

You will need:

  • part of the sap of the plant;
  • part of the honey product.

The tool must be infused for four to five hours beforehand. It is buried in a heated form three to four times a day.

Drops for prolonged runny nose – the second option

You can use the juice from Kalanchoe leaves… The effect on the mucous membrane of this plant is similar to aloe – edema and acute inflammation are removed.

You will need:

  • one part of juice;
  • and part of the liquid honey product.

Pure juice helps to clear the nasal passages of thick mucus – after instillation, a sneezing reflex is triggered.

Please note that Kalanchoe is unsafe with a tendency to nosebleeds (weak vessels). During a violent sneeze, blood may flow. For the same reason, the plant is not recommended for young children.

Tampons for prolonged runny nose and sinusitis

Treatment of a cold with honey in adults can be done using gauze tampons or hygienic sticks, matches with a cotton swab.

You will need:

  • juice from rhizomes of cyclamen – a teaspoon;
  • aloe leaf juice – a teaspoon;
  • juice from Kalanchoe leaves – a teaspoon;
  • onion juice – a teaspoon;
  • liquid natural honey – a teaspoon;
  • Vishnevsky ointment – a teaspoon.

The mixture is lubricated with two hygiene sticks and inserted into both nasal nostrils for thirty minutes. If there are symptoms of sinusitis, it goes away after three weeks of daily use of such tampons.


For the procedure, you will need an inhaler or a regular kettle, the spout of which is used to inhale the vapors.

A honey solution is being prepared:

  • from 45 milliliters of distilled or boiled chilled water;
  • and 5 grams of liquid honey product.

You can also prepare a 30-50% solution if the honey product is well tolerated (no allergies).

If a kettle is used, it is half full of water. It is boiled, cooled to 40-50 degrees. Then a tablespoon of natural honey is stirred in water (no difference liquid or candied).

The vapors are inhaled within 15-20 minutes. As the kettle cools down, you can add a little hot water to it. The procedure is performed at night until relief occurs.

Inhalation will be effective for beginning sinusitis, lingering rhinitis, bronchitis and other diseases accompanied by severe cough.

Please note that the use of the inhaler is prohibited:

  • with myocarditis, dysfunction of the heart valves;
  • at high temperature;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • with pathological expansion of the bronchi and alveoli.

In addition to local treatment, it will be useful to use honey inside.… There are many recipes for general strengthening of the body, including the same honey water in the morning.

Read more: How to Boost Immunity with Honey

Remember that natural honey is used with caution in childhood due to the threat of an allergic reaction. Up to six months, it is generally contraindicated (not worth using even in the form of drops!). In the future, the dosage is selected taking into account the recommendations of the pediatrician. Adults also need to consult a doctor before ingestion or topical use (there are contraindications).

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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