Indoor Growing – Hydroponics

Indoor cultivation

For indoor cultivation, all plant needs for water, food and light, fresh air, CO must be met.2, temperature and humidity of the environment. In addition, the space should be as free of pathogens as possible.


Features of hydroponic greenhouses

Hydroponic greenhouses are not much different from any other indoor greenhouse. They have the same general principles that apply to all crops and types of indoor crop production. But there is still a certain difference.

  1. In any hydroponic greenhouse, much more water circulates than in a room where plants are grown in soil. Large masses of water move in hydroponics: you have to fill and empty the system, flush it … It will not hurt to waterproof the floor.
  2. Another important difference is the noise level: running pumps, circulating water, exhaust fans, from circulating fans, starter lamps.


Related Articles

Articles that will help you study the topic of hydroponic greenhouses in more detail:

  1. Growroom (гроурум)
  2. Growbox (гроубокс)



Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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